i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

Working papers

CADASIL is an adult-onset genetic neurodegenerative disease, associated with recurrent strokes (cerebral infarcts) susceptible to generate disabling cognitive and motor related disorders, especially after the age of 50. Although there is currently no cure, the prospect opened up by research into new therapies raises the issue of the participation of asymptomatic carriers of the genetic mutation in the planned clinical trials [...]

Madeleine Akrich, Vololona Rabeharisoa, Florence Paterson
April 2024
Early action by bystanders is particularly important for the survival of victims, especially in cases of cardiac arrest or airway obstruction. However, few bystanders are willing to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The use of a live video during emergency calls appears to have a positive effect on the number of CPR performed by bystanders [...]

Ophélie Morand, Robert Larribau, Stéphane Safin, Caroline Rizza
October 2023
This article contributes to exposing inner workings of academic research on Ecosystem Services (ES) and their indicators. A self-reflexive study in a lab of environmental economics for more than two years reveals how previous research on agroecological practices in Europe is reinterpreted in order to identify the delivery of ES [...]

Kewan Mertens , Kato Van Ruymbeke, Liesbet Vranken
February 2023
Cet article examine onze discours sur l’écologie et le changement climatique prononcés par des étudiants lors de leurs remises de diplômes (à Centrale Nantes, ENSAIA, AgroParisTech, HEC, ENSAT, Polytechnique, Mines Paris, ESSEC). Il offre une taxonomie des critiques, engagements et sensibilités explicitées dans leurs prises de position [...]

Morgan Meyer
December 2022
Franchising is an economic relationship between two independent actors, the franchisor and the franchisee. As such, it lends itself to the application of economic models (agency theory, theory of incomplete contracts, transaction costs, etc.) or managerial concepts (theory of stakeholders, empowerment, creativity management, etc [...]

Magali AYACHE, Hervé DUMEZ
December 2022
Mobile communications are increasingly pervasive, leading to an unprecedented exposure of RF-EMF to humans. This article is the first empirical analysis on the determinants of RF-EMF exposure legislation, using a novel cross-sectional database of 164 countries worldwide. In order to investigate the existence of a 5G-specific effect, the determinants of RF-EMF exposure legislation for 164 countries are compared with 61 countries within the sample that have deployed the 5G technology [...]

Laura RECUERO VIRTO, Marek CZERWIŃSKI, Jérémy FROIDEVAUX, ",null,null null,
October 2022
The notion of the “expert patient” has become quite prominent in recent years. In many countries, patients are invited to sit on various committees with biomedical specialists to share their expertise on diseases and health problems with various institutions. This situation stands in stark contrast with the medical paternalism that prevailed not so long ago [...]

Madeleine Akrich, Vololona Rabeharisoa
December 2021
The notion of the “expert patient” has become quite prominent in recent years. In many countries, patients are invited to sit on various committees with biomedical specialists to share their expertise on diseases and health problems with various institutions. This situation stands in stark contrast with the medical paternalism that prevailed not so long ago [...]

Madeleine Akrich, Vololona Rabeharisoa
December 2021

Through a survey and interviews with representative stakeholders, this paper aims to find mechanisms to align commercial interests with underwater noise reductions from commercial shipping.

May 2021
Le projet MESCOV « les media sociaux lors de la crise Covid-19 » traite des aspects création et circulation de l’information sur les media sociaux lors de la crise Covid-19, des initiatives citoyennes qui y ont émergé et des pratiques des professionnels de la gestion de crise associées (notamment Service d’Incendie et de Secours et Préfecture) [...]

Marie-Lys Camozzi, Nathan Thubert, Julien Coche, Sandrine Bubendorff, Robin Batard, Aurélie Montarnal, Caroline Rizza
December 2020
Why research the genetic status of members of a family affected by a hereditary disease and reveal this information to them, particularly when there is no treatment available? On what basis does the individual at risk make the decision of whether or not to find out their genetic status and whether or not to inform their relatives? What are the effects of the presymptomatic diagnosis on those who chose to undergo it? How and to what extent does it change their lives, if at all? These three questions are the starting point for the present overview of the literature on the social and ethical issues of presymptomatic diagnosis [...]

Madeleine Akrich, Florence Paterson, Vololona Rabeharisoa
May 2020
Pourquoi rechercher le statut génétique des membres d'une famille touchée par une maladie héréditaire et leur transmettre cette information, en particulier lorsqu'aucun traitement n'existe ? Sur quelle base une personne concernée prend-elle la décision de savoir ou d'ignorer son statut génétique et d'en informer ou non les membres de sa parentèle ? Quels sont les effets du diagnostic présymptomatique sur les personnes concernées ; de quelle manière cela transforme-t-il ou pas leur existence ? Ces trois questions sont au point de départ de la revue de la littérature sur les enjeux sociaux et éthiques du diagnostic présymptomatique, dont ce texte présente une synthèse [...]

Madeleine Akrich, Florence Paterson, Vololona Rabeharisoa
May 2020
The aim of this synthesized literature review is to provide an overview of patient-reported outcomes (PROs), a term we use to refer to both health outcomes reported directly by patients, and the tools used for their collection and measurement. Developed from the 2000s onwards, PROs have multiplied as their uses have diversified [...]

Madeleine Akrich, Florence Paterson, Vololona Rabeharisoa
April 2020
Les Patient-Reported Outcomes (PRO) et les Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurements (PROM) sont des outils de collecte et de mesure de l’état de santé des patients, dont la particularité est d’établir ces mesures sur la base des déclarations des patients. Développés à partir des années 2000, les PRO et PROM se sont multipliés à mesure que leurs usages se sont diversifiés [...]

Madeleine Akrich, Florence Paterson, Vololona Rabeharisoa
April 2020
Ce working paper propose une première analyse des modalités d’interaction sur un forum d’entraide consacré à la « Réglementation thermique 2012 », la réglementation régissant les caractéristiques thermiques des bâtiments. Les données concernent la période 2013-2018, et elles ont fait l’objet d’une collecte par webscrapping [...]

Alexandre Mallard, Frédéric Vergnaud
December 2019
L’objectif de cet article est d’évaluer si la Responsabilité Elargie du Producteur appliquée aux emballages ménagers fournit les incitations adéquates à la réduction à la source des emballages. La théorie économique prédit que le niveau d’incitation socialement efficace sera obtenu si l’écocontribution versée par chaque conditionneur à l’éco-organisme Citéo est égale au coût externe des emballages qu’il met sur le marché, entendu comme la somme du coût économique de traitement des déchets générés et de son coût environnemental [...]

Matthieu Glachant, Simon Touboul
December 2019
This paper explores Commons-Based Peer Production (CBPP) and the democratisation of knowledge and technology in the field of agriculture. While most existing academic work mobilising these notions focus on the digital world, our two case studies – a legume-harvesting machine and a tool for hammering fencing poles – examine what happens when those notions are operationalised for hardware production [...]

Alekos Pantazis, Morgan Meyer
December 2019
In 2018, the EU Court of Justice ruled that gene edited organisms “are GMOs and are, in principle, subject to the obligations laid down by the GMO directive [EU Directive 2001/18/EC]”. While the EU Court of Justice has established an equivalence between gene edited organisms and GMOs, how have national institutions and committees from EU member states positioned themselves regarding the use of gene editing in agriculture? In order to answer this question, this article examines and compares 11 official reports and position statements from 7 European countries: Germany, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Denmark, and Sweden [...]

Morgan Meyer, Cornelius Heimstädt
November 2019
Les plateformes de micro-travail allouent des tâches fragmentées à des foules de prestataires dont la rémunération peut être aussi faible que quelques centimes. Indispensables pour développer les intelligences artificielles actuelles, ces micro-tâches poussent à l’extrême les logiques de précarité déjà constatées à l’égard des travailleurs « uberisés » [...]

Clément Le Ludec, Paola Tubaro, Antonio Casilli
February 2019
Les résultats présentés ici s’appuient sur une étude exploratoire mobilisant une méthodologie d’enquête mixte en sciences humaines, réalisée entre février et septembre 2018 . Elle vise à mettre en avant les manières dont l’information apparaît et circule sur les réseaux sociaux numériques (RSN à présent) lors d’événements majeurs [...]

Sandrine Bubendorff, Caroline Rizza, Christophe Prieur
January 2019
This paper examines current controversies around the use of gene editing on human embryos. Gene editing techniques (such as CRISPR/Cas9) have raised numerous questions to do with governance, security, control, legislation, regulation, ethics, responsibility, and economics. While the controversy around CRISPR/Cas9 is multifaceted and multi-layered, I focus in this paper on one key issue, namely the characterizations of, and demarcations between, responsible research and irresponsible research [...]

Morgan Meyer
December 2018
Les plateformes digitales sont de nouveaux modèles d'organisation, infrastructures organisationnelles multifaces, qui architecturent différents marchés. Elles témoignent d'un nouveau paradigme de développement économique fondé sur des stratégies de captation et de création de valeur spécifiques [...]

François Acquatella, Valérie Fernandez, Thomas Houy
March 2018
Le développement croissant du nombre de plateformes digitales traduit un renouvellement de paradigme économique. Le « modèle des plateformes » renvoie toutefois à une pluralité de stratégies et de leur déploiement dans le temps. Cet article vise dans un premier temps à proposer un cadrage conceptuel en présentant un panorama des principales trajectoires stratégiques disruptives mises en œuvre par famille de plateformes [...]

François Acquatella, Valérie Fernandez, Thomas Houy
January 2018
L’article vise à établir un examen critique du traitement médiatique réservé à l’entrepreneuriat numérique. Il propose ainsi de caractériser le paradigme à partir duquel se forgent les réflexions des journalistes à l’égard des start-ups digitales et des entrepreneurs du Web. Les réponses obtenues auprès de 129 journalistes permettent de mettre en évidence trois résultats majeurs [...]

Flavien Bazenet, Thomas Houy
January 2018
ABSTRACT: Henri Fayol formulated one of the first theories of management and allows us to see how one of the first scientific approaches of management could or could not perform management practices. Therefore, Fayol is particularly interesting from the point of view of performativity (Callon, 1998, 2007, MacKenzie et al [...]

January 2018
We examine the effect of Intellectual property rights (IPR) protection on the two main channels of international transfer of low-carbon technologies i.e. trade in low-carbon capital goods, and foreign direct investments (FDI) by firms producing low-carbon technologies. Our data describes cross-country transfer through these channels between developing and developed countries in eight climate-related technology fields from 2006 to 2015 [...]

Damien Dussaux, Antoine Dechezleprêtre, Matthieu Glachant
December 2017
Cet article traite de l’histoire d’un outil de quantification, le « rapport de situation comparée » – diagnostic quantifié obligatoire des inégalités sexuées au sein de l’entreprise et servant de base à la négociation des accords d’égalité professionnelle entre la direction et les syndicats – abordé à travers les attentes diverses qui pèsent sur son agentivité [...]

Vincent-Arnaud Chappe
December 2017
ABSTRACT: This research presents a qualitative study of action learning at École Polytechnique, a top engineering school in France. Though existing literature has theorized on methods and applications of action learning, notably within business and management, this work explores the use of such techniques in the context of fundamental science education [...]

Karen Johnson, Akil Amiraly
July 2017
This paper focuses on the relationships between innovation and democracy at city level. Focusing on the case of San Francisco, it discusses a particular way of imagining the city in the terms of permanent innovation. In the city of permanent innovation, individual urban problems are to be solved by a permanent supply of technological solutions [...]

Brice Laurent, Félix Talvard
July 2017
Déployés dans le cadre du développement des réseaux électriques "intelligents", dans un objectif affiché de maîtrise de la demande énergétique, les compteurs communicants font l’objet, dans plusieurs pays, de controverses portant sur les risques probables pour les usagers. Cet article propose une analyse exploratoire de la controverse publique sur le déploiement des compteurs électriques communicants en France en étudiant sa représentation dans les médias, notamment dans la presse nationale et locale [...]

Laura Draetta, Bastien Tavner
June 2017
Technological advances in information and communication, transportation, as well as falling formal barriers to trade enlarged the number of goods and services that can be traded internationally. This provided employment opportunities and risks. In this paper, we analyse employment growth trends across tradable and non-tradable industries in France over the period 1999-2013 [...]

Philippe Frocrain, Pierre-Noël Giraud
May 2017
La théorie énonce depuis longtemps que, dans les pays développés, accorder des allégements de cotisations sociales aux employeurs peut réduire le chômage, surtout si ces allégements sont assis sur les bas salaires ou sur les postes non qualifiés. La mise en oeuvre de cette théorie a connu des résultats variables, ce qui nourrit de longs débats sur l’efficacité de ces mesures [...]

Vincent Charlet, Philippe Frocrain
March 2017
Based on an automated textual analysis of 40,000 film reviews posted by 18,000 French contributors on a web-based platform providing information on cinema, this article examines the relationship between the profiles of contributors (number of reviews posted, length of time of subscription to the site) and the type of reviews posted (choice of films, date of publication, models of argumentation, modes of ratings) [...]

Valérie Beaudouin, Dominique Pasquier
March 2017
1. Introduction : There is growing interest in the field of innovation studies for the question of technological transitions. Indeed whereas most of the literature focuses on the design and diffusion of innovations, the question of transition from one technological system to another has recently gained a renewed attention [...]

Sylvain LENFLE, null,null,
February 2017
This paper studies the impact of age and reactor technology on safety in the French nuclear fleet between 1997 and 2015. We use a novel dataset encompassing over 19,000 nuclear safety events declared by plant managers to the French regulatory agency. A major problem for evaluating the effects of age and technology is that declarations of safety events are influenced by the plant managers’ level of transparency [...]

Romain Bizet, Petyo Bonev, François Lévêque
February 2017
Les nouvelles logiques portées par les business models « two sided » du numérique illustrent les difficultés auxquelles sont confrontées les plateformes numériques pour trouver un modèle économique viable et pérenne pour elles-mêmes et leur écosystème. La question des business models des plateformes devient donc un objet de plus en plus central dans la recherche en stratégie [...]

François Acquatella, Thomas Houy
January 2017
Using household-level data from the American Housing Survey, this paper assesses the cost of adapting housing to temperature increases. We account for both energy use adjustments and capital adjustments through investments in weatherization and heating and cooling equipment. Our best estimate of the present discounted value of the cost for adapting to the A2 "business-as-usual" climate scenario by the end of the century is $5,600 per housing unit, including both energy and investment costs [...]

François Cohen, Matthieu Glachant, Magnus Söderberg
January 2017
This paper examines the testing and the pricing of orphan drugs, e.g. drugs for patients suffering from rare diseases. Due to the small size of these populations, orphan molecules question established evidentiary practices, namely randomized controlled trials (RCT) and health technology assessments (HTA), driven by numbers and statistical reasoning [...]

Vololona Rabeharisoa, Liliana Doganova
October 2016
Has patient experience or patient experiential knowledge the potential to constitute other means of doing science and technology? Does it represent an alternative to mainstream science? Has it the power to question it, to challenge it, to make it more “democratic”? To try to answer this question, I contrast two sets of configurations: the first one concerns patient groups and I will try to recap what we have learnt from what they do with experience; the second one is centred around activities of private actors as well as researchers or institutions who have decided to give patient experience an important role in research, promoting the notion of “patient centred care”, the involvement and the participation of concerned people to research and research drawing on what is called “patients’ reported outcomes” [...]

Madeleine Akrich
September 2016
Alors que les politiques d’open data se multiplient dans le monde, on ne sait que peu de choses des conditions concrètes de l’ouverture des données publiques. En s’appuyant sur une enquête de deux ans menée dans plusieurs institutions françaises, cet article met en lumière les opérations qui sont accomplies en amont de la diffusion des données [...]

Jérôme Denis, Samuel Goëta
July 2016
L’objectif de l’article est d’examiner le niveau d’adhésion des porteurs de projets digitaux à la mythologieentrepreneurialeproposéepar les médias grand public. Les résultats proviennent dutraitement d’uncorpusintégrant des données d’enquêtes réalisées auprès de 82860 personnes [...]

Flavien Bazenet, Thomas",null,null,null Houy
May 2016
Assessing the risks of rare disasters due to the production of energy is paramount when making energy policy decisions. Yet, the costs associated with these risks are most often not calculable due to the high uncertainties that characterize their potential consequences. In this paper, we propose a non-Bayesian method for the calculation of the expected cost of rare energy disasters, that accounts for the ambiguity that characterizes the probabilities of these events [...]

Romain Bizet, François",null,null,null Lévêque
April 2016
L’objectif de cet article est d’analyser l’impact du MOOC d’entreprise COOC, décoder le code sur la visibilité positive de l’entreprise Orange. Notre analyse repose sur l’interprétation des 320 réponses reçues à notre questionnaire d’enquête administré auprès de ses apprenants [...]

François Acquatella
February 2016

Jérôme Denis, David Pontille
November 2015
Experimentation is of paramount importance in innovation. On this topic, the seminal book of Prof. Thomke entitled “experimentation matters” has received a warm welcome from innovation scholars and practitioners. Unfortunately, the companies still have major difficulties to organize experimentations in situation of high uncertainty [...]

Thomas Gillier, Sylvain Lenfle
November 2015

Jérôme Denis, David Pontille
November 2015
In this paper, we investigate how firms collectively organize their environment. Past literature mostly focused on networks and institutions and has overlooked the role of meta-organizations in this process. Based on the case study of the oil and gas industry, we develop an abductive grounded theory model of meta-organizations as collective partial organizations [...]

Héloïse Berkowitz, Hervé Dumez
October 2015
This report reviews the main organizational, technical, structural and social trends in e-health innovation sector. It is structured around three topics: the impact of ICT in health care, the new figure of the patient and the citizen and the main trends in e-health sector. Three dynamics have been highlighted (with the caution needed in a prospective work) : the proposition of more and more integrated healthcare, a more expert and automous patient in his health’s management and the evolution of health sector toward a more preventive than curative approach [...]

Hervé Dumez, Etienne Minvielle, Laurie Marrauld
October 2015
Because ICT standard frequently incorporate patented inventions, standard setting organizations have designed intellectual property policies whereby the owners of such "standard essential patents" must commit ex ante to license them on fair reasonable and non-discriminatory terms to manufacturers of standard-compliant products [...]

François Lévêque, Yann",null,null,null Ménière
August 2015
This chapter describes a thought experiment inwhich a modern day Georges Perec, equipped with a smartphone and actively committed to the use of mobile locative media such as Foursquare, would make an “Attempt at Exhausting a Place in Paris” today. I argue that the initial project epitomized the way the neutral gaze of the onlooker isconstitutive of the urban public place and the way behavior in urban public places ouldbe described and accountablein generic terms intelligible to readers themselves framed as strangers (in the sense of strangers in public places) [...]

Christian Licoppe
May 2015
Le texte confronte deux lectures de la domination dont les points d’appui dans la description de la démocratie sont communs : celle du philosophe Jacques Rancière et celle du sociologue Luc Boltanski. Ils effectuent tout d’abord une analyse de la démocrati e moderne visant à en mettre en évidence la fragilité , en documentant la naissance, au XIX° Siècle, d’un « trouble », ou d’un hiatus, entre l’exercice démocratique de la critique et l’encadrement institutionnel de la réalité [...]

Nicolas Auray, Sylvaine",null,null,null Bulle
May 2015
L’article interroge la manière dont les investisseurs évaluent les projets entrepreneuriaux disruptifs. Les résultats se fondent sur une série d’entretiens réalisés auprès de plusieurs fonds d’investissement. Cette recherche est l’occasion d’avancer trois résultats. Premièrement, les investisseurs ne semblent pas s’accorder sur la signification à donner au concept de disruption [...]

Noé Ciet, Valérie",null,null,null Fernandez, Thomas",null,null,null Houy, Nicole",null,null,null Venegas
May 2015
Science policy has become a consequence as much as an engine of European integration. This paper argues that European construction is a process whereby science and democracy are jointly problematized as matters of progress and perfectibility. In turn, framing science and democracy as matters of progress participates in the making of Europe as a political, economic and moral entity worthy of public support [...]

Brice Laurent
April 2015
When evaluating policy treatments that are persistent and endogenous, available instrumental variables often exhibit more variation over time than the treatment variable. This leads to a weak instrumental variable problem, resulting in high bias or uninformative confidence intervals. We propose two new estimation approachesthat strengthen the instrument [...]

Michel Berthélémy, Petyo",null,null,null Bonev, Damien",null,null,null Dussaux, Magnus",null,null,null Söderberg
April 2015
Qu’est-ce qu’un bon vin? Boit‐on un vin, ou une étiquette –voire un prix? Se situant dans la perspective des valuation studies, ce texte traite des dispositifs de dégustation du vin. Il examine en détail les relations qu’il faut mettre en place, entre des corps, des groupes de personnes et des agencements spécifiques pour parvenir à un accord [...]

Antoine Hennion
March 2015
In countries with limited exhaustible natural resources, reducing imports of raw materials is increasingly viewed as a significant side benefit of waste recycling. Using a panel of 21 developed and developing countries from 1994-2008, we seek to measure the size of this benefit by estimating the impact of metal scrap recovery on imports of metallic raw materials [...]

Damien Dussaux, Matthieu",null,null,null Glachant
March 2015
Payment platforms offerer intermediation services to consumers and merchants that interact on a product market. The merchantís bank (the acquirer) usually pays an interchange fee to the consumerís bank (the issuer) that impacts the allocation of the total transaction fee between consumers and merchants [...]

Carlotta Mariotto, Marianne",null,null,null Verdier
March 2015
Cet article offre une synthése de la littérature récente sur les marchés de plates-formes. De nouvelles avancées ont permis de généraliser les modèles fondateurs de Rochet et Tirole (2003)et d’Armstrong (2006) et d’élargir les sujets de recherches à des questions diverses comme celle de la mesure du pouvoir de marché en présence d’externalités croisées, ou encore l’effet sur le surplus social des ventes liées [...]

Marianne Verdier
March 2015
L’objectif de l’article est de caractériser la perception des bonnes pratiques entrepreneuriales par l’ensemble des acteurs de l’entrepreneuriat. Les résultats proviennent du traitement d’un corpus intégrant des données d’enquêtes réalisées auprès de 278 personnes. Il apparait que les investisseurs, les entrepreneurs, les incubateurs, les professeurs et les étudiants ne partagent pas la même vision de ce qui fonde le succès d’une start-up sur Internet [...]

Thomas Houy
March 2015
En parallèle aux investissements dans les infrastructures et la formation du personnel, Transilien a récemment fait de l'accessibilité une thématique forte de sa politique d'innovation. En Novembre 2013 est organisé le hackathon «Hackcess Transilien», décrit comme un «accélérateur de services connectés spécifiquement centrés sur les besoins des Personnes à Mobilité Réduite (PMR)» [...]

Clément Marquet
March 2015
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the dynamics of problematization of ADHD in France and to understand how it emerged as a public issue in the last 15 years, drawing on the abundant production of reports related to the disorderduring this period.Until the end of the 1990s, the massive lack of academics’ interest in ADHD, may have delayed its coming as an issue worth debating and enquiring about [...]

Madeleine Akrich, Vololona",null,null,null Rabeharisoa
January 2015
This paper studies the new venture formation process, and thus aims at improving our understanding of how markets and the economy are constantly being re-populated with new business entities. It does so by empirically analyzing the ways in which business plans contribute to the formation of new firms, and to the shape of these new firms, based on the telling cases of three French academic spin-offs [...]

Liliana Doganova, Martin",null,null,null Giraudeau
December 2014
In June 2012, Renault turned Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, a town on the outskirts of Paris, into a experimentation and demonstration laboratory. The company introduced a fleet of 50 electric cars as part of a car sharing system without fixed stations called Twizy Way. This scheme falls in line with the manufacturer's development strategy for the electric car market [...]

Martin Tironi, Brice Laurent
April 2014
This paper analyses the evolution of the bidding strategies of nuclear power plants on the Spanish day-ahead auction market, over the 11-year period from 2002 until December 2012. During that time the proportion of renewable energy especially wind andsolar power increased dramatically. At the outset the nuclear plants offered almost all their production at zero cost; by the end, several were offering about 5% of their production at about 91 europer MWh compared to the market ceiling price of 180 [...]

Margaret Armstrong, Asana",null,null,null Sasaki, Frederic",null,null,null Novel-Cattin, Alain",null,null,null Galli
February 2014
This paper provides the first comparative analysis of nuclear reactor construction costs in France and the United States. Studying the cost of nuclear power has often been a challenge, owing to the lack of reliable data sources and heterogeneity between countries, as well as the long time horizon which requires controlling for input prices and structural changes [...]

Michel Berthelemy, Lina",null,null,null Escobar Rangel
January 2014
Drawing on fieldwork in four condition areas (rare diseases, childbirth, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and Alzheimer’s disease), this article shows that patients’ organizations’(POs) engagement with knowledge is neither limited to a set of diseases nor restricted to biomedical knowledge [...]

Madeleine Akrich, Orla",null,null,null O'Donovan, Vololona",null,null,null Rabeharisoa
December 2013

Jérôme Denis, David",null,null,null Pontille
November 2013
Trois faits majeurs peuvent être observés aujourd’hui. D’abord la fragilité de l’industrie manufactu-rière en France et dans d’autres pays occidentaux. Ensuite, des débats nourris sur la transition énergétique, notamment en France, qui laissent envisager des scénarios susceptibles d’augmenter le coût de l’énergie [...]

Mathieu Bordigoni
June 2013
We report on the development of a method for observing and recording the uses of mobile communications‘on the move’, based on the combination of context-oriented recordings made with user-worn camera glasses with mobile screen capture data. We show how this allows the temporal organization of gaze switches (to and away from the mobile screen) to beobserved and documented, thus providing crucial empirical information to understand how users actually manage mobile communication as well as other activities in everyday multi-activity settings [...]

Christian Licoppe, Julien",null,null,null Figeac
June 2013
We investigate how public bureaucrats influence outcomes in regulated markets when they resolve price disputes. It has previously been demonstrated that regulators cause biased outcomes when they have short office terms, i.e. when they have relatively strong career concerns (Leaver, 2009). This paper extends previous studies to the situation when bureaucrats have life tenure and therefore have relatively weaker career concerns [...]

Magnus Söderberg, Flavio",null,null,null Menezes, Miguel",null,null,null Santolino
May 2013
L’accident de Fukushima Daiichi a jeté une lumière crue sur les défauts de la régulation de sûreté. Comment inspirer la confiance des citoyens pour l’énergie nucléaire si les normes de sûreté sont mal conçues ou inappliquées? Le drame japonais résulte d’une conjonction de facteurs naturels, mais il n’aurait vraisemblablement pas entraîné de tels dommages si la collusion n’avait pas régné entre les autorités de sûreté et ceux qu’elles devaient en principe contrôler [...]

François Lévêque
May 2013
This article proposes the notion of ‘evidence-based activism’ to capture patients’ and health activists’ groups’ focus on knowledge production and knowledge mobilisation in the governance of health issues. It introduces empirical data and analysis on groups active in four countries (France, Ireland, Portugal, and the UK), and in four condition areas (rare diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and childbirth) [...]

Vololona Rabeharisoa, Tiago",null,null,null Moreira, Madeleine",null,null,null Akrich
May 2013
Preferential feed-in tariffs (FITs) for solar generated electricity increases the demand for solar photovoltaic systems. They can thus induce price toincrease, creating the potential for PV systems producers to collect rents. This paper analyses the interactions between feed-in tariffs, silicon prices and module prices, using weekly price data and FIT values in Germany, Italy, Spain, and France from January 2005 to May 2012 [...]

Arnaud De La Tour, Matthieu",null,null,null Glachant
April 2013
Except in few locations, photovoltaic generated electricity remains considerably more expensive than conventional sources. It is however expected that innovation and learning-by-doing will lead to drastic cuts in production cost in the near future. The goal of this paper is to predict the cost of PV modules out to 2020 using experience curve models, and to draw implications about the cost of PV electricity [...]

Arnaud De La Tour, Matthieu",null,null,null Glachant, Yann",null,null,null Ménière
March 2013
L’accident de Fukushima Daiichi s’est produit le 11 mars 2011. Cette catastrophe nucléaire, troisième d’une telle ampleur, a laissé une empreinte indélébile dans les esprits de centaines de millions de personnes. Une localité de plus, à l’instar de Three Mile Island et de Tchernobyl, est désormais irrémédiablement associée à une centrale nucléaire dont l’homme a perdu le contrôle [...]

François Lévêque
February 2013
By turning private homes and community spaces into sites where biological experimentation can be carried out , do-it-yourself biology promises a democratization of science. This democratization is based upon material processes : efforts to increase the affordability, the accessibility and the mutability of scientific equipment can be observed [...]

Morgan Meyer
February 2013
Without evaluating the costs it is impossible to establish the cost price, required to compare electricity production using nuclear power and rival technologies. Would it be preferable to build a gas-powered plant, a nuclear reactor or a wind farm? Which technology yields the lowest cost per KWh? Under what conditions – financial terms, regulatory framework, carbon pricing – will private investors see an adequate return on nuclear power? In terms of the general interest, how does taking account of the cost of decommissioning and storing waste affect the competitiveness of nuclear power? This paper answers these questions in three stages [...]

François Lévêque
January 2013

David Pontille, Didier",null,null,null Torny
January 2013
This article considers how EPOs contribute to Europeanization from below and its promises. Based on an analysis ofthe projects, pronouncements and politics of three EPOs – EURORDIS (European Organization on Rare Diseases), Alzheimer Europe, and ADHD Europe (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) –, we investigate their role in the Europeanization ofpatient advocacy, moving it beyond national level organizing and acting [...]

Vololona Rabeharisoa, Orla",null,null,null O’Donovan
January 2013
In this paper, we sketch a pragmatist model of authority. We show that, as authority is concretely performed through interaction, it contributes to the constitution of organizational boundaries. Through the case of a six-month consultancy assignment at a large French energy group, our study highlights that authority is not only the result of a mandate or a particular endowment of the consultant, but has constantly tobe established as everyday work unfolds [...]

Alaric Bourgoin, Nicolas",null,null,null Bencherki
January 2013
L’article interroge la manière dont les étudiants perçoivent l’interdisciplinarité en situation d’innovation. Nous montrons que les étudiants disposent d’une appétence pour les travaux de groupe réalisés avec d’autres élèves du supérieur spécialisés dans d’autres disciplines [...]

Yohan Attal, Thomas",null,null,null Houy, Yohann",null,null,null Melamed
December 2012
Différentes évolutions institutionnelles suggèrent qu’on ne peut plus penser les rapports entre activités marchandes et action étatique sans prendre en considération les activités de recherche et d’innovation, c’est‐à‐dire toutes ces pratiques qui génèrent en continu des flux intenses d’incertitudes ontologiques [...]

Michel Callon
December 2012
Since the first wave of nuclear reactors in 1970 to the construction of Generation III+ reactors in Finland and France in 2005 and 2007 respectively, nuclear power seems to be doomed to a cost escalation curse. In this paper we reexamine this issue for the French nuclear power fleet. Using the construction costs from the Cour des Comptes report, that was publicly available in 2012, we found that previous studies overestimated the cost escalation [...]

Lina Escobar Rangel, François",null,null,null Lévêque
December 2012
Most papers that study the recharging of electric vehicles focus on charging the batteries at home and at the work-place. The alternative is for owners to exchange the battery at a specially equipped battery switch station (BSS). This paper studies strategies for the BSS to buy and sell the electricity through the day-ahead market [...]

Margaret Armstrong, Charles",null,null,null El Hajj Moussa, Jérôme",null,null,null Adnot, Alain",null,null,null Galli, Philippe",null,null,null Rivière
November 2012
Nous présentons dans cette communication le projet de recherche «WITE 2.0». Ce projet s’inscrit au croisement de diverses problématiques liées aux mobilités (mobility turn, [10]) et à l’usage des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (TIC). Ce projet s’inscrit dans une démarche de co-conception d’un outil de collaboration unifié et virtualisé (ou «plateforme virtualisée unifiée») [...]

Valérie Fernandez, Caroline",null,null,null Guillot, Laurie",null,null,null Marrauld
November 2012
Symbian est un système d’exploitation pour téléphones mobiles, fruit de la collaboration d’équipementiers constituant un écosystème d’affaires. Cette contribution, utilisant des matériaux qualitatifs et quantitatifs, vise à identifier les étapes du cycle de vie de Symbian afin de les relier à la stratégie du leader et à l’implication des autres membres notamment en termes d’exclusivité [...]

Valérie FAUTRERO, Gaël",null,null,null GUEGUEN
November 2012
Textbooks and manuals on management suggest that managers are heroes who deal with difficult problems of collective adaptation and change. American films are similarly built on the premise of a hero confronted with extremely difficult situations. What if this hero figure promoted for so long in both management literature and the American film industry was the same at the structural level? This paper will attempt to clearly define the performance of heroes that is perhaps shared by the imagination industry (Hollywood) and the image of human relations in the western industrial world [...]

Olivier Fournout
October 2012
Investments in Next Generation Access Networks (NGANs) ask for a new set of regulatory remedies. This paper contributes to this debate by focusing on three issues: the migration from the legacy copper network to the NGA infrastructure, and how wholesale pricing regulation might affect this process; the introduction of di§erenti- ated wholesale remedies according to geographical differences in NGAN deployment; the impact of co-investment decisions on market outcomes and their interplay with access regulation [...]

Marc Bourreau, Carlo",null,null,null Cambini, Steffen",null,null,null Hoernig
October 2012
In this paper we propose a model which shows that the impact of copyright infringement on music artists depends on the type of revenue that they receive (royalties from record companies, profits for self-released artists, revenues from live concerts). We then test the hypotheses derived from the model on a dataset consisting of a survey of 710 artists representative of the whole population of French professional musicians [...]

Maya Bacache, Marc",null,null,null Bourreau, François",null,null,null Moreau
October 2012

Marc Bourreau, Michel",null,null,null Gensollen, François",null,null,null Moreau, Patrick",null,null,null Waelbroeck
October 2012
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a key role in creating incentives for firms to develop a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy by disclosing publicly self-regulatory corporate efforts. Their informational behavior is heterogeneous: Some NGOs mostly disclose information on firms that do not behave responsibly (e [...]

Matthieu Glachant, Gabrielle",null,null,null Moineville
July 2012
To market a new network technology effectively, manufacturers need to understand the structure and size of network effects associated with the product.If consumers’ surplus from adoption depends positively on the number of interconnections in the network, early adopters may need to be subsidized until a critical mass is reached [...]

Mattia de’ Grassi di Pianura
June 2012
The development of formal ICT standards is a loose form of collaborative innovation: Firms first develop rival technologies, some of which are then eventually selected in the standard. Against this background, firms often use informal consortia to define a clearer technology roadmap ahead of the formal standard setting process [...]

Justus Baron, Yann",null,null,null Ménière, Tim",null,null,null Pohlmann
June 2012
The paper examines the pragmatic efficacy of a paradigmatic representational device used in the work of management consulting: the diagrammatic presentation of managerial problems in a consultancy slideshow. We present an ethnographic analysis of a consultancy mission, focusing on the momentsin which presentation is crafted, altered and discussed before reaching a stage of relative felicity [...]

Alaric Bourgoin, Fabian",null,null,null Muniesa
May 2012
Many actors in the field of rare diseases point to the role played by the notion of ‘rareness’ in the emergence and development of what we refer to as the ‘hybrid collective model’ (HCM) of collaboration between patients and experts. The HCM features two main characteristics: (i) the constitution of communities which bring togetherfamilies and researchers as actors in the ‘war on disease’; and (ii) organized cooperation between experts and patients’ organizations in the production of knowledge on diseases [...]

Vololona Rabeharisoa, Michel",null,null,null Callon, Angela",null,null,null Marques Filipe, João",null,null,null Arriscado Nunes, Florence",null,null,null Paterson, Frédéric",null,null,null Vergnaud
May 2012
Comment rendre compte de la dynamique informationnelle, cognitive, politique à l’œuvre dans ces groupes? Comment rendre compte, en amont de cela, de la composition – au sens d’un processus actif et constamment réactivé – du groupe lui-même? Dans la première temps, l’analyse présentée s’attache à décrire un panorama des méthodes qui ont été développées par les chercheurs en sociologie ou en communication pour analyser les groupes électroniques de discussion en essayant de voir quelles réponses ils ont tenté d’apporter à ces défis: les méthodes en question se divisent en deux grandes catégories, celles qui s’intéressent au contenu de ce qui s’échange et celles qui s’intéressent au réseau de relations qui résulte des échanges; rares sont les travaux qui à défaut d’articuler complètement ces deux types d’approches les mobilisent au moins de manière conjointe [...]

Madeleine Akrich
May 2012
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is an unsettled condition whose history is characterised by controversy amongst medical professionals. Its emergence has frequently been interpreted as an example of the growing ‘medicalisation’ of society and the individualisation of social issues [...]

Claire Edwards, Etaoine",null,null,null Howlett, Madeleine",null,null,null Akrich, Vololona",null,null,null Rabeharisoa
May 2012
The literature on childbirth organisations focuses on their critical positioning towards medical definitions/practices of birth, their efforts to promote ‘natural’/’normal’ birth, their espousal of a rhetoric of choice and their relationships to feminist activism. However it says little about the practices through which these organisations seek to achieve their aims [...]

Madeleine Akrich, Maire",null,null,null Leane, Celia",null,null,null Roberts, João",null,null,null Arriscado Nunes
May 2012
We claim that a reason for why unregulated investor-owned local monopolies do not always charge the monopoly price is that they are threatened by customer complaints that may lead to retaliations from local elected officials. When investor-owned monopolies are exposed to this threat they will mimic the price(s) of their neighbour(s); the stronger the threat, the higher the spatial price correlation [...]

Magnus Söderberg, Makoto",null,null,null Tanaka
May 2012
This paper examines the evolution of innovation innuclear power reactors between 1974 and 2008 in twelve OECD countries and assesses to what extent nuclear innovation has been driven by economic incentives, political decisions and safety regulation considerations. We use priority patent applications related to Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs)as a proxy for innovating activity [...]

Michel Berthélemy
May 2012
Recent rapid growth in electronic book sales has raised a critical question for publishers and book stores: do e-books cannibalize or increase print sales? In this article we compare the best-selling titles sold on Amazon.com in print orelectronic (Kindle) formatsduring the period from November 2007 to July 2010 [...]

David Bounie, Bora",null,null,null Eang, Marvin",null,null,null Sirbu, Patrick",null,null,null Waelbroeck
April 2012
No results.


CADASIL is an adult-onset genetic neurodegenerative disease, associated with recurrent strokes (cerebral infarcts) susceptible to generate disabling cognitive and motor related disorders, especially after the age of 50. Although there is currently no cure, the prospect opened up by research into new therapies raises the issue of the participation of asymptomatic carriers of the genetic mutation in the planned clinical trials [...]

Madeleine Akrich, Vololona Rabeharisoa, Florence Paterson
April 2024
Early action by bystanders is particularly important for the survival of victims, especially in cases of cardiac arrest or airway obstruction. However, few bystanders are willing to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The use of a live video during emergency calls appears to have a positive effect on the number of CPR performed by bystanders [...]

Ophélie Morand, Robert Larribau, Stéphane Safin, Caroline Rizza
October 2023
This article contributes to exposing inner workings of academic research on Ecosystem Services (ES) and their indicators. A self-reflexive study in a lab of environmental economics for more than two years reveals how previous research on agroecological practices in Europe is reinterpreted in order to identify the delivery of ES [...]

Kewan Mertens , Kato Van Ruymbeke, Liesbet Vranken
February 2023
Cet article examine onze discours sur l’écologie et le changement climatique prononcés par des étudiants lors de leurs remises de diplômes (à Centrale Nantes, ENSAIA, AgroParisTech, HEC, ENSAT, Polytechnique, Mines Paris, ESSEC). Il offre une taxonomie des critiques, engagements et sensibilités explicitées dans leurs prises de position [...]

Morgan Meyer
December 2022
Franchising is an economic relationship between two independent actors, the franchisor and the franchisee. As such, it lends itself to the application of economic models (agency theory, theory of incomplete contracts, transaction costs, etc.) or managerial concepts (theory of stakeholders, empowerment, creativity management, etc [...]

Magali AYACHE, Hervé DUMEZ
December 2022
Mobile communications are increasingly pervasive, leading to an unprecedented exposure of RF-EMF to humans. This article is the first empirical analysis on the determinants of RF-EMF exposure legislation, using a novel cross-sectional database of 164 countries worldwide. In order to investigate the existence of a 5G-specific effect, the determinants of RF-EMF exposure legislation for 164 countries are compared with 61 countries within the sample that have deployed the 5G technology [...]

Laura RECUERO VIRTO, Marek CZERWIŃSKI, Jérémy FROIDEVAUX, ",null,null null,
October 2022
The notion of the “expert patient” has become quite prominent in recent years. In many countries, patients are invited to sit on various committees with biomedical specialists to share their expertise on diseases and health problems with various institutions. This situation stands in stark contrast with the medical paternalism that prevailed not so long ago [...]

Madeleine Akrich, Vololona Rabeharisoa
December 2021
The notion of the “expert patient” has become quite prominent in recent years. In many countries, patients are invited to sit on various committees with biomedical specialists to share their expertise on diseases and health problems with various institutions. This situation stands in stark contrast with the medical paternalism that prevailed not so long ago [...]

Madeleine Akrich, Vololona Rabeharisoa
December 2021

Through a survey and interviews with representative stakeholders, this paper aims to find mechanisms to align commercial interests with underwater noise reductions from commercial shipping.

May 2021
Le projet MESCOV « les media sociaux lors de la crise Covid-19 » traite des aspects création et circulation de l’information sur les media sociaux lors de la crise Covid-19, des initiatives citoyennes qui y ont émergé et des pratiques des professionnels de la gestion de crise associées (notamment Service d’Incendie et de Secours et Préfecture) [...]

Marie-Lys Camozzi, Nathan Thubert, Julien Coche, Sandrine Bubendorff, Robin Batard, Aurélie Montarnal, Caroline Rizza
December 2020
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