i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

Bruno Latour winner of the Kyoto 2021 Prize in Arts and Philosophy

The Kyoto Prize 2021, announces the Inamori Foundation, awarded to Bruno Latour in recognition of his work that has "radically re-examined 'modernity' by developing a philosophy focused on the interactions between technoscience and social structure".

Publication of the Libellio of summer 2021

Several book presentations: Alain Éraly's Une démocratie sans autorité and Romain Laufer's book on Tocqueville, two books that respond to each other. Camille Toussaint, for her part, analyzes the investigative work of Nelly Pons on the drama of plastic in the oceans.

Journey to the heart of the health system: 100 testimonies to learn to manage with the crisis by Hervé Dumez and Etienne Minvielle

From April 2020 to April 2021, more than 100 interviews were conducted. They covered, on the one hand, all the actors involved. But also, on the other hand, the diversity of the regions concerned, in metropolitan France and in the islands. Finally, they were conducted during the different phases of the crisis, the first, second and third waves. They give an overall view of the crisis in its dynamics and at all levels that we are entitled to expect.

Books published in 2021 by i3 researchers

Seven books were published in 2021 on topics as wide-ranging as innovation, qualitative research and music through science and technology to management, hyper-powerful companies without forgetting Covid_19 management.