‘La fin des discriminations syndicales ? Luttes judiciaires et pratiques négociées’ by Vincent-Arnaud Chappe, Jean-Michel Denis, Cécile Guillaume and Sophie Pochi
‘La fin des discriminations syndicales ? Luttes judiciaires et pratiques négociées’ by Vincent-Arnaud Chappe, Jean-Michel Denis, Cécile Guillaume and Sophie Pochi
Posted on 25 September 2019
The end of trade union discrimination? Judicial struggles and Negotiated practices
If these corporate agreements better protect the most in the social dialogue invested trade unionists who sign agreements, they do not drastically change field managerial practices, which continue to stigmatize local trade unionists, especially when they oppose restructuring or denounce the deterioration of working conditions through protesting practices.
Vincent-Arnaud Chappe is a sociologist, CNRS researcher, and a member of the Center for the Sociology of Innovation (CSI-I3). Jean-Michel Denis is a professor of sociology at the University Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée and a researcher at the Laboratoire Techniques, Territoires et Sociétés (LATTS). Cécile Guillaume is a sociologist and reader the University of Roehampton, UK. Sophie Pochic is a sociologist and CNRS research director at the Centre Maurice Halbwachs.
La fin des discriminations syndicales ? is published by Éditions du Croquant, 2019
See also the interview of Vincent-Arnaud Chappe “Measuring union discrimination: a struggle issue”, by Florian Pipard for the journal Action juridique – CFDT, published ont the website of CSI.