i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

The Libellio of spring 2021 is published

Christian Morel wonders about the French dissatisfaction, a particularity. Camille Toussaint takes stock of the problem of self-plagiarism.

The Chair of Business Theory Research Seminar “Business, Responsibility and Civilization

Alain Schnapper, an engineer from the Ecole des Mines de Paris, has worked for 30 years in consulting, industry and distribution. Since 2018, he mixes consulting activities by being associated with the chair "Theory of the Firm - Governance Models & Collective Creation" of MINES ParisTech PSL. He is a member of the board of the Community of Companies with a Mission. In 2020, he published, with Dominique Schnapper, Puissante et fragile, l'entreprise en démocratie , l’entreprise en démocratie, (Odile Jacob).

A look at Covid-19 from i3 researchers

Reflection on remote work, study on the effects of curfew in Germany, distance learning, wearing masks, customer-supplier relations in times of confinement, citizen participation in crisis management, digital inequalities in times of pandemic are some of the many topics addressed by i3 researchers.