i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

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Notice to candidates for CNRS competitions interested in i3 teams
Posted on 23 November 2020

The Interdisciplinary Institute of Innovation (I3), UMR 9217, will decide in December on the applications it will support for the recruitment campaign for CNRS research fellows.
This institute can welcome candidates in sections 34 (Language Sciences), 36 (Sociology and Law Sciences), 37 (Economics and Management), 39 (Spaces, Territories and Societies) and 40 (Politics, Power, Organization), as well as in Interdisciplinary Commission 53 (Methods, Practices and Communications of Science and Technology). 

Candidates for the CNRS 2019 competition who wish to seek the support of I3 are invited to contact a contact person in one of its teams (see below), and to send him/her the following information:
- a 2 to 3 page pre-project,
- a CV (including a list of publications and a summary of the thesis),
- the thesis defense report or pre-reports if the thesis has not yet been defended,
- a short motivation letter explaining the choice of i3, in relation to its research themes, as well as the choice of the desired host team. 

The files will be examined at the level of the teams and in the Institute's laboratory council. The selected applications will be followed by I3 members for the preparation of the competition.

Information on the Interdisciplinary Institute of Innovation is available on its website https://i3.cnrs.fr/. At the team level, information and contact points are as follows:

Center de Recherche en Gestion de l'Ecole Polytechnique (CRG): crg.polytechnique.fr - Contact Hervé Dumez: herve.dumez@normalesup.org

CERNA - Centre d'économie industrielle de Mines ParisTech (CERNA) : - Cerna.minesparis.psl.eu

Contact Matthieu Glachant: matthieu.glachant@mines-paristech.fr

Center de Gestion Scientifique de Mines ParisTech (CGS): cgs-mines-paristech.fr - Contact Eric Ballot: eric.ballot@mines-paristech.fr ou Blanche Segrestin : blanche.segrestin@mines-paristech.fr

Center de Sociologie de l'Innovation de Mines ParisTech (CSI) : www.csi.ensmp.fr - Contact Alexandre Mallard : alexandre.mallard@mines-paristech.fr

Département Sciences Economiques et Sociales de Télécom Paris (SES) : https://www.telecom-paris.fr/ - Contact David Bounie : David Bounie david.bounie@telecom-paris.fr