i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

Chargement Évènements
  • Cet évènement est passé
51ème séance Séminaire Management de l’Innovation
09 Juin 2016 • 17h-19h • Mines ParisTech • Salle à confirmer

Avec Ram MUDAMBI et Catherine SEYS sur le thème « International innovation networks - Knowledge connectivity in a videogame company and embedded computer vision industry ». Global innovation systems are becoming ever more complex and nurtured by intense interactions. However MNEs continue to drive global knowledge networks: they undertake global search and locate activities in innovation hotspots. They tend to retain knowledge of the full innovation system while parceling out individual specialized activities to a range of outsourcers, alliances and joint-venture partners and other units within their innovation ecosystem. What is the nature of connections that span geographic, organizational and technological space? What do we know about the conduits through which knowledge travels? What about knowledge connectivity associated with informal networks, especially those made at the project level resulting in fluctuating network from a project to another? In fact, the increasing connectivity between knowledge clusters may yield new forms of relationship that enable knowledge co-creation rather than mere transfer. These are the questions that will be addressed based on the analysis of two cases: one at an industry level and one at a company level. On the first part of the seminar, Professor Ram Mudambi will provide a holistic understanding of the genesis and growth of an industry at the global level and the relative contribution of personal relationships for ‘de novo’ and ‘de alio’ firms. He will illustrate how serendipitous social connections can underpin formalized organizational pipelines that generate global networks and how in turn, these global networks, anchored in technology and knowledge nodes catalyze the emergence of new industries. He will focus on the case study of the embedded computer vision (ECV) industry. On the second part, Mrs. Catherine Seys will illustrate how the global network of creative capacities works at Ubisoft, the video game designer firm. She will highlight three types of distribution of these capacities: geographic, organizational and institutional. Pour des considérations pratiques d'organisation, merci de confirmer votre présence par retour de mail à : laurence.gillier@polytechnique.edu Nom : ............................................. Prénom : ................................ Organisme : ................................... Fonction : ...................................... Email : ...........................................


Date :
09 juin 2016
Heure :
17 h 00 min - 19 h 00 min
Catégories d’Évènement:


Mines ParisTech
60 Boulevard Saint-Michel
Paris, 75006 France
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