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Hervé Laroche continues the series he started on scientific writing, this time with an article on academic English.
Jean-Michel Saussois reviews Jean-Philippe Robé's book, Property, Power and Politics, a renewed legal approach to the question of the company. Aurore Fierobe looks at Clayton Christensen's series of books on innovation and Arthur Gauthier reports on Sylvain Laurens' book, Les courtiers du capitalisme, on lobbying in Brussels.
Hans Greimel and William Sposato have conducted a remarkable investigation into the Ghosn affair, and Collision Course has become a reference on the subject.
Moira Crété has published a remarkable article on the Latin origins of management and a return to the subject is attempted.
And since she has taken us to Rome, we stay there with Valerius Maximus and Ausonius (although the latter was descended from Aedui and Aquitanian).
Trouville celebrated the 200th anniversary of Flaubert's birth in 2021 and his thoughts grace this issue.
No Geek section this time, very exceptionally (we all wish it), but a call for articles on management as a discipline.
Happy New Year, assiduous reader of ignored books and appreciative only of subtle texts (ignoratis assidue in libris nec nisi operta legens - Ausone),
the Libellio team