i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

The Interdisciplinary Institute on Innovation

The Interdisciplinary Institute on Innovation (i3) was founded in 2012 at the initiative of the directors of Mines ParisTech and Telecom Paris. In 2014, Ecole Polytechnique joined in. Since January 1st, 2015, i3 is a joint research CNRS unit (UMR9217).

It gathers:

École Polytechnique


Mines ParisTech




Télécom Paris


More than 200 people, including 70 lecturers-researchers and more than a hundred PhD students are part of i3. The research teams of i3 are involved to two IDEX, Paris-Saclay and PSL.

Research striving for excellence and relevance

The institute develops high-level research combining academic excellence and relevance for the benefit of the research users. Research is often carried out under contracts with companies, associations or public administrations. The institute also hosts 8 corporate chairs.

Through its research and training activities, i3 takes an active part in addressing the major challenges of today: the circulation of information -, health -, innovation -, energy – and sustainable development technologies. “

The institute is also engaged in a dialogue with companies, associations and public authorities via innovative platforms for dialogue, such as the Observatory on Competitiveness Clusters,  the Observatory for Responsible Innovation and the EU Energy Policy Blog.


The Institute has set up an Executive Committee comprising a Director, two Assistant Directors, a Communication Manager, the Directors of i3 research teams and the Scientific Coordinators of each of i3’s thematic research axis.

Its Laboratory Board consists of the Directors and the Scientific Coordinators of i3, two representatives elected by PhD students, three representatives elected by the engineering, technical and administrative staff, and six representatives elected by the teaching/research staff.

Composition of the Executive Committee and the Laboratory Board

From the outset, i3 set up a Scientific Advisory Council to examine its scientific policy and to suggest possible orientations for development. It is composed of six internationally renowned scientists, and four leading personalities from the socio-economic world (enterprises, administration, non-profit organizations).

Composition of the Scientific Advisory Council