i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

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The next session of the Seminar on Digital Environmental Policies will welcome Patrick Brodie (University Dublin College)
28 February 2023 • 15h-17h • en visioconférence

The next session of the Seminar on Digital Environmental Policies


organized by the Center for the Sociology of Innovation (CSI Mines Paris – PSL)

and the Center for Internet and Society (CIS) will be held on

Thursday, February 28, from 3 to 5 pm

by videoconference


Patrick Brodie (University Dublin College)

Environment, Territory,

and the Data/Energy Nexus in Ireland’s Borderlands



Summary: In November 2020, a video surfaced on Twitter showing the earth moving underneath the feet of a local hillwalker. The video was documenting a massive peat landslide at the border between County Donegal (in the Republic of Ireland, ROI) and County Tyrone (in Northern Ireland, NI), which was caused by the construction of the 19-turbine Meenbog Wind Farm. The landslide destroyed a vast swathe of active peat bog and polluted a significant watershed which spanned both sides of the border, prompting governmental and legal action from agencies and organizations in ROI, NI, and the UK.

A key piece of the puzzle, however, was that the Meenbog Wind Farm had in 2019 sold all its future energy to global logistics and cloud giant Amazon Web Services to power its data center operations in Dublin, over 200km away from this wind farm site in rural Donegal. The data infrastructure company’s decarbonization efforts were transported along toxic fault lines of colonial partition, the imagined perpetual growth of data systems having unintended consequences at the still-contested border between ROI and NI. By analyzing data center and energy policy, public discourse around these infrastructural systems, and drawing upon site-specific fieldwork, this presentation will confront the territorial re-organization of political and environmental relations through emerging renewable energy and data entanglements. Engaging with vibrant discourses of “green extractivism” during the transition to renewable energy, the talk will approach the region of Ireland where the peatslide occurred as a site of generative friction concerning what present and future extractive energy and data supply chains will look like, who will bear their burdens, and who will have agency in shaping them.

For more information and to register


28 February 2023
15 h 00 min - 17 h 00 min
Event Categories:


Clément Marquet


en visioconférence
France + Google Map