i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

Publication of the last 2014 issue of the Libellio

Created in December 2005, “le libellio” is an online periodical focused on book-reviews and research papers in the field of management and more generally in social sciences.

Benghozi & Salvador’s article, one of the most downloaded articles published in Routledge Social Sciences journals in 2014

Pierre-Jean Benghozi & Elisa Salvador's article ‘“Are traditional industrial partnerships so strategic for research spin-off development? Some evidence from the Italian case”’, published in Entrepreneurship & Regional Development has been included in an online article collection featuring the most downloaded articles published in Routledge Social Sciences journals in 2014.

Publication of a report on R&D in cultural industries

Pierre-Jean Benghozi & Elisa Salvador (CRG) just published a report titled "La R&D dans les industries culturelles et créatives. Le cas de l’édition", funded by the Centre National du Livre (CNL), Paris.