i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

A paper on the Google affair published in La Tribune

François Lévêque together with Frédéric Jenny published a paper in La Tribune on the notification of the Statement of Objections by the European Commission against Google: "Google: une procédure contradictoire vaut mieux qu'un mauvais arrangement".

Working Group on marine noise and responsible innovation

The Observatory for Responsible Innovation is getting ready for a new focus: the problematic field of ocean noise pollution. The management and engineering of oceans is (or should be) at the center of environmental policy agendas and wider political, industrial and societal concerns.

Hervé Dumez is awarded an AIMS-2015 prize

Hervé Dumez a reçu le prix « Meilleures implications managériales et sociétales » de l’AIMS-2015 pour une communication co-écrite avec Magali Ayache (Thema-Université de Cergy-Pontoise).

Un numéro spécial de Project Management Journal

Christophe Midler with Catherine P. Killen and Alexander Kock edited an issue on Project and Innovation Management: Bridging Contemporary Trends in Theory and Practice.