i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

TTI.5 Environmental Controversy Award – 2nd Edition

Mines Paris PSL 60 boulevard saint Michel, Paris, France

Prize awarded to the best case study of a controversy dealing with an environmental issue selected among the papers written by students of the civil engineering program of Mines Paris–PSL.

Séminaire Polytechnique Santé

Paris santé campus 2-10 RUE D'ORADOUR-SUR-GLANE,, PARIS, France

Le Jumeau numérique : le partenaire idéal en matière de prévention.

Doctoriales i3 2024

Telecom Paris 19 Place Marguerite Perey, Palaiseau, France

Four workshops focus to the work of doctoral students in the early stages of their thesis. The plenary session gives the floor to three doctoral students nearing the completion of their thesis.

Polytechnique health seminar

Future for Care, Watt-Biopark 8 rue Jean Antoine de Baïf, PARIS, France

Prevention with a drop of blood?

First Axis D meeting

Discussion on ‘L'Innovation, mais pour quoi faire? Essai sur un mythe économique, social et managérial’ (Le Seuil, 2023) by Franck Aggeri

Icubiades Days

Mines Paris PSL et en distanciel 60 boulevard saint Michel, France

The five themes were illustrated by presentations of the work of i3 researchers