i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

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Diversifying public recruitment. The case of magistrates
Posted on 24 November 2016

par Florence Audier, Maya Bacache-Beauvallet, Eric Mathias

The “Outreau” affair has pointed to a potential problem in the recruitment of magistrates: their youth would not always give them the experience needed to deal with scabrous human situations. Other recruitment channels than competition after graduation are nevertheless opened since the 1970s, allowing experienced professionals to accede to the magistracy directly on title or via specific competitions. A quarter of the magistrates enter the judicial system by one of these so-called "lateral" channels, that is, by a procedure other than that employed by the very young lawyers. What are the consequences of these new forms of recruitments? Do these judges keep a specificity in their activities and their career? What are their motivations and expectations? Does their recruitment affect the organization of work? Has the desired diversification any effect?

The research presented in this book focuses on the careers and career paths of these magistrates based on interviews and a questionnaire survey of all the magistrates who started their activity in a jurisdiction via a "lateral" path. The book offers for the first time a quantified and extensive survey on the recruitment of civil servants through channels other than competition.

Florence Audier is an economist and a research associate with the SAMM laboratory (Statistics, Analysis, Multidisciplinary Modelling - EA 4543) at the Pantheon – Sorbonne University. Her recent work focuses on employment and the occupational integration of young people, in particular in public services and research.

Maya Bacache-Beauvallet is a professor in economics at Télécom-ParisTech, in the CNRS laboratory I3, and an associate researcher with Cepremap, responsible for the research in public economics. Alumna of the École Normale Supérieure, graduated with a high-level teaching degree in economics and social sciences, a PhD and an HDR (habilitation of supervising doctoral research) in economics, her research focuses on public management, public employment and regulation of innovative sectors.

Eric Mathias is a lecturer in criminal sciences and a lawyer at the Gers bar, he teaches criminal law and criminal procedure at Paris-Est University. His work focuses on the German criminal procedure, contemporary reorganizations of the criminal pre-trial and privatization of public action.

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