i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

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Release of Winter 2019 Libellio issue
Posted on 20 December 2019

In this issue, a dossier on open science that can ultimately disrupt research activity. Lionel Maurel, Bruno Granier and Frédéric Hélien led sessions this autumn at the French Society of Management on the subject, to which the SFM will devote its winter seminar on February 28. Note this date: the world of research may be at the dawn of a revolution in its practices.

Another dossier is devoted to one of the most disturbing and sinister social phenomena, the trials of witchcraft between the 15th and 17th centuries. Johannes Kepler and Jean Bodin are the protagonists.

Hervé Laroche opens a series of texts that he will devote to scientific writing.

Christian Morel analyses a little-known profession, that of guest lecturer.

Silvia Gherardi presents her book on the analysis of practices.

Cécile Chamaret and Geoffrey Leuridan's geek column is devoted this time to note-taking.

Can Brexit lead to Scottish independence? By evoking Walter Scott and R.L. Stevenson, the Libellio returns in any case to the importance of this country in European culture.

To those who celebrate Hanukkah and Christmas, happy feasts of light in the heart of this winter solstice. To all of you, very happy holidays, the Libellio team.

Download Le Libellio d' - volume 15 numéro 4 Hiver 2019