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Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

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La Jaune & La Rouge N°765 – May 2021: a file dedicated to the automobile
Posted on 1 June 2021

The automotive sector is currently undergoing a transformation that is not the first in its young history, but which promises to be particularly profound and even violent. In particular, the transition to electric vehicles, changes in user behavior, the rise of the Chinese industry and the arrival of digital predators are turning a world where France has played a leading role into a shambles. What will the automotive world of tomorrow be like? The engineers who are polytechnics have a difficult but stimulating score to play.

  • Page 25 : Dinosaur or phoenix ? by Christophe Midler (74)
  • Page 26 : Geopolitics of the automobile industry, understanding the variety of models by Bernard Jullien
  • Page 30 : The automobile towards zero emission by 2050, what consequences for the industry? By Marc Alochet and Christophe Midler
  • Page 34 : The battery, a key component of electromobility by Yann Laot (2002)
  • Page 37 : The automotive industry and the challenge of new mobility by Brigitte Courtehoux
  • Page 40 : Autonomous vehicles: the great replacement? by Patrick Pélata
  • Page 43 : Connectivity, robotization, artificial intelligence, automotive production 4.0 by Arnaud Deboeuf (87)
  • Page 46 : The automotive industry from hardware to software by Jean-Marc Holl (86)
  • Page 50 : The road of the future in the face of climate change by Bernad Jacob (74)
  • Page 54 : Adventure lab, frugal automotive innovation in Sub-Saharan Africa by Paul de Chatelperron, Dominique Levent, François Rouvier and Christophe Midler (74)
  • Page 58 : The automobile and the city, a public policy to be rethought by Jean-Marc Offner
  • Page 62 : Etymologix: The automobile by Pierre Avenas (65).


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