i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

News archives

October 2024

Une journée avec Bruno Latour
Posted on 21 October 2024
Coordinated by David Pontille and Vololona Rabeharisoa, Presses des mines. Bruno Latour has left a considerable intellectual legacy, many milestones of which [...]
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Paranoid Finance
Posted on 2 October 2024
by Fabian Muniesa, Polity Press. There is a link between finance and paranoia, and that link may well be inescapable. At the core of financial imagination
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June 2024

Icubiades Days
Posted on 27 June 2024
The five themes were illustrated by presentations of the work of i3 researchers
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First Axis D meeting
Posted on 25 June 2024
Discussion on ‘L'Innovation, mais pour quoi faire? Essai sur un mythe économique, social et managérial’ (Le Seuil, 2023) by Franck Aggeri
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“Innovation, but for what?” by Franck Aggeri
Posted on 19 June 2024
EFDM FNEGE prize for the best works of management research
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Opening of a post-doctorate position in Management on “Just Transition”:
Posted on 17 June 2024
how can we effectively combat environmental threats while preserving social justice?
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May 2024

ESTS, « Maintenance & Its Knowledges » thematic collection
Posted on 3 May 2024
This thematic collection highlights the epistemic virtues of maintenance by examining a still underestimated and unexplored dimension: the forms of knowledge associated with maintenance activities.
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March 2024

Publication of the Spring 2024 Aegis Libellio
Posted on 18 March 2024
In this issue, Pierre-Michel Menger presents the notion of talent. Laure Colin looks at Timothy Pollock's book on how to present research, and Aurore Fiérobe at William James's Essays in Radical Empiricism...
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Flavien Bazenet won the first Sphynx 2023 thesis prize
Posted on 12 March 2024
This thesis analyses the influence of journalistic accounts on the entrepreneurial intentions of start-ups or digital entrepreneurs.
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February 2024

Béatrice Cointe, CNRS Research Fellow, (i3-CSI, UMR 9217) was awarded the CNRS Bronze Medal for 2024.
Posted on 21 February 2024
Béatrice Cointe is studying the socio-economic forecasting of climate change and the way in which scenarios and forecasting tools are constructed to assess the various options for action on climate change.
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January 2024

Notice to CNRS applicants interested in i3 teams
Posted on 15 January 2024
Applications will be examined at team level and by the Institute's Laboratory Council.
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Madalina Nicolae, IP Paris doctoral student, winner of the best demo prize at ACM UIST 2023
Posted on 12 January 2024
Best Demo Award at ACM UIST 2023 in San Francisco for "Biohybrid Devices: Prototyping Interactive Devices with Growable Materials".
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The MIE Department is opening four new posts on 1 September 2024
Posted on 12 January 2024
The deadline for complete applications is 26 February 2024.
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“Une Journée avec Bruno Latour”: The event in videos, texts, drawings and pictures
Posted on 4 January 2024
Visit the website “Une journée avec Bruno Latour”
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December 2023

Notice to CNRS applicants interested in i3 teams
Posted on 21 December 2023
Applications will be examined at team level and by the Institute's Laboratory Council.
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Libellio vol 19 winter 2023 published
Posted on 19 December 2023
In this issue, Jean-François Chanlat reports on the books by Franck Aggeri on innovation and Pierre-Yves Gomez on capitalism, and Claire Trubert on the book by Hervé Dumez and Étienne Minvielle on the management of the Covid crisis by the hospital system.
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Books by i3 researchers published in 2023
Posted on 18 December 2023
Twelve books written by i3 researchers to reflect on innovation.
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Newcomers to i3
Posted on 16 December 2023
Newscomers at i3: PhD students, lecturers and administrative staff from June
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A look back at the i3 Summer School 2023 on the Ile d’Oléron
Posted on 8 December 2023
The aim of this summer school was to encourage interdisciplinary exchanges between researchers, PhD students and research support staff from the various centers that make up the institute.
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Guillaume Wald wins the Association des Economistes de l’Energie (AEE) prize for the best doctoral paper in energy economics.
Posted on 8 December 2023
For his paper: « The Effects of Energy Efficiency Obligation on Residential Energy use: Empirical Evidence from France ».
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November 2023

Agathe Amadieu, winner of the Rémi Maniak prize for best PIC master’s thesis
Posted on 23 November 2023
Dissertation entitled "Integrating Web 3.0 exploration projects into retail activities: mission impossible? The case of Groupe Casino's NFT and metavers projects".
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Jérôme Denis and David Pontille receive the 2023 Architecture Book Prize
Posted on 22 November 2023
An article in the Journal du CNRS is devoted to them
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Digital collaboration and work organization – Beyond the promises
Posted on 2 November 2023
By Suzy Canivenc and Marie-Laure Cahier
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October 2023

“Le soin des choses” by Jérôme Denis and David Pontille (La Découverte) is the winner of the Prix du livre d’architecture 2023 awarded by the Académie d’Architecture.
Posted on 27 October 2023
The Prix du Livre d'architecture 2023 will be awarded to Jérôme Denis and David Pontille on November 10 at 6pm at the Académie d'architecture (Registration required).
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September 21: “Low-tech, maintenance, limits: How to rethink digital technology and its environmental impact” Day
Posted on 18 October 2023
organized by Clément Marquet (CSI, Mines Paris - PSL, i3) and Florence Maraninchi (Verimag, Grenoble INP - UGA) at Mines Paris-PSL.
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Fête de la science at i3: Video on science fiction and transhumanism
Posted on 13 October 2023
Transhumanism and science fiction. Germinata, a novel by Olivier Fournout, sociologist at Télécom-Paris
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Matilda, the academic literature search tool, is now online
Posted on 2 October 2023
Mathilda is based on open data and free software, bringing together literature published since 2019, including preprints from RePeC and ArXiv, the entire Crossref and PubMed databases, all enhanced by Orcid and Unpaywall.
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September 2023

Release of Libellio 19 autumn 2023
Posted on 19 September 2023
This issue features a special report on Vienna, the center of the scientific world between the end of the 19th century and the Anschluss.
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August 2023

Repère FIT 2 Futur du travail n°17 – September 2023
Posted on 31 August 2023
Two radically different views of the factory... and yet... A short comparative history of L'établi and Michelin, matricule F276710
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Rising temperatures: the cold sweat of counting mortality
Posted on 23 August 2023
Latest article by François Lévêque in The conversation
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July 2023

i3-SES researchers Thomas Houy and Valérie Fernandez win two awards
Posted on 25 July 2023
They were awarded the AEI prize for Innovation in Entrepreneurial Pedagogy and the FNEGE prize for the best pedagogical device.
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Joshua Brand, PhD student at i3-SES won the Don MacNiven Student Essay Award 2023 (DMSEP).
Posted on 17 July 2023
For his article: "Exploring the moral value of explainable artificial intelligence through public service postal banks".
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Volume 19 – Libellio Summer 2023
Posted on 13 July 2023
In this issue of Libellio: Alice Carle presents the Slack tool, Jean-François Chanlat talks about Norbert Alter's book, Christian Morel discusses how his book on absurd decisions...
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Youssouf Camara, i3-SES doctoral student, receives double award for his thesis
Posted on 11 July 2023
Winner of the Economics thesis prize from the Institut Polytechnique de Paris and the 2023 thesis prize from the Association Francophone de Recherche en Economie Numérique.
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When the mine overflows. Investigations into the making of extractive territories
Posted on 3 July 2023
Investigating the making of extractive territories Juliette Cerceau and Brice Laurent (dir)
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June 2023

Genesis of digital authoritarianism: Internet repression and resistance in Russia, 2012-2022
Posted on 30 June 2023
Françoise Daucé Director of Studies at EHESS, Benjamin Loveluck Senior Lecturer at Télécom-Paris and Francesca Musiani Deputy Director at Centre Internet et Société.
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Valentine Georget and Thierry Rayna, winners of the Best Conference Paper Award at the New Business Models conference
Posted on 29 June 2023
The work of the two researchers points to three ways of reconciling corporate performance and environmental impact.
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Europe’s energy crisis and US protectionism – Reindustrialization in jeopardy?
Posted on 23 June 2023
Interviews with manufacturers in the sectors concerned confirm that rising energy prices and the introduction of a MACF threaten almost 6% of French industrial jobs.
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Camille Toussaint, associate researcher at i3-CRG, winner of the AIMS thesis prize
Posted on 2 June 2023
"Gérer en commun un problème complexe d'échelle planétaire ? The case of space debris" submitted in December 2022 under the supervision of Hervé Dumez.
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Estelle Peyrard wins the AFMD thesis prize.
Posted on 2 June 2023
For his work in management science entitled "Inclusive innovation in practice: foundations, contributions and challenges in the field of disability".
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May 2023

A look back at the Doctoriales on 17 May 2023
Posted on 20 May 2023
Some of the works presented on 17 May are available
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April 2023

The Damned of Peace by Olivier Bomsel
Posted on 28 April 2023
The world order after the American century
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Innovation, but for what?
Posted on 25 April 2023
Essay on an economic, social and managerial myth by Franck Aggeri.
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Call for applications – 3-years PhD scholarship
Posted on 21 April 2023
Projet ouvert, non thématique
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Release of the Libellio volume 19 number 1, Spring 2023
Posted on 20 April 2023
In this issue, reviews of the books by Patrick Gilbert & Nathalie Raulet-Croset and Patrick Gilbert & Damien Mourey on management tools, a dossier on Bruno Latour, the beginning of a dossier on Cicero...
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Doctoral position in Sociology
Posted on 7 April 2023
Doctoral position in Sociology 3-year PhD contract on the theme “Digital platforms and access to agricultural equipment for Mexican family farmers”.
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Two i3-CRG books to be labeled in 2023 by the FNEGE
Posted on 4 April 2023
The Best Management Books 2023 Awards ceremony (2022 books) will take place on June 1st in Paris (emlyon business school).
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Climate Change as a Common Peril by : Charlotte Demonsant, Armand Hatchuel, Kevin Levillain, and Blanche Segrestin.
Posted on 3 April 2023
Reconciling climate action and social justice
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March 2023

Appel à contribution : journée d’étude sur l’enseignement des impacts environnementaux du numérique
Posted on 20 March 2023
A study day will take place on May 31, 2023 and is intended for educators and researchers in digital sciences and humanities working with a variety of students
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The young elites face the work of Anne-Sophie Dubey and Sonia Bellit
Posted on 20 March 2023
Crossed views between Polytechnique and Harvard
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“Making with data: 25 works of physical data visualization in objects, spaces and experiences”
Posted on 17 March 2023
Making with data presents a collection of testimonials from over 25 international artists, designers, and scientists, documenting the process of designing and creating new physical representations and experiments with data.
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February 2023

GPT Chat: AI, really at the service of payment deadlines!
Posted on 17 February 2023
Romaric ServaJean-Hilst, Academic Director of the MAI Executive Education of Kedge and researcher at Polytechnique transcribed 20 days ago the exchange held between the AI and himself on the subject of payment delays.
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Often criticized, COPs remain useful, an interview with BAB Magazine
Posted on 1 February 2023
Interview- Philippe Drobinski, Patricia Crifo and Nicolas Mottis
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January 2023

Seminar on the expectations of young people at work
Posted on 30 January 2023
Hearing of Eric d'Engenières
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Post-doctoral contract Development of a methodology to evaluate the quality of use of a product
Posted on 11 January 2023
Offre d'emploi/ Job advertisement
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December 2022

Publication of the Libellio of winter 2022
Posted on 16 December 2022
In the headlines: Laure Colin and Lucie Liversain report on a book devoted to DARPA, a dossier is devoted to the careers of teacher-researchers in management, Éric Séverin discusses the role of the agrégation du supérieur (higher education diploma) in careers, Vincent Gorgues introduces us to a little-known Beethoven...
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Publication of “Crise Covid et agilité du système de santé.Témoignages et regards croisés”
Posted on 15 December 2022
By Rafael Cavalcante, Caroline Jobin, and Frédéric Kletz i3-CGS researchers.
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The practice of operations research in management
Posted on 15 December 2022
Exercises and corrected cases in production, transportation, supply chain and investment.
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Telling History on YouTube. From the effervescence of history to narrative videography
Posted on 6 December 2022
First research seminar of the NOS team (Numérique, Organisation, Société), around an intervention of Arthur Forges de Parny, PhD student in sociology, on the theme : Telling History on YouTube. From the effervescence of History to narrative videography.
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Appointment of MAF Director and Deputy Director
Posted on 2 December 2022
Etienne Minvielle and Cécile Chamaret are appointed respectively Director and Deputy Director of the Centre de Recherche en Gestion (CRG) as of October 1, 2022
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November 2022

Aramis : a tribute to Bruno Latour.Interview by Jérôme Denis with Guillaume Erner, Superfail on France Culture
Posted on 29 November 2022
Guillaume Erner reviews this little-known book with Jérôme Denis, Professor at the Sociology of Innovation Center at Mines Paris-PSL.
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Notice to candidates for CNRS competitions interested in i3 teams
Posted on 3 November 2022
This institute can accept candidates in sections 09, 26, 37 and 39 as well as in the Interdisciplinary Commission 53 (Methods, practices and communications of science and technology).
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October 2022

The care of things. Maintenance policies, the latest book by Jérôme Denis et David Pontille
Posted on 11 October 2022
A book to be published by Editions de la Découverte on October 13.
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Bruno Latour
Posted on 10 October 2022
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Science Festival 2022
Posted on 7 October 2022
i3 researchers bring their expertise to decarbonization.
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September 2022

The paradox of adaptation to climate change
Posted on 30 September 2022
The point of view of Matthieu Glachant and François Lévêque in Les Echos
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Christophe Midler’s seminar on September 30 at the University of Lunds: ‘Challenges and perspectives of projectification for societal innovation in a fragmented and chaotic world’.
Posted on 29 September 2022
‘Challenges and perspectives of projectification for societal innovation in a fragmented and chaotic world’
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Publication of the FIT2 Newsletter N°9 “Email is dead, long live email”
Posted on 8 September 2022
This Benchmark n°9 offers numerous examples of organizational unthinking within the collective uses of professional digital technology, and outlines the principles of a multi-dimensional regulation.
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Publication of the new issue of Libellio Volume 18, number 2 of summer 2022
Posted on 6 September 2022
In this issue, a point of view of Corentin Curchod on the new frontiers of management research presented during the launch day of the 50 years of CRG and a dossier dedicated to the Iliade.
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July 2022

Publication of “The odyssey of Spring History and lessons of an impossible project
Posted on 27 July 2022
A work by Christophe Midler, Marc Alochet and Christophe de Charentenay
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Estelle Rémondeau received the award for the best doctoral paper at the 2022 conference on R&D management, Innovation for People and Territories, at the University of Trento (Italy)
Posted on 26 July 2022
R&D Management 2022 Conference
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June 2022

Internet, the highway of disinformation? 22.06.2022, by Philippe Testard-Vaillant and Charline Zeitoun
Posted on 29 June 2022
Speech by Antonio Casilli, SES Department of Télécom Paris in the CNRS Journal.
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How can we improve the usefulness and efficiency of meetings in the digital age?
Posted on 27 June 2022
In the issue of Repère, you will discover how inspiring companies innovate in a hybrid context to reduce the frequency and duration of meetings, while improving their efficiency and collaborative logics.
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Publication of Libellio N°18 Spring 2022
Posted on 24 June 2022
Florent Castagnino and Geoffrey Leuridan devote the geek section of this issue to automatic speech-to-text transcription platforms, which are particularly useful when conducting recorded interviews. Jean-François Chanlat reports on two books on the issue of multilingualism
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Publication of “L’Odyssée du Spring
Posted on 16 June 2022
A book by Christophe Midler, Marc Alochet and Christophe de Charentenay
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Successful transformations – from the manufacture of elites to the diversity of the collective
Posted on 8 June 2022
An article by Romaric Servajean-Hilst in Forbes France
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May 2022

The citizen-user in urban co-design Proposed and animated by i3
Posted on 25 May 2022
Find the podcasts of the interdisciplinary study day organised on 30 March 2022 at Mines ParisTech
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Context matters of online display advertising: evidences from hotels and perfumes.
Posted on 9 May 2022
Speech by Rémi Devaux at the CERNA seminar on 5 May 2022
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A year of research at Télécom Paris
Posted on 3 May 2022
Focus i3 page 70
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April 2022

Recruitment of a Research Assistant (Tenure Track) in Science, Technology and Society
Posted on 18 April 2022
The deadline for applications is 22 March.
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Health impacts of telework: getting the balance right
Posted on 8 April 2022
Repères N° 6 Futurs du travail - Chaire FIT 2 Avril 2022
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March 2022

Olivier Rey, mathematician and philosopher, guest at the seminar “Changing scale – Changing nature
Posted on 31 March 2022
Presentation of his book "A question of size".
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The new western – Who can curb the web giants? by Olivier Bomsel and Rémi Devaux (i3-Cerna)
Posted on 30 March 2022
The digital economy as you have never seen it before: lawless.
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Speech by François Lévêque at the conference organised by the Association of Energy Economists (AEE) on 24 March
Posted on 28 March 2022
Energy consequences and prospects of the war against Ukraine
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Presentation by Pierre-Jean Benghozi, professor at the Ecole Polytechnique and researcher at i3-CRG at the “Digital Capitalism and Ideologies” seminar
Posted on 24 March 2022
New digital business models: capturing or rearranging value?
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Système de santé – comment améliorer la gestion de crise
Posted on 3 March 2022
In this podcast, Etienne Minvielle, a researcher and doctor, discusses the major issues that have arisen and the lessons to be learned in order to better understand future crises.
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February 2022

Press release – Reflections on the future of the health system
Posted on 23 February 2022
École polytechnique-i3CRG
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European Objects The Troubled Dreams of Harmonization by Brice Laurent (i3-CSI)
Posted on 14 February 2022
How interventions based on objects—including chemicals, financial products, and consumer goods—offer a path to rethink European integration.
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January 2022

Libellio Volume 17 Number 4 Winter 2021
Posted on 13 January 2022
Hervé Laroche continues the series he started on scientific writing, this time with an article on academic English.
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Le nouvel héroïsme Puissances des imaginaires by Olivier Fournout, lecturer of Télécom Paris
Posted on 12 January 2022
The book takes a fresh look at contemporary individualism, networked self-entrepreneurship, the challenges of ecology and politics, but also at the influx of controversy in the public space, the future of work and the responsibility of governance.
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Thomas Houy et Valérie Fernandez, Thomas Houy and Valérie Fernandez, i3-Télécom researchers, authors of “Déplier l’incertain”
Posted on 6 January 2022
Accustomed to accompanying companies working on innovation, the two professors-researchers noted, with regret, the lack of tools, apart from business plans, market or competition studies, to respond in an adapted […]
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December 2021

High school prize Lire l’économie 2021: awarded to the book “Les entreprises hyper-puissantes. Giants and titans, the end of the global model?”
Posted on 17 December 2021
François Lévêque i3-Cerna
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Issue 23 of the Veolia Institute Facts Reports devoted to the circular economy
Posted on 15 December 2021
Issue of the journal coordinated by Franck Aggeri, Helen Micheaux and Joël Ntsondé of CGS
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Special prize of the Plumes des Achats jury awarded to Romaric Servajean-Hilst
Posted on 9 December 2021
For his book "Co-Innovation Dynamics" published in 2019
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A short article in Les Echos by Philippe Leduc, Director of Think Tank Economie Santé26.11.2021 – Philippe LEDUC, Directeur, Think Tank Economie Santé
Posted on 7 December 2021
The hospital is in crisis. Lack of means. Lack of caregivers. Lack of meaning. And what if management was also at fault? Provocative remarks? Irresponsible? No, this is a very well-founded analysis, which, if denied, would deprive institutions of an essential asset.
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Publication of the Libellio of Autumn 2021
Posted on 5 December 2021
Three seminar reports in this issue. A dossier is devoted to the philosophy and theory of action.
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Parution du dernier numéro de Entreprises et Histoire sur « L’entreprise comme acteur politique »
Posted on 1 December 2021
Ce numéro fait suite au colloque organisé par la revue Entreprises et Histoire, en partenariat avec i3 avec le soutien de Chaire TE Théorie de l’Entreprise avait pour objet de faire un point des travaux récents sur l'entreprise et la politique dans sept disciplines – sciences de gestion, droit, histoire, sciences politiques, économie, sociologie, philosophie
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November 2021

Caroline Jobin, Sophie Hooge and Pascal Le Masson, winners of the ARAMOS Congress “Best Paper Award
Posted on 26 November 2021
"Proof of concept: a lever for regenerating healthcare organizations through the development of collective design capabilities?" received the best paper award at the Aramos conference
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About the book : “What management means. A journey through the drifts and reinventions of contemporary business”.
Posted on 3 November 2021
By Armand Hatchuel, professor at the CGS-Mines ParisTech during a session of the "Entreprise, Responsabilité et Civilisation" research seminar on October 7 devoted to his book.
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October 2021

Presentations of the mobility day on September 22
Posted on 29 October 2021
This study day aims to bring together the various studies conducted in the Interdisciplinary Institute of Innovation i3 (UMR CNRS 9217) on the theme of mobilities, in order to establish a dialogue that goes beyond disciplinary frameworks on these important phenomena that involve rethinking the relationships between societies, innovation and environment.
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Books published in 2021 by i3 researchers
Posted on 26 October 2021
Seven books were published in 2021 on topics as wide-ranging as innovation, qualitative research and music through science and technology to management, hyper-powerful companies without forgetting Covid_19 management.
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Summer School – IP Paris / i3-CNRS Doctoral Seminar July 5-9, 2021
Posted on 20 October 2021
Theme of the summer school: "Renewing views on innovation: a multidisciplinary approach
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Michelangelo Rossi, DSES researcher awarded for his paper on Airbnb’s rating system
Posted on 15 October 2021
The award was presented at the Competition and Regulation Summer School and Conference (CRESSE) by the conference's scientific committee and the Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA).
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Journey to the heart of the health system: 100 testimonies to learn to manage with the crisis by Hervé Dumez and Etienne Minvielle
Posted on 14 October 2021
From April 2020 to April 2021, more than 100 interviews were conducted. They covered, on the one hand, all the actors involved. But also, on the other hand, the diversity of the regions concerned, in metropolitan France and in the islands. Finally, they were conducted during the different phases of the crisis, the first, second and third waves. They give an overall view of the crisis in its dynamics and at all levels that we are entitled to expect.
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A look at Covid-19 from i3 researchers
Posted on 10 October 2021
Reflection on remote work, study on the effects of curfew in Germany, distance learning, wearing masks, customer-supplier relations in times of confinement, citizen participation in crisis management, digital inequalities in times of pandemic are some of the many topics addressed by i3 researchers.
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“Digital and living-lab to make stimulate collaboration between citizens and regulators during the management of a victim of a cardiac arrest”
Posted on 6 October 2021
By Ophélie Morand, Caroline Rizza, Stéphane Safin, researchers at I3-Telecom-Paris.
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Science festival 2021
Posted on 4 October 2021
With the works the video of P.J Benghozi and the works of Caroline Rizza and Ophélie Morand and those of Stéphane Safin and Aliénor Morvan
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September 2021

Niches for a transition as a space for renegotiating the energy system: The case of self-consumption
Posted on 6 September 2021
By Elodie Gigout, Julie C. Mayer and Hervé Dumez
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August 2021

Caroline Jobin, Sophie Hooge and Pascal Le Masson, winners of the “reviewers’ favorite” award at the ICED conference
Posted on 31 August 2021
The award-winning paper, entitled "The Logics of Double Proof in Proof of Concept: a Design Theory-based Model of Experimentation in the Unknown", models the ability of proofs of concept (POC).
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Risk culture in France: raising awareness and mobilising citizens through digital means
Posted on 26 August 2021
The risk awareness report team submits its report to the Minister for Ecological Transition Barbara Pompili.
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July 2021

Publication of the Libellio of summer 2021
Posted on 15 July 2021
Several book presentations: Alain Éraly's Une démocratie sans autorité and Romain Laufer's book on Tocqueville, two books that respond to each other. Camille Toussaint, for her part, analyzes the investigative work of Nelly Pons on the drama of plastic in the oceans.
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June 2021

Bruno Latour winner of the Kyoto 2021 Prize in Arts and Philosophy
Posted on 28 June 2021
The Kyoto Prize 2021, announces the Inamori Foundation, awarded to Bruno Latour in recognition of his work that has "radically re-examined 'modernity' by developing a philosophy focused on the interactions between technoscience and social structure".
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La Jaune & La Rouge N°765 – May 2021: a file dedicated to the automobile
Posted on 1 June 2021
File coordinated by Christophe Midler
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May 2021

“From BoP to Beat, an analysis of the digital transformation in music”
Posted on 21 May 2021
An article of Charbonnier Robin, Poinsignon Pierre et Paris Thomas (2021), Revue française de gestion, vol. 294, n° 1, p. 115-134.
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April 2021

LES ENTREPRISES HYPERPUISSANTE Géants et Titans, la fin du modèle global? by François Lévèque
Posted on 30 April 2021
"A dazzling book on the giant companies that dominate the world economy" according to Daniel Fortin, journalist at Les Echos.
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March 2021

The Chair of Business Theory Research Seminar “Business, Responsibility and Civilization
Posted on 29 March 2021
Alain Schnapper, an engineer from the Ecole des Mines de Paris, has worked for 30 years in consulting, industry and distribution. Since 2018, he mixes consulting activities by being associated with the chair "Theory of the Firm - Governance Models & Collective Creation" of MINES ParisTech PSL. He is a member of the board of the Community of Companies with a Mission. In 2020, he published, with Dominique Schnapper, Puissante et fragile, l'entreprise en démocratie , l’entreprise en démocratie, (Odile Jacob).
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The Libellio of spring 2021 is published
Posted on 23 March 2021
Christian Morel wonders about the French dissatisfaction, a particularity. Camille Toussaint takes stock of the problem of self-plagiarism.
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Seminar “Social sciences on a plate” receives Benjamin Loveluck, i3, Télécom Paris
Posted on 23 March 2021
"Doing justice online: forms and issues of digital vigilantism"
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Football “TV rights act as a transfer mechanism from the viewers’ pocket to the players’ pocket”.
Posted on 9 March 2021
The economist François Levêque believes, in an article in "Le Monde", that broadcasting rights are fuelling the overbidding on players' salaries, at the expense of spectators.
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Sponsorship presentation: “Numerical innovation and data science for healthcare”.
Posted on 3 March 2021
The objective of this sponsorship is to develop modeling and statistical learning tools to improve the patient's journey through the healthcare system.
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Round Table on the Book Innovation Beyond Technology
Posted on 3 March 2021
The first hybrid event organized by the FFJ, this round table brought together some fifty participants in person in the EHESS amphitheater and online.
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EXPERCRISE project coordinated by Brice Laurent
Posted on 2 March 2021
This project focuses on the political and social stakes of expertise during the Covid-19 crisis, and on the following issue: "what are the elements that ensure the credibility and legitimacy of the scientific expertise mobilized by public decision making? »
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Technological innovation and climate change: effectiveness of technologies
Posted on 2 March 2021
Simon Touboul, PhD student in economics at CERNA, Mines ParisTech Université PSL, presents his thesis on technological innovation and adaptation to climate change.
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January 2021

Job advertissements
Posted on 26 January 2021
Position of Assistant Professor "tenure track" Monge (*) in Management of Innovation and Technology and two lecturers
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The Revue Française de Gestion offers you a call for contributions on the theme of Socially Responsible Investment. Success or dilution?
Posted on 26 January 2021
Deadline for submission: March 31, 2021
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December 2020

Around Isabelle Millet, several guests explain “the boom of do it yourself” in the club of ideas of Europe
Posted on 16 December 2020
Philippe Moati, Professor of Economics at the University of Paris, Ronan Chastellier, President of Tendanço and Cécile Chamaret researcher at i3-CRG
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The contributions of co-creation to universal design
Posted on 16 December 2020
Based on three co-creation workshops with people with disabilities, Estelle Peyrard, doctoral student at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris and head of APF Lab, and Cécile Chamaret, lecturer at the École Polytechnique, highlighted the benefits of co-creation in terms of universal design and associated good practices.
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Social Sciences on a Plateau: “The Zero Waste Experience: An Online Quest for What’s Right”.
Posted on 15 December 2020
Solène Sarnowski student in M2 of sociology at EHESS
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Samuel Huron researcher at i3-DSES co-directs a special issue of the IEEE Computer Graphic & Application journal dedicated to data materialization
Posted on 13 December 2020
Materialization has developed among computer scientists, artists, designers, psychologists and practitioners of human-computer interaction and information visualization.
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Second prize awarded to Jonathan Langlois for best paper at the World Open Innovation Conference organized by Berkeley University.
Posted on 11 December 2020
An article co-written with Sihem Ben Mahmoud-Jouini and Romaric Servajean-Hilst.
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Quentin Dufour postdoctoral student at i3-CSI is winner of the Alain Desrosières Prize
Posted on 10 December 2020
This prize is awarded to Quentin Dufour for the research carried out for his doctoral thesis "L'objectivation comptable de l'économie nationale.
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Prix Plume des achats 2020 for the best French-language book Collaborate to innovate
Posted on 9 December 2020
A practical manual on collaborative innovation management co-authored by Romaric Servajean-Hilst, Hugues Poissonnier & Gustavo Pierangelini published by Edition De Boeck Supérieur.
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“Le Traité et la Notice Relire Fayol avec Fayol” by Armand Hatchuel and Blanche Segrestin
Posted on 8 December 2020
Reread Fayol, at the time of the responsible company.
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“Entreprises, Responsabilités et Civilisations” by Kevin Levillain, Blanche Segrestin, Armand Hatchuel and Stéphane Vernac, published by Les Presses des Mines.
Posted on 8 December 2020
Towards a new cycle of sustainable development
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November 2020

Looking back on the 8th ARAMOS – Association for Applied Research in Management of Healthcare Organizations 8th Congress, October 13 & 14, 2020
Posted on 23 November 2020
Managerial and organizational innovations in healthcare
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Notice to candidates for CNRS competitions interested in i3 teams
Posted on 23 November 2020
Support for the recruitment campaign for CNRS research fellows.
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CSI Seminar Guest receives Frédéric Keck
Posted on 17 November 2020
For a discussion on his book
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The strategic dimension of the purchasing function by Romaric Servajean-Hilst, an interview with Xerfi Canal
Posted on 5 November 2020
The interview reports on two articles published in the Revue Française de Gestion.
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October 2020

Covid-19 and social networks, an article by Caroline Rizza
Posted on 18 October 2020
Crisis management: better integrating the citizens' response
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“L’hôpital n’a pas craqué”, Etienne Minvielle and Hervé Dumez on Xerfi Canal
Posted on 18 October 2020
The two co-authors of the report on the French hospital system in the Covid-19 crisis note its agility and creativity.
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The Libellio of Autumn 2020
Posted on 17 October 2020
This issue is devoted to scientific writing, Thomas Piketty's latest book and those of Sandra Renou on metas-organizations and Louis Menand.
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September 2020

Posted on 28 September 2020
Researchers at Mines ParisTech studied the wearing of masks by the "invisible" and what wearing a mask changes in the relationship between caregivers and patients.
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Managing a metaproblem: Space debris
Posted on 10 September 2020
By Camille Toussaint & Hervé Dumez (2020) “Gérer un méta-problème, le cas des débris spatiaux”, published in Gérer et Comprendre, n° 141 (septembre), pp3-12
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Designing for all but with whom? Three cases of codesign with disabled persons
Posted on 9 September 2020
By Estelle Peyrard & Cécile Chamaret published in Gérer & Comprendre n°141 September 2020
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July 2020

“In the face of Covid-19, the involvement and creativity of the hospitals has been impressive.”
Posted on 27 July 2020
Hervé Dumez and Etienne Minvielle interviewed by l'Express
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Volume 16 special series Coronam week 6
Posted on 22 July 2020
Is the crisis over or is it just a respite? Will we be reconfined in the summer or fall? Until we have the answers to these questions, let's still read and write.
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How the hospital system withstood the Covid-19 crisis
Posted on 19 July 2020
A contribution from management sciences by Hervé Dumez and Étienne Minvielle (Research Directors at the CNRS and professors at the École polytechnique)
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Open Innovation in concrete terms: transforming internal organisation to open it up to the outside world
Posted on 8 July 2020
Presentation of the dossier: Romaric Servajean-Hilst and Christophe Midler
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“Generative Proof of Concept (POC)”: innovative design and experimentation for better care
Posted on 1 July 2020
Feedback on a presentation by Caroline Jobin and Frédéric Lecourt at Station F on February 27, 2020
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June 2020

“Hands off my meter!” when municipalities resist smart meters: Linking arguments and degrees of resistance by Cecile Chamaret, Véronique Steyer and Julie Mayer
Posted on 11 June 2020
Highlights: Resistance can be directed against people imposing or installing the technology; Five different profiles of resisting municipalities are found.
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Posted on 6 June 2020
Organizational and managerial innovation in health care
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Proof by three: Paris-London, there’s no match!
Posted on 4 June 2020
Proof by three: the experts at The Conversation break down 3 aspects of a current issue into 3 episodes to listen to, in succession or separately!
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May 2020

Appel à candidature 2020 : recherche doctorale, contrat doctoral
Posted on 26 May 2020
Projet thématique : "La construction des marchés en vrac"
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Libellio Coronam series week 5
Posted on 25 May 2020
A dossier was devoted to the way in which the switchover to online courses had taken place and the authors undertook, one month after the start of the experiment, to draw the lines of an initial assessment.
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Grégoire Bothorel, Cécile Chamaret and Virginie Pez, winners of the Grand Prix CIDEGEF-FNEGE
Posted on 19 May 2020
Grand prix CIDEGEF-FNEGE de l'innovation pédagogique
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Libellio Coronam series week 4
Posted on 4 May 2020
This issue is devoted to methodological issues.
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April 2020

Release of Libellio volume 16 series Coronam week 3
Posted on 17 April 2020
Jean-Michel Saussois presents Johann Chapoutot's disturbing work on the link between Nazism and management. And also a novel - to be read?
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Release of Libellio volume 16 series Coronam week 2
Posted on 10 April 2020
The entire education system, worldwide, has gone online, from kindergarten to universities and schools.
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The do-it-yourself fight against the coronavirus
Posted on 3 April 2020
To cope with a shortage of masks, hydro-alcoholic gel, tests and other tools to fight the Covid-19 epidemic, biohackers are getting organized.
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March 2020

First special issue of Libellio, Coronam series.
Posted on 31 March 2020
This issue is dedicated - for once, the verb is used in its true sense - to the reanimation teams, and in particular to that of the Bichat hospital.
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Release of spring 2020 Libellio issue
Posted on 25 March 2020
The analysis of scientific writing, intrapreunariat, an exhibition by Raoul Dufy are some of the subjects covered in this Libellio.
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Interview with Thomas Paris and David Massé on the creative industries on Xerfi Canal
Posted on 6 March 2020
Focused on innovation, the creative industries can inspire other sectors.
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Companies on a mission by Blanche Segrestin, Professor at Mines ParisTech and researcher at i3-CSG
Posted on 5 March 2020
In 2019, the Pacte Act (Action Plan for the Growth and Transformation of the Company) changed the definition of the company, which had been stable since 1804. It proposes a new conception of the company and its responsibility in the 21st century.
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Conference “Businesses liberated future of organizations or deadlock? “organised on 26 February 2020 by Acadi, Ecole de Paris, Fabrique de l’Industrie and Mines ParisTech
Posted on 4 March 2020
Liberated enterprise is an attractive but ill-defined concept.
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February 2020

A look back at the APeL seminar on activism in the age of social networks
Posted on 7 February 2020
David Chavalarias, researcher at CAMS How Algorithms Inform the 2017 Presidential Campaign
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January 2020

Beyond the company released byThierry Weil and Anne-Sophie Dubey
Posted on 23 January 2020
Survey on autonomy and its constraints
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December 2019

Release of Winter 2019 Libellio issue
Posted on 20 December 2019
In this issue, a dossier on open science that can ultimately disrupt research activity.
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What price of carbon for companies? by Franck Aggeri, chronicle published in Alternatives Economiques
Posted on 19 December 2019
how can we encourage them to engage in a low-carbon transition?
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The unimaginable growth of the Christmas tree by François Lévêque published in The Conversation
Posted on 18 December 2019
According to legend, Martin Luther, walking in the forest on Christmas Eve, noticed the stars shining through the branches of a fir tree.
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Giulia Marcocchia, received Best Student Thesis Humanities and Society Sciences award from the University Paris Saclay in 2019 (Economic and ManagementDivision).
Posted on 9 December 2019
Tuesday, December 3 was held the 1st edition of the presentation of the Thesis Prizes in Human Sciences and Society of the University Paris-Saclay.
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Le design : l’objet dans l’usage, a book by Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier and Antoine Hennion
Posted on 8 December 2019
a book by Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier and Antoine Hennion
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Systemic disruption and ambidextrous program management
Posted on 6 December 2019
The case of electric buses Christophe Midler and Félix Von Pechmann
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November 2019

HR Book Prize awarded to the book “La Mission de l’Entreprise Responsable” by Blanche Segrestin and Kevin Levillain
Posted on 29 November 2019
The 2019 HR Book Prize was awarded to the collective book "La Mission de l'Entreprise Responsable" under the direction of Blanche Segrestin and Kevin Levillain, published in 2018 by Presses des Mines. More about the HR Book Prize
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Does thermal renovation really reduce your energy bill?
Posted on 25 November 2019
by Mathieu Glachant professeur at i3-Cerna
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The PIC Observatory opens the doors of its site
Posted on 25 November 2019
The PIC Observatory opens the doors of its site to share the lessons of the community of researchers, teachers and students gathered around a Master’s degree. More about the PIC […]
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Justice au travail, a book by Vincent-Arnaud Chappe
Posted on 15 November 2019
This book focuses on the appropriation of the category of discrimination in labor litigation. 
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Release of Autumn 2019 Libellio issue
Posted on 14 November 2019
Der Winter ist die Sünd, Die Buße Frühlingszeit, Der Sommer Gnadenstand, Der Herbst Vollkommenheit
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Book launch Innovation beyond Technology
Posted on 12 November 2019
The book launch will be held in French.
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October 2019

Avis aux candidats aux concours CNRS intéressés par les équipes i3
Posted on 10 October 2019
I3, UMR 9217, décidera courant décembre des candidatures qu’il soutiendra pour la campagne de recrutement des chargés de recherche au CNRS.
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September 2019

‘La fin des discriminations syndicales ? Luttes judiciaires et pratiques négociées’ by Vincent-Arnaud Chappe, Jean-Michel Denis, Cécile Guillaume and Sophie Pochi
Posted on 25 September 2019
The end of trade union discrimination? Judicial struggles and Negotiated practices
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About R&D Management Conference 2019
Posted on 18 September 2019
I3-CRG hosted this year the 41st edition of the R & D Management conference, with the theme: "The Innovation Challenge: Bridging Research, Industry and Society".
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Posted on 13 September 2019
Scriptopolis is an assemblage of microsurveys on writing, equipped by photography
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August 2019

Cecile Chamaret on the resistence to the Linky electricity meter, interview by Sarah Elzas on RFI English
Posted on 9 August 2019
Thousands of people across France have been refusing the mandatory installation of the Linky meters, which Enedis, which manages France’s electrical grid, has been installing free of charge since 2015
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July 2019

Release of Summer 2019 Libellio issue
Posted on 23 July 2019
Libellio is mainly devoted to the issues raised by field research.
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June 2019

Special mention for two researchers of i3-CGS
Posted on 14 June 2019
The award ceremony of students and young researchers contest
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May 2019

Release of Spring 2019 Libellio issue
Posted on 3 May 2019
The Libellio returns to its raison d'être: this issue is dedicated to books, of course excluding boring ones.
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April 2019

Christophe Midler interviewed on Xerfi Canal
Posted on 26 April 2019
Xerfi Canal interviewed Christophe Midler, professor at the Ecole Polytechnique and Research Director CNRS at the CRG i³, on bottom-up innovation.
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There is not any technological fix for energy transition, a paper by Franck Aggeri
Posted on 11 April 2019
Dans l’imaginaire collectif, la transition énergétique se résume souvent à l’adoption d’un bouquet de technologies.
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February 2019

R&D Management Conference 2019: call for papers
Posted on 28 February 2019
10 April: Notification of acceptance 1 May: Early bird registration closes 31 May: Full paper submission closes
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“Jobs du clic : la France compte plus de 250 000 micro-travailleurs”
Posted on 18 February 2019
L'article reprend les travaux de DIPLAB, un projet de recherche fondamentale à but non lucratif lancé en 2017 par Télécom ParisTech et le CNRS.
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Futures of Industry and Work (FIT2) Chair at Mines ParisTech
Posted on 8 February 2019
Employers are struggling to fill jobs while many candidates are unable to find a role that matches their career aspirations.
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January 2019

Création d’ une chaire internationale de recherche dédiée à l’Identité Numérique Responsable dirigée par Valérie Fernandez et Laura Draetta, chercheuses à i3-DSES.
Posted on 29 January 2019
Télécom ParisTech et Gemalto s’associent pour créer une chaire internationale de recherche dédiée à l’Identité Numérique Responsable dont le premier axe de recherche sera consacré aux vecteurs de confiance d’une identité numérique.
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The Winter Issue of the Libellio is released
Posted on 23 January 2019
Upload the Libellio
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Questions about Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) by Laura Recuero Virto, researcher at i3-CRG
Posted on 11 January 2019
Click here to read the Ocean Policy Brief
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December 2018

“Mon beau saumon, roi des poissons” de François Lévêque
Posted on 24 December 2018
Noël, c’est sapin et saumon fumé. Mais les tranches fines rose pâle ou orangées sur canapés ou plats de fêtes sont une coutume récente.
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The papers of 3rd Interdisciplinary Innovation Conference “The regulation and innovation nexus” are available
Posted on 19 December 2018
More about the 3rd Interdisciplinary Innovation Conference The regulation and innovation nexus: new issues, new perspective
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“GDPR: enough or too much for IoT?” by Ordieres-Meré J. and Jeunemaitre A.
Posted on 18 December 2018
The paper discusses the extent to which the currently enforced General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provides for enough flexibility in fostering the Internet of Things (IoT) data sharing
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Two former CSI-i3 PhD students rewarded for the quality of their research
Posted on 14 December 2018
Benjamin Lemoine, Bronze Medal of the CNRS 2018 and Alaric Bourgoin, winner of the Human Relations 2018 Paper of the Year Award
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November 2018

Ocean Policy Brief: Monitoring Sustainable Development Goal 14 on the ocean
Posted on 14 November 2018
This article is an extract of Ocean Policy Brief Monitoring Sustainable Development Goal 14 on the ocean (#Issue 1, 2018). This policy brief explains the role of Sustainable Development Goal […]
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R&D Management Conference 2019: Call for Special Tracks
Posted on 12 November 2018
Please submit your track proposal by November 26, 2018.
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“Pour le consommateur, la concurrence parfaite serait l’enfer” interview of Francois Lévêque
Posted on 6 November 2018
Interview (in French) of Francois Lévêque by P.H. Thomas from Trends Tendances of the 25th October 2018
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October 2018

“Collaborer pour innover : Le management stratégique des ressources externes aux éditions deboek”
Posted on 22 October 2018
A book by Romaric Servajean-Hilst, associated researcher at i3-CRG / Ecole polytechnique, Hugues Poissonnier, researcher at Grenoble Ecole de Management et de Gustavo Pierangelin
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“Innovation et participation. Approches critiques”
Posted on 19 October 2018
Livre publié sous la direction de Brice Laurent, Michael Baker, Valérie Beaudouin et Nathalie Raulet-Croset
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September 2018

Parution du Libellio de l’automne 2018
Posted on 26 September 2018
Jean-François Chanlat revient sur l’influence de Mauss dans la recherche américaine ethnographique, influence centrale et aujourd’hui pourtant trop souvent oubliée.
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Offre d’emploi : Post-Doc en Sociologie de l’innovation numérique responsable
Posted on 11 September 2018
Télécom ParisTech, UMR Institut Interdisciplinaire de l’Innovation (i3-SES), Chaire INR, Paris. Date limite de candidature : le 15 octobre 2018.
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Marine Hadengue, “L’innovation inverse”
Posted on 10 September 2018
Marine Hadengue est lauréate du prix de thèse AIMS 2018 et du Prix Udayan Rege de l’ASAC
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Jérôme Denis, “Le travail invisible des données”, interview
Posted on 6 September 2018
Interview de Jérôme Denis sur son dernier ouvrage le travail invisible des données.
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Laurie Ciaramella, Dissertation Award Finalist of the Chicago’s Academy of Management
Posted on 4 September 2018
Best Dissertation Award Finalist of the Technology and Innovation Management division for Laurie Ciaramella.
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August 2018

Innovation Amazon contre Alibaba et les 40 dragons, chronique de François Lévêque parue sur le site d’Alternatives Economiques
Posted on 30 August 2018
English version isn't available.
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July 2018

Implications of Brexit for EU27 innovation and deployment of 5G Gérard Pogorel
Posted on 4 July 2018
The ITRE Committee (Industry Transports Energy) of the European Parliament held a workshop on June 19, 2018 on the impacts of Brexit.
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La comptabilité c’est politique chronique de Franck Aggeri enseignant chercheur à i3-CGS parue sur le site web d’Alternatives Economiques
Posted on 4 July 2018
English version isn't available.
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June 2018

Kevin Le Villain researcher at i3-CGS is laureate of research book prize awarded both by the FNEGE and Consult’in-Syntec
Posted on 6 June 2018
Kevin Le Villain, researcher at i3-CGS awarded both by the FNEGE and Consult'in-Syntec for his book
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Benjamin Cabanes is Laureate of barometer PhD thesis prize for his work under the direction of Pascal Le Masson and Benoît Weil.
Posted on 6 June 2018
Benjamin Cabanes, researcher at i3-CGS is Laureat 2018 of barometer PhD Thesis prize awarded by the FNEGE
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Helen Micheaux is Laureate of transversal PhD thesis prize for her work under the direction of Franck Aggeri.
Posted on 5 June 2018
Helen Micheaux, researcher at CSG-i3 is Laureate 2018 of PhD Thesis prize awarded by the FNEGE
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April 2018

The Spring Issue of the Libellio is released
Posted on 15 April 2018
Aude Deville and Stéphanie Chatelain-Ponroy co-ordinated a special issue on making sense of evaluationwith contributions from researchers in management control
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Deux chroniques de François Lévêque sur le véhicule électrique
Posted on 14 April 2018
parues dans The Conversation La voiture électrique hors des sentiers battus Le temps est venu d'adopter le véhicule électrique
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March 2018

Le travail invisible des données. Éléments pour une sociologie des infrastructures scripturales, a book by Jérôme Denis
Posted on 27 March 2018
Open, massive, raw… data are at the heart of many debates today.
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January 2018

Rethinking political with STS Lens. Colloquium celebrating the 50th anniversary of the CSI
Posted on 5 January 2018
The Center for the Sociology of Innovation is 50 years old! In celebration of its 50th anniversary, the CSI organized a two-day colloquium on November 30th and December 1st.
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Parution du Libellio d’hiver
Posted on 4 January 2018
Au sommaire, deux dossiers: sur l’apparition des phénomènes économiques au Moyen Âge et de leur analyse par les théologiens du temps, centré autour du livre de Giacomo Todeschini, et sur
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December 2017

Explorations numériques. Hommages aux travaux de Nicolas Auray
Posted on 11 December 2017
Sous la direction de Dominique Pasquier, Presses des mines. Ce livre rend hommage à un grand chercheur, de ceux, rares, qui allient créativité, érudition, et puissance théorique.
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Deux chroniques de François Lévêque sur l’économie de l’électricité
Posted on 11 December 2017
sur le site The Conversation: La nouvelle fée électricite & La déglingue des marchés de l'électricité
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Power, Policy and Profit. Corporate Engagement in Politics and Governance
Posted on 11 December 2017
Edited by Garsten Christina & Sörbom Adrienne, Edward Elgar. With three contributions from i3 members.
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November 2017

Jeux vidéo : l’industrie culturelle du XXIe siècle ?
Posted on 1 November 2017
a book by Pierre-Jean Benghozi and Philippe Chantepie. At the turn of the century, video games emerged as a major sector alongside traditional cultural industries [...]
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October 2017

Dialogue, Argumentation and Education. History, Theory and Practice.
Posted on 26 October 2017
a book by Baruch B. Schwarz and Michael J. Baker. Cambridge University Press.
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L’emprise des marchés, un livre de Michel Callon
Posted on 2 October 2017
Comprendre leur fonctionnement pour pouvoir les changer While partisans and despisers of the market economy confront each other with a rare violence, a prior question arises: what is a market?
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September 2017

Les habits neufs de la concurrence, a book by François Lévêque
Posted on 30 September 2017
This book dismantles the economic mechanisms that intensify competition and erode it at the same time.
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La nouvelle économie politique: Une idéologie du XXIᵉ siècle, a book by Olivier Bomsel
Posted on 28 September 2017
Les apparences sont trompeuses : la mondialisation laisse accroire que l’économie est partout, qu’elle triomphe des États et mine leur souveraineté.
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A paper by H. Berkowitz and H. Dumez runner up for best European Management Review Paper 2016 Award.
Posted on 25 September 2017
In a seminal paper, Ahrne and Brunsson coined the word ‘meta-organization’. More than a label, this word describes a challenging and stimulating concept
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Le Libellio d’Aegis, Automne 2017
Posted on 25 September 2017
Deux numéros à télécharger.
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Entreprises et changement climatique, n° spécial d’Entreprises et histoire coordonné par Franck Aggeri et Mélodie Cartel
Posted on 24 September 2017
Sommaire du numéro
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Portraits de travailleurs, une publication de la Fabrique de l’industrie
Posted on 23 September 2017
Who are the French workers? Under what conditions do they work and how do they feel at work?
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Les entreprises à mission, a book by Kevin Levillain
Posted on 21 September 2017
Mission-based companies, while remaining for-profit corporations, define in their statutes an additional social or environmental purpose, which is reflected in a legal commitment.
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i3 researchers, press columnists
Posted on 21 September 2017
Frank Aggeri, Olivier Bomsel and François Lévêque published papers in Alternatives Economiques, Les Echos, Libération and The conversation.
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Laurie Ciaramella, winner of the Bent Dalum PhD Award 2017
Posted on 21 September 2017
for her paper "On the International Changes of Patent Ownership: Strategic Relocation and Patent Boxes"
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Two books by Pierre Musso
Posted on 21 September 2017
L'entreprise contre l'Etat, Editions Manucius, & La religion industrielle, Fayard
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June 2017

Made in Silicon Valley – Du numérique en Amérique, a book by David Fayon
Posted on 15 June 2017
Once upon a time ... digital. For anyone interested in entrepreneurship, the United States remains a mythical land: what lessons can French companies learn from the dynamism of the United States?
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Armand Hatchuel made Knight of the Legion of Honor
Posted on 14 June 2017
Armand Hatchuel is a Professor in Sciences of Management at i3, Mines ParisTech where he has developed several academic programs. In 2009, along with Benoit Weil, and with the support of eleven companies, he created the chair of “Theory and Methods of Innovative Design”.
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May 2017

Democratic experiments, a book by Brice Laurent
Posted on 25 May 2017
In Democratic Experiments, Brice Laurent discusses the challenges that emerging technologies create for democracy today. He focuses on nanotechnology and its attendant problems, proposing nanotechnology as a lens through which to understand contemporary democracy in both theory and practice.
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Innover à l’envers. Repenser la stratégie et la conception dans un monde frugal.
Posted on 12 May 2017
A book by Christophe Midler, Bernard Jullien, Yannick Lung
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Partnering with Start-ups – Purchasing is the key for success
Posted on 8 May 2017
Purchasing teams are increasingly realizing that they need to look beyond the classics and search for new opportunities to contribute to their Company’s success.
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Prix EFMD-Fnege du meilleur ouvrage de recherche en management
Posted on 3 May 2017
pour l'ouvrage "Langage, organisations, situations et agencement", textes de Jacques Girin édités par Jean-François Chanlat, Hervé Dumez et Michèle Breton, éditions Presses de l’Université Laval.
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April 2017

I3 members awarded at the ACM Computer Human Interaction 2017 conference
Posted on 27 April 2017
The paper by Nadia Boukhelifa, Marc-Emmanuel Perrin, Samuel Huron et James Eagan received the “Honorable Mention award” at the ACM SIG CHI 2017 conference.
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Deuxième session du MOOC “Concevoir pour innover : Introduction à la Théorie C-K”
Posted on 25 April 2017
Après le succès de la première session du MOOC Concevoir pour innover : Introduction à la Théorie C-K, toute l'équipe pédagogique du MOOC est heureuse de vous retrouver sur la plateforme FUN pour l'ouverture d'une deuxième session.
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“Fashion and intellectual property”, Spring 2017 issue of Libellio
Posted on 10 April 2017
Dans ce numéro de printemps, deux dossiers : l’un sur la mode et la propriété intellectuelle, l’autre sur l’avenir du travail à l’heure du numérique et des plates-formes.
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It’s cool to look sharp, but two eyeware giants are making sure it isn’t cheap
Posted on 8 April 2017
A post by François Lévêque in The conversation.
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Thomas Houy “What’s the reality behind the myth of the entrepreneur?”
Posted on 6 April 2017
A post published on the I'M Tech blog
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Odeurs et parfums en Occident. Qui fait l’ange fait la bête
Posted on 4 April 2017
Un livre de Brigitte Munier, paru aux Editions du Felin. Sens mineur, l’odorat ? Futile, le parfum ? Importunes, les odeurs ? Ainsi le jugea la culture occidentale qui célébra le regard et l’audition pour mieux discréditer le nez.
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Pierre Musso and the Network Society. From Saint-Simonianism to the Internet?
Posted on 2 April 2017
Un livre autour de Pierre Musso dirigé par José Luís Garcia. This book is devoted to discussion of the views of Pierre Musso and starts with a central chapter written by Musso, entitled Network Ideology: from Saint-Simonianism to the Internet.
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March 2017

Racket in the Oceans
Posted on 11 March 2017
Un "Policy report" de l'Observatoire pour l'Innovation Responsable, coordonné par Héloïse Berkowitz et Hervé Dumez et basé sur une série de workshops organisés en 2016 autour du thème de la pollution sonore des océans.
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Birth of ENDL, the European Network on Digital Labour
Posted on 3 March 2017
From all over Europe, researchers in the emergent field of digital labour assembled in Paris for the launch event of ENDL, the European Network on Digital Labour.
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January 2017

Capitalization, a cultural guide
Posted on 18 January 2017
An ethnographic stroll down the trail of capitalization, proposed by a group of authors
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Publication of the Winter Issue of the Libellio
Posted on 7 January 2017
Deux dossiers dans ce numéro: l'un est consacré au XVIIème siècle, l'autre à Henri Fayol, alors que l’on célébrait cette année le centenaire de la parution de l’Administration industrielle et générale.
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Salmon, fois gras and capon, a post by François Lévêque
Posted on 2 January 2017
Les repas de fêtes sont associés à des produits typiques. Le foie gras, le saumon fumé et une volaille dodue ont toutes les chances d’être sur vos tables dans les jours et semaines qui viennent.
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December 2016

L’Alerte ou l’Enquête. Une sociologie pragmatique du numérique.
Posted on 16 December 2016
A book by Nicolas Auray. Nicolas Auray, who died in September 2015, was one of the most brilliant and creative researchers of his generation.
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November 2016

Dynamics of exposed and protected employment in France.
Posted on 30 November 2016
Une note de Philippe Frocrain et Pierre-Noël Giraud.
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Diversifying public recruitment. The case of magistrates
Posted on 24 November 2016
by Florence Audier, Maya Bacache-Beauvallet, Eric Mathias
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New release: “Performance de la R&D et de l’innovation. Du contrôle de gestion à la gestion contrôlée”
Posted on 17 November 2016
de Sophie Hooge et Roland Stasia
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Despite several lives Super Mario may die, Nintendo too.
Posted on 10 November 2016
A post from François Lévêque on his blog La concurrence, ni Dieu, ni Diable, The conversation.
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Le Libellio d’Automne est paru
Posted on 5 November 2016
Ce Libellio est dominé par la question du langage, que Jacques Girin avait placée au cœur de son analyse des organisations.
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October 2016

The Observatory for Responsible Innovation and Underwater Noise
Posted on 27 October 2016
The Observatory for Responsible Innovation (Observatoire pour l'innovation responsable) was founded in 2010 at Mines ParisTech with a political ambition
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Richness of nature and poverty of nations. An essay on the curse of the mining and oil rents in Africa
Posted on 17 October 2016
A book by Jamal Azizi, Pierre-Noël Giraud, Timothée Ollivier, Paul-Hervé Tamokoué Kamga.
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Authorship in Science: All for One?
Posted on 3 October 2016
A paper by David Pontille in the CNRS news.
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September 2016

Workshop “Labelling and the politics of markets”
Posted on 27 September 2016
October 6 - 7, organized by Alexandre Mallard and Brice Laurent (CSI-i3), Eva Boxenbaum (CGS-i3), Véronique Beillan and Aurélie Tricoire (CSTB)
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New release: “The ‘Pro-ANA’ Phenomenon. Eating disorders and social networks”
Posted on 23 September 2016
by Antonio Casilli and Paola Tubaro. Presses des mines. Collection i3.
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“Comment les économistes réchauffent la planète” d’Antonin Pottier
Posted on 14 September 2016
Published in 2016 after an insufficient Paris climate agreement, the book criticizes one of the key reasons of the repeated failure of the international climate negotiations: the biases and the tunnel vision of the dominant economic discourse.
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Madeleine Akrich gave a plenary lecture at 4S-EASST meeting
Posted on 5 September 2016
Madeleine Akrich presented a lecture titled "Inquiries into experience and the multiple politics of knowledge." during the opening keynote plenary of the 4S - EASST meeting (Society for Social Studies of Science and European Association for the Study of Science and technology)
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July 2016

Le Libellio d’été est paru
Posted on 21 July 2016
Dans ce numéro, un dossier sur la publication et l’écriture. Il comporte des papiers de réflexion sur ce qui nous obsède tous désormais, de manière absurde, et sur les évolutions possibles des supports, mais aussi des aides à l’écriture et à la relecture
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A lesson from the Brexit, a post by Thierry Weil
Posted on 8 July 2016
Malgré un retour de la politique industrielle ces dernières années, une fiscalité des entreprises clémente et des primes très incitatives pour attirer des entreprises industrielles, souvent étrangères, dans ses territoires en déclin, le Royaume-Uni a payé le prix
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A study by the Chair of Medias and Brand Economics in Le Monde
Posted on 7 July 2016
Alexis Delcambre published an article on July 7 in le Monde Economie : "La production audiovisuelle en mal d’exportation." drawing upon a study conducted by the Mines ParisTech Chair of Medias and Brand Economics.
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Antonio Casilli gave a plenary lecture at the AISLF
Posted on 4 July 2016
Antonio Casilli gave a plenary lecture entitled “Réinterroger les sciences sociales à l'heure du numérique » at the 20th conference of the Association Internationale des Sociologues de Langue Française, held in Montreal from July 4 to July 8.
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June 2016

Romaric Servajean-Hilst won the ”Purchasing” award for his PhD thesis
Posted on 30 June 2016
During the 2nd « Strategic collaborative Purchasing » conference at St Cyr Coëtquidan military schools, Romaric Servajean-Hilst was awarded the French best Purchasing PhD dissertation
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May 2016

“Outstanding contribution”, 14th International Design Conference, 2016, Croatia
Posted on 30 May 2016
The contribution « From FMEA as a problem solving method to a design-oriented process : toward a design perspective of FMEA » won the award “Outstanding contribution » at the 14th International Design Conference, 2016, in Croatia.
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New Release: “Comprehensive research. A methodological and epistemological introduction to qualitative research” by Hervé Dumez
Posted on 25 May 2016
La version française de ce livre a reçu en 2015 le prix du meilleur livre de recherche de l’année décerné par la FNEGE.
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New release: “Langage, organisations, situations et agencements” by Jacques Girin
Posted on 25 May 2016
Edited by Jean-François Chanlat and Hervé Dumez. Presses de l’Université Laval, Québec. Abstract Over the past two decades, the field of research in management and organizational studies has considerably grown.
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Dana Diminescu organizes a workshop “Diasporas Lab Day” in UCLA
Posted on 25 May 2016
Dana Diminescu, sociologist from SES Department in Télécom ParisTech is currently visitng UCLA, at IPAM Department. She organizes a workshop “Diasporas Lab Day” as part of the programme Culture Analytics.
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David Pontille a publié “Signer ensemble. Contribution et évaluation en sciences”
Posted on 17 May 2016
L’activité scientifique est traversée d’une tension fondamentale entre les formes organisationnelles du travail collaboratif et les politiques d’évaluation qui consacrent des génies individuels.
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April 2016

Le Libellio de printemps est paru
Posted on 3 April 2016
Nombre de livres y sont recensés, sur des sujets aussi divers que le green nudge, l’importance des équipes dans les processus d’innovation, les stratégies globales, la gestion de l’information à l’âge pré-classique
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Un numéro spécial de Project Management Journal
Posted on 3 April 2016
Christophe Midler with Catherine P. Killen and Alexander Kock edited an issue on Project and Innovation Management: Bridging Contemporary Trends in Theory and Practice.
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March 2016

Publication of “Les grands auteurs en management de l’innovation et de la créativité”
Posted on 29 March 2016
Marine Agogué, Florence Charue-Duboc, Lise Gastaldi, Pascal Le Masson, Sihem Ben Mahmoud-Jouini, et Philippe Silberzahn d’i3 ont participé à la rédaction de cet ouvrage collectif
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Pierre-Noël-Giraud published “L’homme invisible. Du bon usage de l’économie.”
Posted on 23 March 2016
Son livre, publié chez Odile Jacob, a reçu un accueil critique important, avec des articles dans de nombreux médias. Dans une interview pour le site La finance pour tous, il revient sur les principaux points de son ouvrage.
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Et si le prix unique du livre était aboli?
Posted on 15 March 2016
Que se passerait-il si la loi Lang qui a institué en 1981 le prix unique du livre était abrogée ? Déclin des librairies indépendantes ? Baisse du prix moyen des livres ?
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A Mooc “How to write and publish a scientific paper” developed by PhD students
Posted on 13 March 2016
Several Ph.D. students, from 1st year to 3rd year of Ecole Polytechnique, developed a MOOC named “How to write and publish a scientific paper” on Coursera
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Le CGS à l’honneur dans le numéro spécial des 40 ans de la Revue Française de Gestion
Posted on 13 March 2016
Nous avons le grand plaisir de vous informer de la sortie du numéro spécial des 40 ans de la Revue Française de Gestion, dans lequel sont publiés les articles jugés « les plus influents » de la Revue Française de Gestion sur ces 40 dernières années.
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Madeleine Akrich winner of the CNRS Silver Medal
Posted on 1 March 2016
Madeleine Akrich is one of the sixteen 2016 prize-winners to whom the CNRS has awarded a silver medal. The silver medal “honors a researcher for the originality, the quality and the importance of her-his nationally and internationally recognized work”
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February 2016

La Fabrique de l’Industrie se mobilise pour la semaine de l’Industrie
Posted on 27 February 2016
La Fabrique de l’industrie dont Thierry Weil (Cerna-i3) est le délégué général organise de nombreux événements du 14 au 20 mars 2016 à l’occasion de la semaine de l’industrie
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A post from François Lévêque on the website The conversation France
Posted on 25 February 2016
Les vacances de neige sont propices à l’enseignement de l’économie de la concurrence. Des monopoles locaux, les écoles de ski, battus en brèche ; des fournisseurs de chaussures, fixations et planches qui détiennent un pouvoir de monopole
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November 2015

Le Libellio d’automne est paru
Posted on 1 November 2015
En novembre 2005 paraissait le premier Libellio. Nombreux sont les auteurs qui ont accepté de fêter cet anniversaire. Si nombreux qu’il le sera en deux numéros dont voici le premier
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October 2015

Participating in innovation, innovating in participation: registration is open!
Posted on 27 October 2015
The website for the i3 conference on December 3rd and 4th is available: you will find information on the programme and a registration form!
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Innovation is an adventure trip
Posted on 15 October 2015
The magazine IT for Business interviewed Romaric Servajean-Hilst in its dossier “Innovation : a cultural revolution still to be made » in its 2015 september issue.
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The passing of Nicolas Auray
Posted on 5 October 2015
It is with profound sadness that we inform you of the death of our colleague, Nicolas Auray.
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August 2015

First Meeting of Lead Authors of the International Panel on Social Progress (IPSP)
Posted on 26 August 2015
The International Panel on Social Progress (IPSP) will harness the competence of hundreds of experts about social issues and will deliver a report addressed to all social actors, movements, organizations, politicians and decision-makers, in order to provide them with the best expertise on questions that bear on social change.
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July 2015

Armand Hatchuel nominated « Fellow » of the Design Society
Posted on 29 July 2015
This nomination awards academics who significantly contributed to design research. It acknowledges Armard Hatchuel's work on design theory and especially on C-K Theory. It also highlights the dynamism and the international visibility of a French school on engineering design at Mines ParisTech and in the large French research institutions concerned by engineering.
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Publication of the Libellio’s summer issue
Posted on 25 July 2015
Au sommaire : Questions énergétiques, DOSSIER La santé numérique, L’antiesclavagisme
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Publication of "Management Multiculturel"
Posted on 25 July 2015
edited by Eve Chiapello & Eric Godelier. Tome I Pratiques de management comparées Tome II Explorations indiennes Editions de l’Ecole polytechnique.
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Publication of "Managing and Working in Project Society"
Posted on 25 July 2015
By Lundin R. A., Arvidsson, N., Brady, T., Ekstedt, E., Midler, C., & Sydow, J. Cambridge University Press.
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Romaric Servajean-Hilst award winner of the Trophées des Achats – CDAF 2015
Posted on 24 July 2015
This award recognizes the results of its quantitative survey on governance and performance of innovation relationships between customers and suppliers.
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Appel à candidature pour une thèse CIFRE au centre de Gestion Scientifique
Posted on 22 July 2015
Le Centre de Gestion Scientifique (CGS) de l’École des Mines de Paris (Mines ParisTech) lance un appel à candidature pour une thèse CIFRE en collaboration avec BPI France, le Lab.
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June 2015

Hervé Dumez is awarded an AIMS-2015 prize
Posted on 13 June 2015
Hervé Dumez a reçu le prix « Meilleures implications managériales et sociétales » de l’AIMS-2015 pour une communication co-écrite avec Magali Ayache (Thema-Université de Cergy-Pontoise).
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Publication of a report on innovation in the Cinema sector
Posted on 13 June 2015
Pierre-Jean Benghozi , Elisa Salvador & Jean-Paul Simon ont publié un rapport intitulé: "Models of ICT Innovation: A Focus on the Cinema Sector"
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May 2015

Call for papers i3 conference 2015: Participating in Innovation, Innovating in Participation
Posted on 19 May 2015
We are inviting abstracts for an interdisciplinary conference on innovation that will be held on 3-4 December 2015 in Paris. The theme of the conference is “Participating in Innovation, Innovating in Participation”. The deadline for submitting abstracts (max. 1000 words) is June 21.
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Working Group on marine noise and responsible innovation
Posted on 15 May 2015
The Observatory for Responsible Innovation is getting ready for a new focus: the problematic field of ocean noise pollution. The management and engineering of oceans is (or should be) at the center of environmental policy agendas and wider political, industrial and societal concerns.
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A paper on the Google affair published in La Tribune
Posted on 15 May 2015
François Lévêque together with Frédéric Jenny published a paper in La Tribune on the notification of the Statement of Objections by the European Commission against Google: "Google: une procédure contradictoire vaut mieux qu'un mauvais arrangement".
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April 2015

An App for the visualisation of Facebook actual uses
Posted on 29 April 2015
The ANR funded project Algopol gathers computer scientists and sociologists to study recommendations on the internet.
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Publication of a report on R&D in cultural industries
Posted on 29 April 2015
Pierre-Jean Benghozi & Elisa Salvador (CRG) just published a report titled "La R&D dans les industries culturelles et créatives. Le cas de l’édition", funded by the Centre National du Livre (CNL), Paris.
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Publication of the spring issue of the Libellio
Posted on 3 April 2015
With a special section, coordinated by Elodie Gigout, on nuclear energy. And as always books: on the sociology of management tools, on metatheory, on philosophy in Islam, and on Leonardo da Vinci.
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Hervé Dumez was awarded the FNEGE prize for the best management book
Posted on 2 April 2015
Hervé Dumez’s book (2013), Méthodologie de la recherche qualitative, Vuibert, received the FNEGE prize for the best management book. Read more      
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Publication of "Management de l’innovation et globalisation"
Posted on 2 April 2015
Sihem Jouini, Florence Charue-Duboc et Christophe Midler just published a book titled Management de l’Innovation et Globalisation (Dunod).
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Annie Gentès au comité de rédaction de "Sciences du Design", la nouvelle revue des PUF
Posted on 2 April 2015
Sciences du Design est la première revue internationale en langue française de recherche scientifique en design publiée chez un grand éditeur.
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March 2015

François Lévêque participates to the public debate on nuclear energy
Posted on 11 March 2015
He was invited to the TV programmes 28 minutes on March 5th (Arte) and Décodeurs de l'éco on March 4th (BFM Business)
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February 2015

Benghozi & Salvador’s article, one of the most downloaded articles published in Routledge Social Sciences journals in 2014
Posted on 10 February 2015
Pierre-Jean Benghozi & Elisa Salvador's article ‘“Are traditional industrial partnerships so strategic for research spin-off development? Some evidence from the Italian case”’, published in Entrepreneurship & Regional Development has been included in an online article collection featuring the most downloaded articles published in Routledge Social Sciences journals in 2014.
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January 2015

A new sponsor for the chair Mines-Télécom "Intellectual Property and Markets for Technology"
Posted on 26 January 2015
Pfizer has agreed to sponsor the chair “Intellectual Property and Markets for Technology,” joining Air Liquide, Philips, and Microsoft.
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La politique française en matière de recharge des véhicules électriques part dans la mauvaise direction
Posted on 22 January 2015
Un point de vue de Matthieu Glachant, professeur d’économie à MINES ParisTech
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December 2014

Publication of the last 2014 issue of the Libellio
Posted on 23 December 2014
Created in December 2005, “le libellio” is an online periodical focused on book-reviews and research papers in the field of management and more generally in social sciences.
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Un billet de Romaric Servajean-Hilst sur les incubateurs de start-up en grande entreprise
Posted on 23 December 2014
Romaric Servajean-Hilst (CRG) a publié un point de vue dans Le Monde du 20 janvier, avec Olivier Duverdier (DG d’Ecosys Group et Président du Comité « Open Innovation » du Medef) : « Incubateurs dans les grands groupes : attention à l’effet de mode ».
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Publication of "The Economics and Uncertainties of Nuclear Power"
Posted on 11 December 2014
Un ouvrage de François Lévêque, paru chez Cambridge University Press.
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Publication of « S’engager dans l’Open Innovation – fondements académiques , démarches et grandes pratiques »
Posted on 10 December 2014
Romaric Servajean-Hilst (CRG) vient de réaliser pour l’Institut de l’Open Innovation un rapport destiné à présenter aux managers les fondements académiques de l’Open Innovation ainsi que les démarches et grandes pratiques étudiées par les chercheurs en gestion.
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Publication of "Concerned Markets. Economic Ordering for Multiple Values."
Posted on 3 December 2014
The book edited S. Geiger, D. Harrisson, H. Kjellberg et A. Mallard (CSI) just came out at Edward Elgar publishers.
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A paper by François Lévêque on the future of nuclear industry
Posted on 3 December 2014
François Lévêque published a paper on the blog of the economists of energy of the newspaper La Tribune: "Quand le nucléaire bascule vers les émergents"
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Parution de "L’entreprise, point aveugle du savoir"
Posted on 2 December 2014
sous la direction de Blanche Segrestin (CGS), Baudoin Roger et Stéphane Vernac, aux éditions Sciences Humaines. Actes du colloque organisé en 2013 "À qui appartiennent les entreprises", l’ouvrage met en lumière de nouvelles façons de penser l’entreprise et sa gouvernance.
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Two CERNA PhD students rewarded by a prize
Posted on 1 December 2014
The Association des Economistes de l'Energie awarded the 2014 Marcel Boiteux prize of the best book in the field of economics of energy to Mathieu Bordigoni, a previous PhD student at the CERNA, for the book he published at the Presses des Mines "Industrie et Energie"
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November 2014

Parution de "Théorie, méthodes et organisations de la conception"
Posted on 28 November 2014
Auteurs: Armand Hatchuel, Pascal Le Masson, Benoît Weil (CGS). Editeur: Presses des mines. Cet ouvrage présente les cours de conception créés et dispensés à MINES ParisTech depuis vingt ans. Il répond à un double objectif : préparer les futurs concepteurs aux mutations à l’œuvre dans l’organisation de l’innovation et développer un cursus de formation intégrant les plus récentes avancées en termes de théories et de méthodes de conception.
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September 2014

A special issue of Biosocieties on "Evidence-Based Activism"
Posted on 15 September 2014
Coordinated by Vololona Rabeharisoa (CSI), Madeleine Akrich (CSI), and Tiago Moreira (Durham University), this special issue provides empirical data and analysis on what the authors call "evidence-based activism". This notion has been proposed to capture patients’ and health activists’ groups’ focus on knowledge production and knowledge mobilisation in the governance of health issues.
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Publication of "The Physical Internet -The Network of Logistics Networks"
Posted on 1 September 2014
Authors: Eric Ballot (CGS), Benoit Montreuil et Russel D. Meller. Publisher: La Documentation Française. The performance of logistics networks has made a considerable leap in recent decades. With a development capacity and degree of competition that leave little influence to public corrective actions, it is engendering increasing environmental and societal damage
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April 2014

Commission d’enquête sur les coûts du nucléaire
Posted on 2 April 2014
Audition de François Lévêque devant la Commission d’enquête sur les coûts du nucléaire (Assemblée nationale, 26 mars 2014). Voir la vidéo.
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February 2014

Four controversies on nuclear power
Posted on 10 February 2014
François Lévêque contributed to the Bruegel Energy and Climate Exchange on the economics of nuclear energy, Brussels 5 February 2014. (see presentation material)
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Using the human brain as CPU, a new frontier?
Posted on 10 February 2014
Arnaud Vincent’s thesis on human computation abilities applied to automated trading.
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January 2014

Competition in the European Power Sector
Posted on 24 January 2014
François Lévêque gave a talk at the Seoul National University on the Opening up of the EU and French power sector to competition. (see presentation material)
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Pour une Europe des médias
Posted on 13 January 2014
Le point de vue d’Olivier Bomsel publié dans les Echos sur la création du marché unique des médias
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How Fukushima Dai-ichi core meltdown changed the probability of nuclear accidents?
Posted on 6 January 2014
Un article de Lina Escobar Rangel et de François Lévêque publié dans Safety Science.
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November 2013

François Lévêque reçoit le prix Marcel Boiteux
Posted on 21 November 2013
L’ouvrage “Nucléaire On/Off – Economie d’un pari” de François Lévêque a obtenu le prix Marcel Boiteux du meilleur livre d’économie de l’énergie. Il lui a été remis par l’ancien président […]
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Recul d’un cran de la menace nucléaire iranienne
Posted on 20 November 2013
Une tribune de François Lévêque sur l’accord transitoire entre l’Iran et le groupe G5+1 publiée dans les Échos
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Promoting the International Transfer of Low-Carbon Technologies: Evidence and Policy Challenges
Posted on 18 November 2013
Matthieu Glachant organise avec Antoine Dechezleprêtre de la London School of Economics un side-event lors de la Conférence sur le Climat à Varsovie le 22 novembre 2013 dans le Pavillion […]
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Journées d’Economie de Lyon 2013
Posted on 15 November 2013
Pierre-Noël Giraud a participé activement à la préparation et à l’animation des Journées d’Economie de Lyon (JECO). Il intervient dans : “L’avenir de l’Afrique”, “La politique de concurrence tue-t-elle l’industrie?” […]
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Society for Social Studies of Sciences (4S) Annual Conference à San Diego
Posted on 13 November 2013
Du 9 au 12 octobre, des chercheurs du CSI ont participé à la 4S Annual Conference. Brice Laurent, Martin Tironi et Romain Badouard feront une communication intitulée “Market experiments for […]
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Outstanding Paper Award
Posted on 13 November 2013
Alaric Bourgoin est lauréat du Management Consulting Division Outstanding Field Report Paper Award (Academy of Management). Plus d’information.
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Society for Social Studies of Sciences (4S) Annual Conference in San Diego
Posted on 13 November 2013
9-12 october, members of CSI participate to the 4S Annual Conference. Brice Laurent, Martin Tironi and Romain Badouard  gave a talk entitled “Market experiments for industrial exploration: testing a car-sharing […]
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Benjamin Lemoine winner of the French association of political science thesis award
Posted on 13 November 2013
During the AFSP last meeting, Benjamin Lemoine received the Public policy thesis prize for his dissertation entitled “Les valeurs de la dette. L’État à l’épreuve de la dette publique”, supervised […]
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Francesca Musiani receives the IAMCR ‘Best Paper Award’
Posted on 13 November 2013
Francesca Musiani received the ‘Best Paper Award’ of the Communication Policy and Technology (CP&T) section during the IAMCR meeting in Dublin (July 2013) for her presentation ‘A Decentralized Domain Name […]
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Économie de l’énergie nucléaire
Posted on 8 November 2013
La Société Française d’Energie Nucléaire interviewe François Lévêque sur l’Économie de l’énergie nucléaire. Voir la vidéo
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Nucléaire On/Off : Analyse économique d’un pari
Posted on 7 November 2013
François Lévêque publie chez Dunod un ouvrage sur l’analyse économique du nucléaire dans lequel il met en cause de nombreuses fausses certitudes et montre comment les débats sur le nucléaire […]
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October 2013

Sortie progressive ou accélérée du nucléaire ?
Posted on 11 October 2013
Dans La Tribune, François Lévêque analyse la sortie du nucléaire en Allemagne et formule les leçons que la France pourrait en tirer.
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La gratuité, à quel prix ?
Posted on 9 October 2013
Dans Café Ecofutur, Olivier Bomsel rencontrera les lecteurs de «Libération» le 14 octobre à Paris, pour évoquer la face cachée de la gratuité.
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June 2013

La régulation par les instruments : Les services d’eau en Europe
Posted on 14 June 2013
Michel Nakhla, professeur-chercheur à MINES ParisTech où il enseigne la recherche opérationnelle et la planification industrielle, publie son deuxième ouvrage aux Presses des Mines intitulé : “La régulation par les […]
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May 2013

International Symposium on Operational Research and Applications
Posted on 1 May 2013
Le 9 mail 2013, Alain Galli présentera un travail intitulé “Estimating the avoided investment in energy efficiency policies through the optimization of operation cost” co-écrit avec Rodrigo F. Calili, Reinaldo […]
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April 2013

Journées doctorales des 6 et 7 juin 2013
Posted on 25 April 2013
L’organisation de journées doctorales communes vise à faire connaître les travaux de thèse en cours au sein d’I3, à engager un échange pluridisciplinaire autour de thématiques communes et à faire […]
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March 2013

Bruno Latour reçoit le prix Holberg
Posted on 22 March 2013
Bruno Latour, ancien chercheur au laboratoire CSI d’i3, a été distingué par le “Prix Nobel des arts et des sciences humaines et sociales” pour sa contribution à la modernisation des […]
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Mastère Spécialisé Management et Nouvelles Technologies
Posted on 13 March 2013
HEC Paris et Télécom ParisTech ont réuni leurs compétences pour créer le Mastère Spécialisé « Management et Nouvelles Technologies (MNT) » qui est une formation au management orientée vers l’e-business, […]
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Protocoles éditoriaux : Qu’est-ce que publier ?
Posted on 6 March 2013
Parution de l’ouvrage “Protocoles éditoriaux” chez Armand Colin sous la direction d’Olivier Bomsel.
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L’industrie française décroche-t-elle ?
Posted on 6 March 2013
Publication d’un ouvrage coécrit par Pierre-Noël Giraud et Thierry Weil le 6 mars 2013 à La Documentation française.
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January 2013

i3 dans la revue Innovation & Industrie
Posted on 28 January 2013
Dans le numéro de Décembre 2012 de la revue Innovation & Industrie vous trouverez un article concernant « Les bonnes pratiques des écoles dans leurs relations industrielles ». Nous vous faisons part […]
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December 2012

Thierry Weil à l’Académie des Technologies
Posted on 5 December 2012
Le 5 décembre, Thierry Weil a été élu à l’Académie des Technologies.
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October 2012

Prix Manpower
Posted on 11 October 2012
Le jury des élèves HEC associé au grand Prix Manpower a choisi l’ouvrage de Blanche Segrestin et Armand Hatchuel – « refonder l’entreprise » comme lauréat 2012.
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Nomination de Frédérique Pallez
Posted on 10 October 2012
Frédérique Pallez est désormais membre du Comité de Pilotage des Assises de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche
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June 2012

Pour un vrai printemps de l’économie verte
Posted on 12 June 2012
Une tribune de Matthieu Glachant dans Libération du 11 juin, avec Stéphane Hallegatte, Eloi Laurent et Patricia Crifo
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Présentation des travaux d’option Ingénierie de la Conception
Posted on 11 June 2012
La présentation des travaux d’option Ingénierie de la Conception aura lieu le 25 Juin 2012 à Mines ParisTech: http://t.co/Y3xTQ7L3
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RT @PhysicInternet
Posted on 11 June 2012
RT @PhysicInternet: Carbox pilots inter-entity car-sharing / SMART MOBILITY MANAGEMENT
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RT @PhysicInternet
Posted on 11 June 2012
RT @PhysicInternet: An interesting exec summary. http://t.co/s8r6DrNw
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RT @PhysicInternet
Posted on 11 June 2012
RT @PhysicInternet: A chapter about Physical Internet network design just published by Springer in http://t.co/nWEyN9sN
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May 2012

Les probabilités et le droit, une rencontre inattendue
Posted on 1 May 2012
Une tribune de Matthieu Glachant dans Libération du 11 juin, avec Stéphane Hallegatte, Eloi Laurent et Patricia Crifo
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April 2012

RT @MINES_ParisTech
Posted on 3 April 2012
RT @MINES_ParisTech: “La crise économique impose de rechercher des solutions hier encore impensables”. Blanche Segrestin… http://t.co/ …
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"Le ‘presque rien’ et le ‘pas tout à fait vrai"’, probabilitiés et décision juridictionnelle
Posted on 1 April 2012
Un article de Lévêque François et Thierry Fossier paru dans la Semaine Juridique
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"Le ‘presque rien’ et le ‘pas tout à fait vrai"’, probabilités et décision juridictionnelle
Posted on 1 April 2012
Un article de François Lévêque paru dans la revue Lamy de la concurrence
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March 2012

RT @MINES_ParisTech
Posted on 27 March 2012
RT @MINES_ParisTech: Armand Hatchuel @MINES_ParisTech, invite à mobiliser le ressort symbolique de la “marque France”. http://t.co/TOVJIaog
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Faut-il séparer les banques de dépôt et les banques d’investissement ?
Posted on 1 March 2012
Interview de Pierre-Noël Giraud par La Finance pour tous
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Options for an EU instrument for patent valorisation
Posted on 1 March 2012
Yann Ménière has been the rapporteur of an Expert Group set up by the European Commission to assess policy instruments to enhance patent valorisation in Europe
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La finance et les marchés des matières premières
Posted on 1 March 2012
Auquel participe le groupe Finance Quantitative du Cerna pour MINES ParisTech
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Le consortium conduit par le BRGM obtient le label IEED pour le projet GÉODENERGIES
Posted on 1 March 2012
Auquel participe le groupe Finance Quantitative du Cerna pour MINES ParisTech
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La régulation de la sûreté nucléaire : analyse économique.
Posted on 1 March 2012
Conférence présentée par François Lévêque à l’Association des économistes de l’énergie, 14 mars 2012
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Réinventer une nouvelle croissance ?
Posted on 1 March 2012
Article de Gilles Le Blanc dans la revue parlementaire
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Editorialisation de la musique à la télévision
Posted on 1 March 2012
Etude par Marie Busson et Fabienne Vuanda.
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Typologie des pôles de compétitivité basée sur leurs caractéristiques « héritées »
Posted on 1 March 2012
Travail en ligne pour le DATAR par Philippe Caillou, Émilie-Pauline Gallié, Valérie Mérindol et Thierry Weil
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Prix de l'énergie nucléaire, un marché de dupe
Posted on 1 March 2012
Une tribune de François Lévêque dans Le Figaro
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Libre échange ou juste échange ?
Posted on 1 March 2012
Article de Pierre-Noël Giraud dans “Alternatives Économiques” Spécial Élections 2012, Mars 2012
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February 2012

F.Kletz et B.Legait
Posted on 19 February 2012
F.Kletz et B.Legait : intervention aux 20 ans de l’EMAMH (Ecole de Management des Médecins des Hôpitaux), partenariat AP-HP/ Mines, 14/12/11
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Refonder l’entreprise
Posted on 18 February 2012
Refonder l’entreprise, Un nouveau livre par Blanche Segrestin et Armand Hatchuel http://t.co/iPHsYnQ5
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Grégory Rolina
Posted on 15 February 2012
Grégory Rolina, chercheur associé CGS, sur l’allongement de la durée de vie des centrales nucléaires: http://t.co/IG1xGTgp
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Matthieu Glachant nommé au Conseil Scientifique de l’ADEME
Posted on 1 February 2012
L’Agence est dotée depuis le 10 janvier d’un nouveau Conseil scientifique dont le rôle est d’orienter la politique scientifique de l’ADEME.
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Le cas de l’usine ArcelorMittal de Florange
Posted on 1 February 2012
Expliqué par Gilles Le Blanc
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Politique industrielle : une opposition politique encore à construire
Posted on 1 February 2012
Chapitre de Gilles Le Blanc dans le livre Droite contre Gauche ?  (ed. Fayard) par le cercle des économistes
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La fiscalité du numérique
Posted on 1 February 2012
Intervention d’Olivier Bomsel lors d’une table ronde au Sénat
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APCOM Congress in Australia
Posted on 1 February 2012
The two papers presented by Margaret Armstrong & Alain Galli were selected in the top five papers: Multi-Stage Stochastic Optimisation for Managing Major Production Incidents and A New Approach to Flexible Open Pit Optimisation […]
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January 2012

Economie et Politique : le grand malentendu
Posted on 1 January 2012
Nouveau livre de Gilles Le Blanc. Table des matières disponible ici.
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Nous allons assister à la fin du malthusianisme
Posted on 1 January 2012
Point de vue de Pierre-Noël Giraud dans la Tribune de Noël
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La croissance par l’investissement
Posted on 1 January 2012
Tribune de Gilles Le Blanc dans l’édition du Figaro du 16 Janvier 2012.
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France Deals with Globalization Crisis
Posted on 1 January 2012
A paper by Pierre-Noel Giraud on Yale Global Online Magazine. An extended version of the paper is available here.
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Lecture économique du cas "Mégaupload"
Posted on 1 January 2012
Une note de travail par Marine Lefort.
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L’économie des "pools de brevets"
Posted on 1 January 2012
Un article de Yann Ménière dans un dossier grand angle de La Jaune et Rouge
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December 2011

Special Interest Group – Design Theory
Posted on 15 December 2011
Prochain Special Interest Group – Design Theory les 30 et 31 Janvier 2012
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Grégory Rolina
Posted on 8 December 2011
Intervention de Grégory Rolina sur la question de la sécurité dans les centrales nucléaires: http://t.co/OjKCpIC6
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Conference on Optimisation & Practices in Industry 
Posted on 1 December 2011
Organisé par EDF. Intervention de Margaret Amstrong et Alain Galli “Using copulas to model the impact of major production incidents on commodity prices within a stochastic optimisation framework“
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November 2011

Physical Internet Initiative
Posted on 21 November 2011
Eric Ballot presents the Physical Internet Initiative on video: http://t.co/jBn0X63L
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Posted on 20 November 2011
Michel LESCANNE, CEO et fondateur de NUTRISET, en conférence vendredi 25/11 @ Mines ParisTech (Chaire #TMCI)
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Grégory Rolina, chercheur…
Posted on 18 November 2011
Grégory Rolina, chercheur associé au CGS, invité sur le plateau de “C’est l’actu sur LCI : nucléaire”: http://t.co/gqyLhiqm
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Pascal Daloz VP stratégie de…
Posted on 17 November 2011
Pascal Daloz VP stratégie de Dassault Systèmes en conférence le jeudi 24/11 16:00 @ Mines ParisTech (Chaire #TMCI)
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Yves PARLIER, fondateur de…
Posted on 16 November 2011
Yves PARLIER, fondateur de Beyond the Sea, en conférence ce mercredi 23/11 16:00 @ Mines ParisTech (Chaire #TMCI)
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Posted on 15 November 2011
Bernard VAUDEVILLE (T/E/SS): « architecture et conception innovante », conférence le 22/11/2011 à 16:00 @ Mines ParisTech (#TMCI)
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Nils SACLIER (Renault) chef…
Posted on 14 November 2011
Nils SACLIER (Renault) chef de programme TWEEZY, en conférence le lundi 21/11 à 16:00 @ Mines ParisTech (Chaire #TMCI)
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"Ce soir ou jamais" (France 3) : Débat sur la crise de la dette
Posted on 1 November 2011
Pierre-Noël Giraud a participé à un débat  sur la crise de la dette avec Emmanuel Todd et Jean Michel Six (Standard & Poors) dans l’émission “Ce soir ou jamais” du 29 novembre […]
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L'industrie européenne dans la mondialisation
Posted on 1 November 2011
Intervention de Pierre-Noël Giraud à la session d’ouverture des JECOs avec Pascal Lamy,  B. Hoekman, R. Guesnerie, F. Bourguignon; Animateur: JM. Vittori (Les Echos); Grand témoin: J-P Jouyet
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La spéculation fait elle flamber le cours des matières premières?
Posted on 1 November 2011
Présentation de Pierre-Noël Giraud aux JECOs.
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La propriété intellectuelle, une notion récente
Posted on 1 November 2011
Intervention d’Olivier Bomsel au forum d’Avignon
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October 2011

Nouvelle offre de thèse…
Posted on 21 October 2011
Nouvelle offre de thèse CIFRE Renault-CGS sur bionique et véhicule décarboné: http://t.co/qKVHlT6A
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Franck Aggeri, publie un…
Posted on 19 October 2011
Franck Aggeri, publie un article dans la Revue Française de Gestion: “le développement durable comme champ d’i… (cont) http://t.co/S09UIVfn
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Jean Botti CTO de EADS en…
Posted on 13 October 2011
Jean Botti CTO de EADS en conférence @ Mines ParisTech 20/10 (Chaire #TMCI)
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Patrick COGEZ (ST…
Posted on 12 October 2011
Patrick COGEZ (ST microelectronics), conférence 19/10 à 15h45 Mines ParisTech (Chaire #TMCI)
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Dominique Ropion, un des plus…
Posted on 12 October 2011
Dominique Ropion, un des plus grands créateurs de parfum en conférence 19/10 à 11h. (Chaire #TMCI)
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Rebecca Pinheiro-Croisel…
Posted on 11 October 2011
Rebecca Pinheiro-Croisel (CGS) présente son travail de thèse dans un film réalisé par #VINCI chaire #eco-conception http://t.co/HtI3ZOTu
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Mats LUNDQVIST, directeur de…
Posted on 10 October 2011
Mats LUNDQVIST, directeur de la Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship en conférence à 14h (Ingénierie de la Conception)
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Que faire face à la crise des dettes souveraines en Europe?
Posted on 1 October 2011
Entretien de Pierre-Noël Giraud avec Philippe Petit.
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Justifications économiques de l'utilité d'un mécanisme de bouclage dans le fonctionnement d'un dispositif d'obligation de capacité
Posted on 1 October 2011
Co-écrit par François Lévêque, paru dans la Revue de l’Energie, n° 603, Sept-Oct 2011
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Elle dit qu’elle est au régime… et se ressert de fromage
Posted on 1 October 2011
Un nouveau billet d’Olivier Bomsel.
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Ne pas rater la conception du marché de capacité électrique
Posted on 1 October 2011
Ecrit par François Lévêque, paru dans le journal La Tribune le 19 octobre 2011.
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Cinéma, une technique, un art immatériel… Un protocole éditorial menacé
Posted on 1 October 2011
Intervention d’Olivier Bomsel au Colloque de la Cinémathèque française le 13 octobre dernier.
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Publication d'un article de Justus Baron et Henry Delcamp
Posted on 1 October 2011
“The private and social value of patents in discrete and cumulative innovation” dans la revue Scientometrics
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September 2011

Pr. Nelson Phillips from…
Posted on 29 September 2011
Pr. Nelson Phillips from Imperial College invited seminar on Oct. 5th, 3pm @ Mines ParisTech – information and sign-up: http://t.co/6Kk8chU7
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Aymeric MALHERBE, fondateur…
Posted on 28 September 2011
Aymeric MALHERBE, fondateur de Typlume & Graphine en conférence le 04/10 à 17h30 (Chaire #TMCI)
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Le bien et le mal en droit économique
Posted on 1 September 2011
Ecrit par François Lévêque et Thierry Fossier, paru dans la revue Lamy de la concurrence en avril-juin 2011.
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L'industrie française face à l'économie verte
Posted on 1 September 2011
Un rapport de Patricia Crifo, Manuel Flam et Matthieu Glachant pour le Cercle de l’Industrie qui décrit comment de grandes entreprises industrielles françaises “verdissent” leurs activités et leurs stratégies (plus […]
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Deuxième édition du livre Plurigaussian Simulations in Geosciences 
Posted on 1 September 2011
Ouvrage co-écrit par Margaret Amstrong et Alain Galli.
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July 2011

RT @iamlfb: Armand Hatchuel,…
Posted on 11 July 2011
RT @iamlfb: Armand Hatchuel, Mines ParisTECH: new product design follows from strategy; true innovation regenerates the strategy #CKtheo …
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Proposition thèse Cifre…
Posted on 6 July 2011
Proposition thèse Cifre Renault sur l’élaboration d’une vision long terme avec la veille stratégique et la créativité http://t.co/PZy3aGL
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June 2011

Intervention de Olivier Bomsel au World Copyright Summit
Posted on 1 June 2011
Intervention de François Lévêque lors de la 7th SICEM Conference Electricity Deregulation - Retrospect and Prospect
Posted on 1 June 2011
Le support de son intervention est disponible, ainsi que la vidéo.
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The Economics of Corporate Social Responsibility Conference, Paris, 9-10 June, 2011
Posted on 1 June 2011
Tenue le 16 juin à Séoul. Sa présentation est disponible ici.
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Parution d'un article de François Lévêque et Michel Berthélemy 
Posted on 1 June 2011
An international academic conference jointly organised by the Cerna, Université de Paris 1 and Paris School of Economics. See·the conference web page·and the program.
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May 2011

Colloque "La vie et l'oeuvre de Maurice Allais dans son siècle" le 31 mai 2011 à MINES ParisTech
Posted on 1 May 2011
“Harmonising Nuclear Safety Regulation in the EU: Which Priority?” dans la Review of European Economic Policy
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Trois articles d'Olivier Bomsel acceptés pour publication
Posted on 1 May 2011
Co-organisé par·Pierre-Noël GIRAUD. Le programme provisoire est disponible ici.
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April 2011

Deux contributions de François Lévêque dans La Tribune et Les Echos
Posted on 1 April 2011
“Do you speak European ?, Media economics, multilingualism and the digital single market” à paraître dans le n°82 de Communications & Strategies
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Colloque "The Ocean, Green Shipping and Sustainable Energy" organisé par la chaire Finance et développement durable de Paris Dauphine le 28 et 28 avril 2011
Posted on 1 April 2011
“Nucléaire : et si les vieilles centrales étaient les plus sûres ?” Les Echos, 20 avril 2011.
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Une contribution de François Lévêque et Michel Berthélemy sur la sûreté des centrales nucléaires
Posted on 1 April 2011
Avec la participation de Delphine Lautier, professeure associée au Cerna-MINES ParisTech. Inscription obligatoire auprès de Cette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour […]
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March 2011

Deux nouveaux articles de Francois Lévêque sur la loi NOME (Nouvelle Organisation du Marché Electrique)
Posted on 1 March 2011
 Don’t close nuclear power plants merely because they are old ! sur l’UE Energy Policy Blog
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Présentation de Margaret Amstrong à la Mc Gill University, Canada
Posted on 1 March 2011
Le premier, “NOME : un régulateur à l’écart des discussions et des décisions” est paru dans Concurrence, la revue des droits de la concurrence. Le second, “France’s New Electricity Act: […]
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January 2011

Reprise d'un billet d'Olivier Bomsel dans le quotidien Tunisien Le Temps
Posted on 1 January 2011
The cost of energy and the exchange rate are two key factors that influence the profitability of mining projects. This paper demonstrates that using financial  derivatives to hedge these two risks would have […]
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Contribution de Pierre-Noël Giraud au rapport de Christine Boutin "De la Mondialisation à l'Universalisation: une ambition sociale"
Posted on 1 January 2011
Intitulé “Qui parle en Tunisie?”, Olivier Bomsel y interroge le rôle d’internet dans la révolution tunisienne.
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Colloque scientifique en l'honneur de Maurice Allais
Posted on 1 January 2011
Sa contribution se présente sous la forme d’un texte annexé au rapport, publié à La Documentation Française.
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December 2010

Parution d'un article dans Les Echos sur le travail d'Arnaud Vincent
Posted on 1 December 2010
Dans l’édition du 7 décembre, à propos du jeu de trading “Les Krabott” créé pour étudier le comportement des traders.
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October 2010

Energy and Urban Innovation, a study for the World Energy Council
Posted on 1 October 2010
Pierre-Noël Giraud a dirigé une équipe du Cerna (Ian Cochran, Paula Restrepo, Matthieu Saujot) qui, associée à l’IDDRI (Benoit Lefevre, Vincent Renard) et à Michel Benard, a produit le rapport […]
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Le second prix académique de l'AIPPI
Posted on 1 October 2010
Arnaud de la Tour, Matthieu Glachant et Yann Ménière ont reçu le second prix académique de l’AIPPI (Association Internationale des Professionnels de la Propriété Intellectuelle) pour leur article “Innovation and […]
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September 2010

Fullbright Scholarship
Posted on 1 September 2010
Ghassan Rachid, a former finance optionnaire (P03), has just been awarded a Fullbright Scholarship to study for an MBA in the USA starting in 2011.
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July 2010

Olivier Bomsel interviendra pour la Chaire ParisTech d'Economie des Médias et des Marques à la conférence annuelle du SERCI, le 8-9 juillet 2010 à Cartagène
Posted on 1 July 2010
Son intervention concernera le copyright et le droit des marques à l’ère numérique. Une version française est disponible, as well as an English version.
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"Security of Energy Supply in Europe", un nouvel ouvrage co-édité par François Lévêque
Posted on 1 July 2010
Alongside competition and sustainability, supply security represents a cornerstone of the EU’s energy policy, and in times of rising geopolitical conflict plays an increasingly important role in its external relations. […]
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June 2010

Un nouvel article de Francois Lévêque et Marcelo Saguan sur le projet de loi NOME (Nouvelle Organisation du Marché Electrique)
Posted on 1 June 2010
Le papier est à télécharger ici.
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May 2010

Pierre Noël Giraud a rédigé l'article de conclusion d'un hors série de la revue "Sciences Humaines" consacré à "La grande histoire du capitalisme"
Posted on 1 May 2010
Voir l’article: “La dynamique du capitalisme global“
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April 2010

Business Performativity
Posted on 8 April 2010
Présentation sur “Elements of Performativity in the Pedagogy of Business” par Fabian Muniesa à la University of Edinburgh Business School. Programme»
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March 2010

Visiting scholar
Posted on 31 March 2010
Antoine Hennion est invité au département de sociologie de la New York University . Informations»
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Colloque Vox Internet
Posted on 27 March 2010
Colloque final du programme de recherche Vox Internet II, ayant pour thème général l'”accès”. Les trois séances du colloque explorent les aspects de littératie, savoirs ouverts, et accès physique aux […]
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Deux nouvelles notes de travail de la Chaire ParisTech d'Economie des Médias et des Marques
Posted on 1 March 2010
Sur l‘innovation et la propriété intellectuelle et sur la net-neutralité.
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February 2010

"L’économie immatérielle. Industries et marchés d’expériences" – C’est le titre du nouvel essai d’Olivier Bomsel qui vient de paraître chez Gallimard
Posted on 1 February 2010
Il peut être commandé ici. Une critique est parue dans Télérama et l’auteur a été l’invité de l’économie sur France 24 pour en parler. A noter également, son dernier post […]
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January 2010

Evènement : Voeux 2010
Posted on 1 January 2010
La carte de voeux de MINES ParisTech s’inspire cette année de la cartographie des acteurs d’une controverse sur la protection des oiseaux migrateurs..
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Une opinion de Matthieu Glachant et François Lévêque sur la décision de Conseil Constitutionnel censurant la taxe carbone
Posted on 1 January 2010
Parue dans La Tribune du 5 janvier 2010 : ici.
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November 2009

Posted on 27 November 2009
Yannick Barthe et Michel Callon interviennent au séminaire du LISE (responsable : Odile Piriou), sur le thème de “la réversibilité des décisions politiques”. Site du LISE»
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Posted on 27 November 2009
Poster MAPO (Mapping and Analyzing Patient Organization Movements on Rare Diseases) dans le cadre du Colloque Recherche Biomédicale de l’ANR. Informations et inscription» Projet MAPO »
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Posted on 14 November 2009
Francesca Musiani participe au 4ème GigaNet Annual Symposium (en conjonction avec IGF Egypte), à Charm El Cheikh. Programme»
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Associations de patients
Posted on 6 November 2009
Vololona Rabeharisoa représente le CSI à une rencontre organisée par l’Université de Vienne sur le rôle des associations de patients dans l’orientation des services de santé. Programme»
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Vient de paraître
Posted on 1 November 2009
Publication de l’étude de Francesca Musiani Cyberhandshakes: How the Internet Challenges Dispute Resolution (…And Simplifies It) , EuroEditions, 2009. EuroEditions»
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October 2009

Conference 4S
Posted on 31 October 2009
Le CSI est présent à la conférence annuelle de la Society for Social Studies of Science (Washington DC) : communications de Brice Laurent et de Morgan Meyer, et une session […]
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Posted on 21 October 2009
Clément Combes intervient dans le séminaire Melodi (MEdias et LOisirs AuDIovisuels) avec Sandrine Ville (Orange Labs) sur le thème des communautés de fans de séries. Programme»
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Dette publique
Posted on 14 October 2009
Benjamin Lemoine présente ses travaux sur la dette publique dans le séminaire de l’association d’études sociales de la finance. Site de l’AESF»
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Posted on 2 October 2009
Exposé de Vololona Rabeharisoa sur « Les transformations croisées des pratiques collaboratives et des représentations de l’autisme » dans le cadre du colloque 40 ans de la Fondation de France […]
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Evènement : EPOKS (European Patient Organizations in Knowledge Society): entretien avec Vololona Rabeharisoa
Posted on 1 October 2009
Le Centre de sociologie de l’innovation coordonne actuellement le projet de recherche européen sur l’action des associations de malades et des collectifs d’usagers EPOKS (European Patient Organizations in Knowledge Society).
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September 2009

Festival francophone de philosophie
Posted on 27 September 2009
Catherine Rémy, invitée au 5ème festival francophone de philosophie, Saint-Maurice, Suisse. Programme»
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Posted on 24 September 2009
Philippe Mustar intervient dans le VICO Second Focus Group Meeting, University Foundation, Bruxelles. Site du projet VICO»
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Constructing Public Engagement
Posted on 18 September 2009
Brice Laurent intervient dans la conférence “Constructing Public Engagement” organisée à la London School of Economics (BIOS). Programme»
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Posted on 4 September 2009
Cécile Méadel présente une communication sur « The black box of ratings : how television audiences are turned into universally accepted numbers » dans la conférence Transforming Audience 2 à […]
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Vient de paraître
Posted on 1 September 2009
Paraît aux Editions CNRS l’ouvrage La Réception, dirigé par Cécile Méadel. Editions CNRS»
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July 2009

Gouverner l´incertitude
Posted on 7 July 2009
Le CSI est un partenaire de la conférence co-organisée avec l’AFSSET et le R2S “Gouverner l´incertitude : les apports des sciences sociales à la gouvernance des risques sanitaires environnementaux”. Information»
More »
Posted on 6 July 2009
Le programme Auditvmonde piloté par Jérôme Bourdon et Cécile Méadel organise une rencontre internationale autour des mesures d’audience à l’école des mines..
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Energizing Energy Markets
Posted on 2 July 2009
Le CSI co-organise le panel “Energizing Energy Markets: Institutions, Devices and Experiments” du colloque EGOS à Barcelone. Information»
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Vient de paraître
Posted on 1 July 2009
Meyer, M. (2009) ‘Objet-frontière ou Projet-frontière ? Construction, (non-)utilisation et politique d’une banque de données’ dans Revue d’Anthropologie des Connaissances (numéro spécial: Retour sur la notion d’objet-frontière), Vol. 3, No. […]
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June 2009

Internet Governance: Transparency, Trust and Tools
Posted on 12 June 2009
Le quatrième atelier du séminaire IG3T (Internet Governance: Transparency, Trust and Tools), co-organisé par Vox Internet II, se déroule à l’Ecole des Mines de Paris. Cécile Méadel et Francesca Musiani […]
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Séminaire Médias et controverses
Posted on 5 June 2009
organisé avec le Laboratoire Communication et Politique (CNRS), avec Martin W. Bauer (LSE), Katherine McComas (Cornell University), Patrick Chareaudeau (Paris XIII) et Sylverstre Huet (journaliste scientifique). L’après midi sera consacrée […]
More »
Posted on 2 June 2009
Dominique Linhardt et Fabian Muniesa présenterons une communication au séminaire “Benchmarking” à le Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (Paris). Programme du séminaire» voir aussi ici»
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May 2009

Antoine Hennion
Posted on 18 May 2009
Keynote address : “Music of Changes”, symposium on Music Sociology, T. DeNora org., University of Exeter, GB.
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Aller chez les gens
Posted on 15 May 2009
Journée d’étude organisée par Pierre Vidal-Naquet dans le cadre du séminaire du MODYS “Accompagner la vulnérabilité”, équipe “Action publique et processus d’individuation”, à l’Institut des Sciences Humaines à Lyon, autour […]
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Antoine Hennion
Posted on 13 May 2009
Conference “Ces choses qui nous tiennent ensemble”, Mittwochskolloquium FS 2009, Bern Universität, Institut für Soziologie, CH .
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Madeleine Akrich, Florence Paterson et Vololona Rabeharisoa
Posted on 8 May 2009
deux communications dans le cadre de la 17ème conférence internationale “Health Promoting Hospitals” (Hersonissos, Grèce).
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April 2009

Madeleine Akrich
Posted on 24 April 2009
fera une présentation sur “Experts et amateurs dans les technosciences”, dans le cadre du séminaire “Politiques et technologies de l’amateur”, de 12h30 à 14h au centre Georges Pompidou.. Informations»
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March 2009

Science and Technology in Society
Posted on 29 March 2009
En tant que membre du ST Global Consortium, le CSI est partenaire de la Science and Technology in Society Conference, qui aura lieu les 28 et 29 mars 2008 à […]
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Cécile Méadel et Francesca Musiani
Posted on 27 March 2009
participent à la troisième séance du workshop IG3T (Internet Governance: Transparency, Trust and Tools) dans le cadre du programme Vox Internet, à Milan.. Informations»
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Ecouter la radio… mais comment?
Posted on 24 March 2009
Cécile Méadel organise une table ronde avec la Société pour l’histoire des médias à l’Ecole des mines à 18h, avec Jean-Jacques Cheval (Université de Bordeaux), Marie-Dominique Chevreux (Radio France), Hélène […]
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Cécile Méadel
Posted on 21 March 2009
est invitée à faire une conférence dans le cadre du colloque Savoirs et savoir-faire des professionnels de la publicité : histoire et perspectives (1950-2009), organisé à Strasbourg, dans le cadre […]
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Posted on 12 March 2009
intervient dans Ciclo de Conferencias Panel Sostenibilidad du Observatorio del Diseño y la Arquitectura de Murcia. Détail de la conférence»
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Posted on 3 March 2009
intervient dans le séminaire de recherche de la School of Geography and the Environment de la University of Oxford.. Programme du séminaire»
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Vient de paraître
Posted on 1 March 2009
Catherine Rémy, “Le cochon est-il l’avenir de l’homme? Les xénogreffes et l’hybridation du corps humain”, Terrain, n°52, mars 2009, p. 112-125.. Résumé»
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January 2009

Posted on 30 January 2009
Conférence de “restitution” permettant aux associations de malades ayant participé à la grande enquête MAPO (Mapping and Analyzing Patient Organisation Movements on Rare Diseases) de prendre connaissance de ses principaux […]
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April 2008

Science and Technology in Society
Posted on 6 April 2008
En tant que membre du ST Global Consortium, le CSI est partenaire de la Science and Technology in Society Conference, qui aura lieu les 5 et 6 avril 2008 à […]
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July 2007

Posted on 11 July 2007
Conference MEDUSE sur la dynamique des organisations de malades en Europe. Site du projet européen MEDUSE»
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Evènement : Madeleine AKRICH Insigne de Chevalier dans l’ordre national du Mérite
Posted on 1 July 2007

June 2007

Evènement : Michel CALLON Médaille d’argent du CNRS
Posted on 1 June 2007

January 2005

Chercheur invité » Martha POON
Posted on 1 January 2005
Doctorante, Université de San Diego. Présentation»
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