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Sponsorship presentation: “Numerical innovation and data science for healthcare”.
Posted on 3 March 2021

The patronage was inaugurated by Olivier Bogillot (President of Sanofi France), Yves Laszlo (Director of Teaching and Research at the École Polytechnique) and Jean-Paul Cottet (General Delegate of the Fondation de l'X). It is jointly led by Étienne Minvielle1 , CNRS Research Director at the Management Research Center, Professor at the École Polytechnique and doctor at the Gustave Roussy Center, and  , Inria Research Marc Lavielle2  Director at the Center for Applied Mathematics and Professor at the École Polytechnique. Its objective is to develop modeling and statistical learning tools to improve patient pathways in the healthcare system.

Constructed along two axes, one in applied mathematics and the other in management sciences, the mission of sponsorship is to understand what massive data processing can bring to the personalized journey of patients. In particular, this involves using data produced in routine care in patient records and registers in medical administrative data. How can we use these data that are excessively widespread in the health sector? What data as patient characteristics are used in the management of the personalized care pathway? The management of the personalized patient pathway introduces social and economic determinants. The situation is different for a patient in social isolation from the one who is surrounded by family. Other phenomena such as non-adherence to treatment is unfortunately quite frequent. "I've always been interested in this notion of personalization" managing singularity on a large scale with three steps: identifying the needs and requests of each patient, organizing personalized responses and evaluating in a personalized manner" indicates Etienne Minvielle.

"From this point of view, artificial intelligence is an asset, because it can still improve the finesse of analysis and go from mass customization to mass singularity. Thus the singularity of the person becomes a priority over the mass equation. We talk about personalization and we try to aggregate up to a mass industry," says Etienne Minvielle. L. Artificial intelligence has helped to better profile patients and also to predict changes in organizational responses by automating these responses. Personalized evaluation is one of the new aspects in health care. Aggregated data has been used to become quality indicators from the patient's point of view. Here an individual experience reported each time allows to define the response. "Establish research protocols around use cases to try to understand how AI brings a plus. Questions arise about data collection, storage and ethics in a field as sensitive as health, but also about confidentiality and questions of explanation in case of malfunction. All the answers to these questions will help improve the health path of patients and by developing the use of A.I. in this field" he concludes.

Étienne Minvielle
An expert in patient pathway management, Étienne Minvielle is a CNRS research director at the Management Research Center, a professor at École polytechnique and a doctor at the Gustave Roussy Center. Author of more than 100 articles in peer-reviewed journals, his research focuses in particular on the contribution of digital technology and massive data processing to health care and more recently on the impact of covid-19 on hospital management. His work has led him and Marc Lavielle to sponsor "Numerical innovation and data science for healthcare" since its creation in December 2019.

Marc Lavielle
Inria Research Director at the head of Xpop, a joint Inria - École polytechnique team within the CMAP since 2016, Marc Lavielle has received two international awards for his research studying pharmacology and pharmacodynamics from a statistical perspective. He is also a professor at the École polytechnique since 2016 and has supervised 11 theses. Member of the High Council for Biotechnology, he has been a patron of "Numerical innovation and data science for healthcare" with Étienne Minvielle since its creation in December 2019.