i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

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Icubiades Days
Posted on 27 June 2024

The first edition of the ‘Icubiades’ on ecological transition was held on 15 and 16 2024. The event provided an opportunity to expand on the cross-cutting i3 theme of ‘Policies, instruments and innovations for the ecological transition’. The ecological transition is not only a major challenge, but also an object to be constructed. Each i3 team presented an overview of its current work on ecological transition. There was a great deal of discussion about the work to be done on working hypotheses and the importance of working methods around these hypotheses. Philippe Lefebvre and Béatrice Cointe, the two leaders of the theme, began by introducing the 5 themes that structure it:

  • Axis 1: Public policy instruments and innovations for transition ;
  • Axis 2: Voluntary standards and labels: the dynamics of hybrid regulations;
  • Axis 3: Ecological transition as a driver for business transformation;
  • Axis 4: From the greening of everyday life to new forms of mobilisation for the planet: consumers, citizens and activists in the transition;
  • Axis 5: Controversies on knowledge and expertise for the ecological transition.

For each of these themes, participants presented work in economics, management and sociology.

Emphasis was placed on public policy instruments in Axis 1: ‘Le modèle des avaries communes face à la palette des instruments classiques de l'action publique’ by Charlotte Demonsant, Kevin Levillain and Blanche Segrestin (CGS), ‘Entre sciences économiques et sciences de l'environnement, la production d'expertise et de scénarios par le GIEC’ by Béatrice Cointe (CSI). Finally, ‘What public policies and inter-governmental coordination are needed to deal with stranded assets resulting from the ecological transition’ by Renaud Coulomb (CERNA).

The presentation of Axis 2, dedicated to standards and labels, provided an opportunity to publicise the following works: ‘Voluntary carbon offsetting mechanisms’ by Mathieu Glachant (CERNA), ‘Labels and the sociology of markets’ by Alexandre Mallard (CSI) and ‘Standards, tools and organisations for responsible action. Le cas des contributions des entreprises aux ODD’ by Philippe Lefebvre (CGS).

The work of Axis 3, which focuses on businesses, namely: ‘Responsible production and sustainable logistics: the main lines of research’ by Eric Ballot, Shenle Pan and Mariam Lakhlifi (CGS), ‘The economic impact of climate shocks on French businesses’ by Tiphaine Guillet (CERNA), ‘Impact business models’ by Thierry Rayna (CRG), was presented to the participants.

Axis 4, devoted to consumers, citizens and activists, was also the subject of the following research: ‘La construction du marché du vrac contemporain en France. Étude des relations entre les initiatives des acteurs de l'offre, les dispositifs marchands, et les pratiques des consommateurs' by Abdoulaye Diaw (CSI), “La question de l'acceptabilité des éoliennes en Allemagne” by Sven Heim (CERNA).



Axis 5, which examines controversies over knowledge and expertise for the ecological transition, gave rise to presentations at the end of the event: ‘Gestion et Sciences de l'environnement - De la confrontation des valeurs et connaissances dans des cas de controverse environnementale, à la recherche de valeurs communes : l'apport de méthodes de représentaHon de la connaissance’ by Elsa Berthet (INRAE, Chercheure associée au CGS), “La controverse autour de l'empreinte environnementale du numérique” by Jean-Samuel Beuscart (SES), and ’Comment les multiples acteurs concernés, publics et privés, tentent-ils de dessiner les futurs de l'utilisation du sous-sol français pour la transition écologique? ‘by Lisa Claussmann (CSI).


The conference was also an opportunity for i3 to welcome Agnès Michelot, Director of the CNRS Research Federation on the Environment and Sustainable Development and Honorary President of the French Society for Environmental Law, for a talk on climate justice.