i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

Doctoriales i3 2020 via Zoom

Doctoral training is at the heart of the Interdisciplinary Institute for Innovation – i 3.

Doctoral thesis Defense of Evan A Fisher

Mines ParisTech 60 Boulevard Saint-Michel, Paris, France

Humanitarian presence. Locating the global choices of doctors without borders

i3 2020 PhDs, Topics presented in plenary session

Doctoral training is at the heart of the Interdisciplinary Institute for Innovation - i3. The theses engaged in i3 renew the analysis and support of technical and social innovation. The organization of doctoral days aims to make known the thesis work in progress within i3, to initiate a disciplinary exchange around themes to the teams […]

Doctoral thesis Defense of Félix Boiliève

Mines ParisTech 60 Boulevard Saint-Michel, Paris, France

A « Knowledge Bank »? An inquiry into the nature and the politics of World Bank expertise

Guest seminar with Lilly Irani

Séminaire en visioconférence séminaire en visioconférence

For a discussion about her book: Chasing Innovation: Making Entrepreneurial Citizens in Modern India

Day i3 Theme 4

en visioconférence , France

Uses, participation, democratization of innovation

8th ARAMOS Congress


October 13 and 14 - Association for Applied Research in Management of Health Organizations