- Cet évènement est passé
A workshop co-organized by PACTE, GREDEG and CSI-i3, and funded by the research program « Nuclear, Energy, Environment, Waste, Society » from CNRS
Since the end of the ‘90s, the European energy sector has encountered a liberalization process driven by the project of an integrated electricity market. At the same time, the European states have not abandoned to intervene in the organization of their national sector and partly retain control of the energy mix. European liberalization policy and national energy policies have been built independently and have created many inconsistencies and points of friction.
This workshop has the ambition to put together a group of researchers in political science, economic sociology and economics who are interested in these interactions between the wholesale electricity markets and energy policies. The scientific challenge is to understand how our political, economic and legal institutions are supporting these frictions and are attempting to articulate these policies, and how articulations rely on economic expertise, political negotiation, legal interpretation, etc.
Several themes will be addressed: the future of nuclear energy in a market context, support mechanisms for renewable energy and articulation with the electricity market, climate change mitigation instruments and their articulation with the electricity market, requirements for security of electricity supply.
For more information, contact: thomas.reverdy@grenoble-inp.fr
Please send the following informations to : noe.jubert@etu-iepg.fr
- First name
- Last name
- Institutional membership
- Which session you'd like to attend (28 am / pm, 29 am / pm)
- Attendance at lunches