i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

Journée doctorale i3

Mines ParisTech 60 Boulevard Saint-Michel, Paris, France

Présentation de tous les doctorants d'i3 en première année

Doctoriales i3 2020 via Zoom

Doctoral training is at the heart of the Interdisciplinary Institute for Innovation – i 3.

Day i3 Theme 4

en visioconférence , France

Uses, participation, democratization of innovation

Doctoriales i3 2021

Séminaire en visioconférence séminaire en visioconférence

The theses prepared within i3 renew the analysis and the accompaniment of technical and social innovation.

i3 “Mobilities” day

Evenement interne XXX, XXX

This study day aims to bring together the various studies carried out in the institute on the theme of mobilities.

PhD students day of i3

Bâtiment ENSTA et distantiel 828 Boulevard des maréchaux, France

This day is dedicated to the first year work of i3 PhD students.

Doctoriales i3

Mines ParisTech 60 Boulevard Saint-Michel, Paris, France

The organization of an Annual Doctoral Day aims to publicize the doctoral research currently carried out at i3 and to provide supporting feedback to the PhD candidates.