i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

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Summer School – IP Paris / i3-CNRS Doctoral Seminar July 5-9, 2021
Posted on 20 October 2021

The Summer School - IP Paris / i3-CNRS Doctoral Seminar "Renewing the view on innovation: a multidisciplinary approach" took place in Aussois from July 5 to 9, 2021.

This week brought together doctoral students and researchers from all teams around presentations of the participants' work and convivial activities, a unique opportunity to get to know each other that should not be missed.

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On the presentation side, the social sciences in engineering schools, the specificity of the institute, were the subject of presentations by researchers. The work of Rémi Maniak, Alexandre Mallard and Benoît Weil opened the week. Crossed presentations, putting into perspective the work of researchers on the themes of "crises, risks and uncertainties", but also "innovation perspective", "creation and creativity" or "data and artificial intelligence" followed one another during the seminar. Topos and workshops for PhD students such as "Data Scraping", "Innovation Case Studies and Narrative" and "Resistance to Innovation" and reading workshops also took place. PhD students were also able to "pitch" on the status of their current theses.

A guided tour of the Esseillon barrier and guided hikes enhanced the stay of the delegates.

Despite the last minute withdrawal of some participants, the seminar was considered globally positive by the members of i3, and should definitely be renewed. This important project for the unit could be renewed every two years to allow PhD students to participate in a summer school during their studies.

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  More information: Programme Ecole d'été - Aussois

Photos: Dilia Carolina Olivo