i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

Transfer and expertise

The transfer of research results, expertise and popularized knowledge to broad publics are one of the strengths of the Institute which has close ties with the business world and government institutions. These relations are evidenced in:

  • Mechanisms for disseminating research results in the socio-economic world: researchers from the Ecole Polytechnique created the Ecole de Paris du Management in which researchers from Mines ParisTech are also involved; it organizes seminars for researchers and practitioners to discuss issues pertaining to the management of innovation. In a very different field, another example is the training dispensed by ADEMA, on the management of non-profit organizations.
  • Participation in public debate:  Many of its researchers are involved in public debate and the media (P.-N. Giraud, T. Weil, A. Hatchuel, F. Leveque, P.J. Benghozi)
  • The creation of centres of expertise: MINES ParisTech was instrumental in creating the Observatory for Science and Techniques (Observatoire des Sciences et des Techniques) and more recently the Observatory for Centres of Competitiveness (Observatoire des Pôles de Compétitivité).
  • The development of collaborative research with concerned actors: the i3 teams have experience with “research action” in which researchers are called on to assist in implementing change in organizations (researchers mainly from the CGS and CRG) and in setting up focus groups involving researchers and patient organizations (researchers mainly from the CSI) or design workshops.