i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

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Digital collaboration and work organization – Beyond the promises
Posted on 2 November 2023

Through field studies and numerous testimonials, this book, produced by the FIT2 Chair, examines the ambivalent results that the use of these tools produces on work organization.

The spread of remote working has encouraged the deployment of a new wave of digital tools, known as collaborative tools, in organizations. More often than not, these tools have been added to existing communication systems, creating a "millefeuille phenomenon" that leads to hyperconnection and cognitive overload. Several surveys testify to the growing malaise of employees faced with this chaotic digitalization.

Through field studies and numerous testimonials, this book, produced by the Chaire FIT2, examines the ambivalent results that the use of these tools produces on work organization. Far from the promises of solution providers, collaborative tools have no magical power to bring about organizational change. On the contrary, their unregulated use has many perverse effects on efficiency and quality of working life. The introduction of innovative practices adapted to the context of hybrid work therefore requires discussion and regulation of their use, in line with "real work".

This analysis of the blind spots and points of vigilance associated with the use of collaborative tools will be of interest to transformation managers, HR directors, CIOs, local managers and consultants wishing to use these tools to improve the quality of work.

The spread of remote working has encouraged the deployment of a new wave of digital tools, known as collaborative tools, in organizations. These tools have often been added to existing communication systems, creating a "millefeuille phenomenon" that leads to hyperconnection and cognitive overload. Several surveys testify to the growing malaise of employees faced with this chaotic digitalization.
