13th Paris Conference on Digital Economics
31 Mars » 01 Avril 2022 11h30-20h Telecom Paris
Arrive on your own
11:30-11:45 Registration
11:45-12:30 Reception (Room: Main Hall) and Snacks (in Session Rooms)
1A (Room: Amphi 2): Platforms (Empirics)
Chair: Christine Zulehner
Dante Donati* (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
The end of tourist traps: a natural experiment on the impact of Tripadvisor
on quality upgrading
Discussant: Michael Visser (ENSAE - CREST)
Andrey Fradkin* (Boston University), David Holtz
More Reviews May Not Help: Evidence from Incentivized First Reviews on Airbnb
Discussant: Michelangelo Rossi (Telecom Paris)
Kevin Ducbao Tran* (University of Bristol), Christoph Carnehl, Maximilian
Schaefer, and André Stenzel
Value for Money and Selection: How Pricing Affects Airbnb Ratings
Discussant: Christine Zulehner (University of Vienna)
1B (Room: Amphi 7): Information (Theory)
Chair: Wilfried Sand-Zantman
Paul Heidhues* (DICE, Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf), Mats
Köster, and Botond Kőszegi
Steering Fallible Consumers
Discussant : Wilfried Sand-Zantman (ESSEC Business School)
Carlo Reggiani* (JRC Seville and University of Manchester),
Alejandro Saporiti, and Lois Simanjuntak
Social information management
Discussant: Fabrizio Ciotti (UCLouvain)
Niccolò Lomys* (Toulouse School of Economics), Emanuele Tarantino
Identification and Estimation in Search Models with Social Information
Discussant: Yutec Sun (ENSAI - CREST)
14:15-14:45 Coffee Break (in Session Rooms)
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