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Doctoral position in Sociology
Posted on 7 April 2023

Doctoral position in Sociology

3-year PhD contract in sociology on "digital platforms and access to agri-equipment for Mexican family farmers »


This doctoral research is situated at the intersection of two fields of social science research: science and technology studies (STS) and digital studies. It will contribute to analyse what leads farmers and providers to take interest in a digital tool that offers increased access to agricultural equipment. In particular, it will provide a better understanding of how such a digital farm equipment rental platform fits into conventional rural community systems. The lessons from this analysis will provide insights on how, and with what effects, a bundle of socio-technical tools and knowlegde products are inserted within the daily life of Mexican family farms.


This position is available within the research project entitled Coevolution of Equipment, Digital Technologies and Agroecological models (CoEditAg) which aims to understand the co-evolution between the trajectories of development of equipment and digital technologies, and the transformations of the structures, arrangements and organizations that frame agroecological transitions.

The doctoral student will be hosted in France at the Centre de Sociologie de l’innovation (CSI) – Mines Paris, Université PSL, in Paris, with administrative affiliation at CIRAD-UMR Innovation, Université de Montpellier, France. During the stays in Mexico for fieldwork, he/she will be hosted at Cimmyt, near Mexico City.

He/she will work under the supervision of Frédéric Goulet (Cirad), Jelle Van Loon (Cimmyt) and Liliana Doganova (Mines Paris). 

Application Deadline: 15 May 2023

Offer Starting Date: 1 October 2023

Download the full offer description

Contact: Liliana Doganova