i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

Volume 16 special series Coronam week 6

Is the crisis over or is it just a respite? Will we be reconfined in the summer or fall? Until we have the answers to these questions, let's still read and write.

Managing a metaproblem: Space debris

By Camille Toussaint & Hervé Dumez (2020) “Gérer un méta-problème, le cas des débris spatiaux”, published in Gérer et Comprendre, n° 141 (septembre), pp3-12

Day i3 Theme 4

en visioconférence , France

Uses, participation, democratization of innovation

8th ARAMOS Congress


October 13 and 14 - Association for Applied Research in Management of Health Organizations


Researchers at Mines ParisTech studied the wearing of masks by the "invisible" and what wearing a mask changes in the relationship between caregivers and patients.

The Libellio of Autumn 2020

This issue is devoted to scientific writing, Thomas Piketty's latest book and those of Sandra Renou on metas-organizations and Louis Menand.