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Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

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Libellio Coronam series week 5
Posted on 25 May 2020

Fifth issue of the special Coronam series, which looks back at e-learning, one of the many evolutions - if not revolutions - brought about by the crisis.

A dossier was devoted to the way in which the switchover to online courses had taken place and the authors undertook, one month after the start of the experiment, to draw the lines of an initial assessment.

The commitment was kept: Many thanks to Sonia Adam-Ledunois, Pierre-Emmanuel Arduin, Albert David and Béatrice Parguel (Université Paris-Dauphine), Mohammed Benseddik and his colleagues (Université Mohammed 1er d'Oujda), and Violeta Blasco (high school teacher), to Cécile Chamaret (École polytechnique), Laurent Deville (EDHEC), Anne-Laure Fayard (New York University), Hervé Laroche and Valérie Moatti (ESCP-Europe), Emmanuelle Le Nagard (ESSEC), Zoé Le Squeren, Xavier Weppe and Xavier Lecocq (IAE, University of Lille) for their contributions.

It was tempting, in the face of this evolution of teaching towards the screen, to put it into perspective with the ancestor of pedagogical treatises, the De Magistro (Of the Master).

Download Le Libellio d' - volume 16 Série Coronam semaine 5