i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

Democratic experiments, a book by Brice Laurent

In Democratic Experiments, Brice Laurent discusses the challenges that emerging technologies create for democracy today. He focuses on nanotechnology and its attendant problems, proposing nanotechnology as a lens through which to understand contemporary democracy in both theory and practice.

Armand Hatchuel made Knight of the Legion of Honor

Armand Hatchuel is a Professor in Sciences of Management at i3, Mines ParisTech where he has developed several academic programs. In 2009, along with Benoit Weil, and with the support of eleven companies, he created the chair of “Theory and Methods of Innovative Design”.

Two books by Pierre Musso

L'entreprise contre l'Etat, Editions Manucius, & La religion industrielle, Fayard