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Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

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GPT Chat: AI, really at the service of payment deadlines!
Posted on 17 February 2023

Romaric ServaJean-Hilst, Academic Director of the MAI Executive Education of Kedge and researcher at Polytechnique transcribed 20 days ago the exchange held between the AI and himself on the subject of payment delays. An astonishing exchange which did not lack common sense that you can find in the second part of the article. In exclusivity for Décision Achats, the teacher researcher gives us the analysis of this exchange.

Following the trend of testing the progress of artificial intelligence, ChatGPT was challenged to answer a few questions on another trendy but less attention-getting topic: payment delays in large group - SME relationships. As a reminder, late payments in France cost French SMEs 14 billion in cash. They are the cause of 12,000 to 15,000 business failures in France, or 50,000 job losses each year.

An analysis of the responses of this conversational agent opened to the public by OpenAI reveals a particularly impressive finesse and relevance of the answers. The most interesting thing about this artificial intelligence is that by searching the Internet - on a database that is more than a year old - it reveals out loud what some people are saying in silence. All the information provided is accurate on this subject.

On the one hand, there is official and easily accessible information. The important financial impact on SMEs of late payments, in terms of deteriorated cash flow and additional costs, but also the cascading impact on their own suppliers who will have difficulty paying on time. The fact that there are measures in place in France - laws and regulations - without mentioning them spontaneously.

On the other hand, there is information that is more rarely found and that is less often analyzed because it is more intangible. ChatPGT talks about the negative impact on the quality of the customer-supplier relationship, the decrease in trust, and later on the need for responsible payment practices and amicable conflict resolution.

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