i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

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Thomas Houy et Valérie Fernandez, Thomas Houy and Valérie Fernandez, i3-Télécom researchers, authors of “Déplier l’incertain”
Posted on 6 January 2022

Accustomed to accompanying companies working on innovation, the two professors-researchers noted, with regret, the lack of tools, apart from business plans, market or competition studies, to respond in an adapted way to the problems of the latter. In a word, uncertainty alone puts companies to the test.

As teacher-researchers, Thomas Houy and Valérie Fernandez have access to a large part of the academic literature, including that on uncertainty. "Unfolding Uncertainty" therefore provides a link between the academic and professional worlds, in order to pass on the knowledge gained from academic research to practitioners and help them make relevant decisions in the face of uncertainty. It is the perfect opportunity to combine knowledge and popularisation around a tool adapted to all companies, which they can use as an engine.

To be read in les Affiches parisiennes

Déplier l'incertain, it is also a mooc