i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

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Opening of a post-doctorate position in Management on “Just Transition”:
Posted on 17 June 2024

Opening of a post-doctorate position in Management on "Just Transition": how can we effectively combat environmental perils while preserving social justice?

The "Theory of the firm. Models of Governance and Collective Creation" is opening a 12-month post-doctoral position, focusing on the issue of just transition: how can we combat environmental perils with measures that are not only effective, but also fair? Compared with the "polluter pays" principle or the taxes that are frequently used (carbon tax, etc.), other principles make it possible to choose the least costly measure while spreading the cost fairly. This is the case, for example, with the principle based on the common damage rule, which imposes a rule of solidarity in the face of sacrifices that make it possible to avoid a common peril (Demonsant 2023). The aim of the research is to explore the prospects opened up by these principles of solidarity for managing ecological transitions in a fair manner.

As part of the management research team at Mines Paris, the candidate will explore the effects and conditions of implementation of different models for combating economic perils (polluter pays principle, tax or general average) on concrete cases. An initial field of experimentation has been identified with a community of conurbations in the fight against air pollution, and other fields will be explored. The candidate will explore 1) the possible ways of applying the common damage solidarity rule in the metropolis, 2) the expected effects, from an economic point of view and on the distribution of efforts, and 3) the implications in terms of public policy.

The candidate will:

- Organise empirical experimentation and the comparison of different models for combating environmental hazards in conjunction with the Chair's partners;
- Participate in the analysis and academic valorisation through the publication of articles.
- Participate in the Chair's activities.

Expected qualities: autonomy, a taste for the field and collaborative work, rigour and scientific potential (publications in progress or completed).

Language: French and English Location: Paris - with possible fieldwork in other French cities. The post is available from September 2024. Please send your application, CV, covering letter (indicating how the candidate can contribute to the research project) and a representative paper/publication of your work to :




Demonsant, Charlotte (2023), 'L'atténuation du changement climatique à l'épreuve de l'équité. Étude de la règle des avaries communes et de ses implications pour l'action climatique', PhD thesis from Mines Paris, Université PSL.