i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

Innovation oriented teaching

i3 research teams are deeply involved in engineering education as well as in the master’s programmes at Mines ParisTech, Telecom Paris and Polytechnique. They notably propose specific educational programmes in innovation training. The i3 laboratories participate very actively in teaching for several degree courses:

The civil engineering courses of Mines ParisTech, Telecom Paris and Ecole Polytechnique. At Telecom Paris, the 28 researchers in the department of the Economics and Social Science are in charge of 15 to 20% of the lectures proposed to the 620 students. At Mines ParisTech, the 38 researchers provide approximately 33% of the lectures to some 480 students. At the Ecole Polytechnique, the researchers teach at the level of the second cycle and third cycle.

The engineering courses of the Corps des Mines, a result of the 2009 merger between the Corps des Mines and the Corps des Télécommunications. This degree course is intended for train senior government officials who have a sound scientific and technical background.

Master’s and Specialised Master’s courses are mostly cooperative operations with academic partners (Paris Ouest Nanterre University, Paris Est University, Orsay Paris 11 University, Nice Sophia Antipolis University, Paris 9 Dauphine University) or other schools (Polytechnique, Ecole des Ponts, HEC, ENA, Agro ParisTech, ESCP, ESSEC, IFP School, ESSEC).

In particular, the i3 laboratories co-organise the following Master’s degrees programmes:

  • Master’s in the Economics for Development, the Environment and Energy (EDDEE),
  • Master’s in Energy Strategies, Master’s in the Management and Dynamics of Organisations (GDO),
  • Master’s in the Management of Organisations and Public Policies (MOPP),
  • Master’s in Network Industries and the Digital Economy (IREN),
  • Master’s in Modelling, Optimisation, Decision and Organisation (MODO),
  • Master’s in Project Management, Innovation and Design (PIC),
  • Master’s in Innovation Management (MIXT),
  • Master’s in Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ITE),
  • Master’s in Environmental Science and Challenges and Master’s in Management, Technology and Innovation (MTI),
  • Master’s in Organisational Dynamics in Technological Change, Innovation and Strategies (DOCTIS).