i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

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i3 “Mobilities” day
22 September 2021 • 9h30-17h • Evenement interne

This study day aims to bring together the various studies carried out in the Interdisciplinary Institute of Innovation i3 (UMR CNRS 9217) on the theme of mobilities, in order to establish a dialogue that goes beyond disciplinary frameworks on these important phenomena that involve rethinking the relationships between societies, innovation and the environment.


9.30am - 12.30pm


1. Forms of innovation and experimentation in mobility


 "Experimentation market and scaling up: the case of the autonomous vehicle

Brice Laurent and Mathieu Baudrin (CSI)

"Typical ideas for autonomous mobility

Marc Alochet, Christophe Midler (CRG)

"Future shared robot-taxis: mode of projection in use" Béatrice Cahour and Marie Midler (CRG)

Béatrice Cahour and Marie Hoarau (SES)

"Exploration of frugal electromobility in Sub-Saharan Africa"

Lorenzo Fioni, Sihem Ben Mahmoud Jouini, Christophe Midler (CRG)


Discussant : Virginie Boutueil (ENPC)


2. Figures of users and uses of mobility


"Mobility in a visually impaired situation and assistive technologies"

 Marc Relieu (SES)

"Mobile and digital tinkering of young people in the trajectories towards employment" 

Dana Diminescu, M.-H. Juteau, and Christian Licoppe (SES)

Two-wheeler mobility in urban areas

  • "e-scooter uses in public spaces" Christian Licoppe (SES) and Sylvaine Tuncer
  • "Activity and difficulties of 2-wheeled delivery drivers in Paris" Béatrice Cahour, Anaïs Romain, Mathilde Rattina (SES)

"Trust and mistrust in the face of mobility innovations"

  • "Trust and autonomous driving L2: ecological and longitudinal approach

Béatrice Cahour (SES) and Sabine Langlois (Renault).

  • "Dynamics of innovation diffusion: factors of abandonment and enthusiasm

Cécile Chamaret & Virginie Pez (CRG)

Discussant : Jean-Marie Burkhardt (Univ.G.Eiffel & IFSTTAR)

2pm - 5pm

3. Value chains, business models, public policies for mobility

"Industrial policy and experimental action: autonomous vehicle and hydrogen vehicle"   

Liliana Doganova, Brice Laurent, Alexandre Violle (CSI)

"Optimisation of freight transport"

Mariam Lafkihi (CGS)

"The role of collaborative projects in the structuring of innovation ecosystems" Giulia Marcocchia, Rémi Maniak, Florence Charue Duboc (CRG)

Public regulation and international cooperation

  • "Global innovation and local collaborative design, the KZE case" 

Christophe Midler (CRG)

  • "Analysis of the role of public regulations in the transition of automotive mobility towards zero carbon emissions" M. Alochet, J. Ruet, X. Wang (CRG)

"Chair Connected Car and cybersecurity

Claire Levallois-Barth (SES), Jonathan Keller 

Discussant : Joël Ruet (i3)


4. Infrastructures and various forms of mobility in public space

"Infrastructures and maintenance: the tramway of yesterday and today"

Marc Relieu (SES), Lise Arenal (Univ. Nice Côte d'Azur)

"Taking care of roads. The challenges of heritage management of roads in sparsely populated areas".    

Roman Solé-Pomies (CSI)

"Vehicle trains: an alternative solution to mass transit?"

Alochet, C. Midler (CRG)

"Governing mobility in a pandemic regime: temporary infrastructures and tactical urbanism. Genesis and perpetuation of the corona pistes in Paris".

Jérôme Denis and Nolwenn Garnier (CSI)

Discussant:  Jean-Pierre Orfeuil (Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie)

Contact and organisation: B. Cahour, J. Denis, Ch.Licoppe, Ch.Midler, D.Pontille.



22 September 2021
9 h 30 min - 17 h 00 min
Event Categories:


Béatrice Cahour
Jérôme Denis
Christian Licoppe
Christophe Middler
David Pontille


Evenement interne
XXX, 91000
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