i3’s corporate Chairs
The institute’s teams foster close relations with the business world. This is reflected notably in eight research and teaching Chairs financed by leading French and foreign firms
- the Mines-Telecom Chair on IP and Markets for Technology supported by Air Liquide, Microsoft and Philips;
- the ParisTech Chair on Media and Brands Economics associates Mines ParisTech and Telecom Paris in partnership with Vivendi and Lagardère;
- the Chair on Theories and Methods of Innovative Design hosted by Mines ParisTech in partnership with Airbus, Thalès, Renault, RATP, Dassault Systèmes, STMicrolelectronics, SNCF, EREIE, Helvetia, Nutriset, Urgo.
- the Chair on Environment and Water for All associates Mines ParisTech and Agro ParisTech in partnership with Suez Environnement;
- the Chair on Imaginary Modelisation, Creation & Innovation associates Telecom Paris and the University of Rennes in partnership with Orange, PSA, Dassault Systèmes, Ubisoft;
- the Chair on Personal Information Values and Policies hosted by Télécom Paris, Télécom Sud Paris et Telecom Ecole du Management, in partnership with l’Imprimerie Nationale, BNP PARIBAS, Dassault Systèmes, Orange, Deveryware et la CNIL;
- the Chair on Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services associates Telecom Paris and Ecole Polytechnique in partnership with Orange;
- the Chair on the Management of Innovation hosted by the CRG in partnership with Air Liquide, MBDA, Renault, Saffron, SEB and Valeo.