i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

Relations with the socio-economic world

The i3 teams have a common culture of research in partnership with firms, non-profit organizations and public institutions. The total revenue generated by contract research is 3.9 million Euros (a mean ratio of €65m per permanent academic researcher). A large proportion of these partnerships are managed under ARMINES, a non-profit organization which grants the Ecole des Mines research centres the funds to implement its projects.

The teaching and research chairs funded by large French as well as foreign companies (e.g. SAP, Philips and Microsoft) are also indicative of i3’s relations to the economic world.

The results of research carried out by i3 teams are used by a wide range of organizations and institutions, including firms, national and international institutions (especially on issues pertaining to regulation) and the non-profit/NGO world.