i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

Séminaire de recherche du Cerna

Ce séminaire accueille à la fois des présentations de recherches menées par des membres du centre et des invités extérieurs.

Organizers: sven.heim@mines-paristech.fr and dennis.rickert@mines-paristech.fr

  • 21 September at 16:00 in Salle Chevalier, Michelangelo Rossi (Telecom Paris) will talk about Scapegoating and Discrimination in Times of Crisis: Evidence from Airbnb (joint with M. Luca and E. Pronkina)
  • 5 October at 16:00 in salle Vendôme, Joanna Piechucka (European Commission – DGCOMP) wil talk about Assessing EU Merger Control through Compensating Efficiencies
  • 26 October at 16:00 in Salle Vendome, Ulrich Laitenberger (Telecom Paris),will talk about  Bye-box: An Analysis of Non-Promotion on the Amazon Marketplace
  • 7 December at 16:00 in Salle Vendome, Daniel Herrera (Dauphine) will talk about The effects of banning loss-leader pricing in grocery retailing markets (joint with Jorge Florez, Banco de la Republica)
  • 18 January at 16:00 in Salle Vendome, Daniel Stoehlker (European Commission) will talk about The Pass-Through of Temporary VAT Rate Cuts: Evidence from German Supermarket Retail (joint with Clemens Fuest and Florian Neumeier)
  • 22 February at 16:00 in Salle Vendôme, Roxana Fernandez (ENSA, CREST) will talk about The ALUR law and the opening of Drives in the French grocery retail sector (with Bonnet, C; Bouamra, Z; Chambolle, C.)
  • 8 March at 16:00 in Salle Vendôme, Kevin Remmy (University Mannheim) will talk about Adjustable product attributes indirect network effect and subsidy design : The case of electric vehicules.
  • 22 March at 16:00 in Salle des Colonnes, Filippo D’Arcangelo (OECD) will talk about The OECD framework on climate change migration evidence and policy options.
  • 5 April at 16:00 in Salle Vendôme, Claire Montialoux (UC Berkeley) will talk about Racial Inequality, Minima Wage Spillovers and the Informal Section.
  • 10 May 2023 at 16:00 in Salle Vendome, Biliana Yontcheva (DICE), will talk about Chain formation and consumer welfare on the retail pharmacy market 
  • 24 May 2023 at 16:00 in Salle Chevalier, Emanuele Tarantino (LUISS), will talk about Credit Conditions When Lenders are Commonly Owned (with Mattia Colombo and Laura Grigolon) ;
  • 5 June at 16:00 in Salle Vendome, Michaela Draganska (Drexel University) will talk about Digital Content Portfolios and Subscription Behavior
  • 7 June at 16:00 in Salle Vendôme, Kevin Remmy (University Mannheim)  will talk about Adjustable product attributes, indirect network effects, and subsidy design: The case of electric vehicles