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Business, Responsibility and Civilisation seminar
The Chair in Corporate Theory is pleased to invite you to the next session of the seminar
«Enterprise, Responsibility and Civilisation »
Wednesday 28 February 2024 - from 16:00 to 18:00
Mines Paris - PSL Université
60 Boulevard Saint Michel, 75006 PARIS
Dual materiality: theoretical and practical issues in the European regulatory context
With Alexandre Rambaud,
Lecturer to AgroParisTech, researcher at CIRED,
and Co-Director of the "Ecological Accounting" Chair and the "Dual Materiality" Chair
Maître de conférences à AgroParisTech, chercheur au CIRED et Academic Fellow de l’Institut Louis Bachelier, Alexandre Rambaud codirige la chaire "Comptabilité écologique" (AgroParisTech, Université Paris-Dauphine, Université de Reims, Institut Louis Bachelier) et la Chaire "Double Matérialité" (Institut Louis Bachelier).
Présentation of the session: Alexandre Rambaud is a senior lecturer at AgroParisTech, a researcher at the CIRED and an Academic Fellow at the Institut Louis Bachelier. He is co-director of the "Ecological Accounting" Chair (AgroParisTech, Université Paris-Dauphine, Université de Reims, Institut Louis Bachelier) and the "Dual Materiality" Chair (Institut Louis Bachelier).
Please register by sending an e-mail to chaire-te@minesparis.psl.eu indicating whether you would like to take part online or in person.
Présentation ERC seminar A.Rambaud
Stéphanie for the Corporate Theory Chair team