i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

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“Une Journée avec Bruno Latour”: The event in videos, texts, drawings and pictures
Posted on 4 January 2024

Une journée avec Bruno Latour”: The event in videos, texts, drawings and pictures

The Center for the Sociology of Innovation held on October 23, 2023 a day-long tribute to Bruno Latour.

Bruno Latour has left a considerable intellectual legacy, many milestones of which he set during his twenty-five years at the CSI, where he was, in turn and in his own way, an anthropologist of science and technology, a political theologian and an investigative philosopher. During this event, members of the CSI, Bruno Latour’s companions along the way and researchers whom he has inspired or baffled continued their conversation with his work.

Find out more about the day’s events on the website “Une journée avec Bruno Latour”, with video captions of the panels, texts, drawings and images.

Opening of the day

Opening address by Jérôme Denis

”It is not a rewinding of the past that we are proposing… Rather, it is a walk we are going to take…”

The panels

The video caption of the 4 panels are accompanied by a short bio of the speakers and a summary of their presentation, as well as the graphic contribution of Anaïs Bloch, anthropologist, illustrator and artist.

Session 1 : Science and Technology Studies

Madeleine Akrich, Simon Schaffer, Dominique Pestre, John Law, Michel Callon

Session 2 : After a reading of An inquiry into of Modes of existence

Antoine Hennion, Isabelle Stengers, Didier Debaise, Bruno Karsenti, Fabian Muniesa

Session 3 : Prolonger les questions sur la nature Extending questions about nature

Liliana Doganova, Kristin Asdal, François Thoreau, Noortje Marres, Brice Laurent, Béatrice Cointe & Léone-Alix Mazaud

Session 4 : Subsistance: making last, maintaining and slowing down

Clément Marquet, Roman Solé-Pomies, Jean Goizauskas & Solène Sarnowski, David Pontille & Jérôme Denis, Christelle Gramaglia, Morgan Meyer, Dominique Vinck

Fonds Bruno Latour – Mines Paris

This day of tribute was an occasion to associate Bruno Latour’s name with a book collection from the Ecole des mines library, hitherto known as the “STS collection”, of which he is a prime instigator. This collection has now been renamed ”Fonds Bruno Latour – Mines Paris”.

Address for the inauguration of the Fonds Bruno Latour – Mines Paris

by Alexandre Mallard

”The history of this collection, resulting from an encounter between a philosopher and the daughter of a major industrialist, will not come as a complete surprise to those who have read Bruno Latour’s book Les microbes, Guerre et Paix (Métailié, 1984) [The Pasteurization of France, Harvard University Press, 1988], dedicated to Louis Pasteur’s discoveries.”


by Florence Paterson and Clarisse Pradel. Scriptopolis

Documentary film and photographic traces

Film ”Fonds Bruno Latour. Archives municipales de Beaune”

Documentary film by Clément Foutrel and Morgan Meyer

“Photographic Traces” exhibitions”

by Morgan Meyer and Clément Foutrel



Visit the website “Une journée avec Bruno Latour”