i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

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Business, Responsibility and Civilization seminar with Romain Laufer, Professor Emeritus, HEC-Paris
17 March 2021 • 16h-18h • en visioconférence

Business, Responsibility and Civilization seminar

Romain Laufer

Professor Emeritus, HEC-ParisManagement,

Responsabilité et Démocratie Tocqueville thinker of administration Conference organized on the Zoom platform

We know Tocqueville as a thinker of democracy and revolution, we know less about Tocqueville as a thinker of the administration, and hence the way in which his writings make it possible to link administration and democracy on the one hand, and administration and revolution on the other. Thus, alongside the prophet of the tyranny of the state and the tyranny of the majority, Toqueville points to a potential crisis of democracy linked to the development of the very large corporation. This could be called Tocqueville's third prophecy.

(while waiting for the new sanitary instructions)

The Zoom link is as follows: https://zoom.us/j/97502922548?pwd=c0Q2cGtHR0ltSWdIbEF0TjA2QVY1UT09

In order to secure the conduct of this conference, a waiting room will be set up to control the participants. It is therefore requested that, as far as possible for a more fluid organization, you have an easily identifiable login name, for example: Last name First name



17 March 2021
16 h 00 min - 18 h 00 min
Event Categories:


en visioconférence
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