Legal terms
Copyright intellectual property
The whole of this site is subject to international legislation on copyright, trademark law and, in general, on intellectual property, with regard to each of the elements of its content (texts, images, data, drawings, graphics, photos and soundtracks, animations, videos…) as well as its form (choice, plan, arrangement of materials, means of access to data, organization of data…). These contents, appearing on the pages of this site, are the exclusive property of I3.
The reproduction or representation, integral or partial, of the pages, the data and any other element of the site, by any process or support that it is, is prohibited and constitutes without express and preliminary authorization of the editor a counterfeit sanctioned by the articles L335-2 and following ones of the Code of Intellectual Property.
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By exception, certain contents (texts, images) are the property of their respective authors. Any reproduction, representation, distribution or redistribution, in whole or in part, of the content of this site on any medium or by any means whatsoever, as well as any sale, resale, retransmission or making available to third parties in any manner whatsoever are prohibited. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement likely to engage the civil and criminal liability of the counterfeiter.
Rights of access and rectification
Any person whose name appears on this server may at any time request the deletion or modification of information concerning him/her by contacting the webmaster of the site.