i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

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CRG breakfast with Nicolas Mottis Researcher at i3-CRG and Vincent Bouchet Associate Researcher at i3-CRG
14 March 2022 • 8h30-10h • en visioconférence

CRG breakfast will welcome

Nicolas Mottis

Researcher at i3-CRG Professor at l’École polytechnique


Vincent Bouchet

 Resarch at  i3-CRG Director of ESG, EDHEC Scientific Analytics


 Pour une Présentation du numéro spécial ISR parue dans la RFG : 

"L’investissement, socialement responsable Succès ou dilution ?" "

Investment, Socially Responsible Success or Dilution?" Presentation of the special SRI issue published in the RFG

Extract from the article: 

Marginal until the early 2000s, socially responsible investment (SRI) consists of taking non-financial criteria, such as the environment and social issues, into consideration in the investment evaluation process. The succession of environmental, social and governance (ESG) scandals, whose media coverage has been widely amplified by social networks, has contributed to converting some of these issues into extra-financial risks. This awareness of this extra-financial risk (El Ghoul et al., SRI or towards a so-called sustainable finance.

The "mainstream" in finance now consists of combining financial and ESG criteria. In the context of the French market alone, more than a third of the assets under management, i.e. nearly 1,000 billion euros of assets, incorporate ESG criteria to a greater or lesser extent, and more than a tenth correspond to strict SRI management. We have thus truly emerged from the "niche" and the phenomenon of strong expansion envisaged a decade ago (Crifo and Mottis, 2011) is well underway. This trend is confirmed in several other regions of the world where the integration of environmental or social
This trend is confirmed in several other regions of the world, where the integration of environmental or social considerations into the investment, placement or lending process is not only already being adopted by institutional investors, but also increasingly by retail investors.

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2022 Breakfasts programme




14 March 2022
8 h 30 min - 10 h 00 min
Event Categories:


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