i3, une unité mixte de recherche CNRS (UMR 9217)

Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation

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Le séminaire Invité.e.s du CSI accueillera Kregg Hetherington Concordia University Research Chair in Environmental Ethnography
21 Novembre 2023 • 15h-17h • en visioconférence

Le séminaire Invité.e.s du CSI accueillera

Kregg Hetherington

Concordia University Research Chair in Environmental Ethnography


pour une discussion autour de son livre


The Government of Beans

Regulating Life in the Age of Monocrops



Introduction à la discussion par Guilhaum Panas.

Quatrième de couverture : The Government of Beans is about the rough edges of environmental regulation, where tenuous state power and blunt governmental instruments encounter ecological destruction and social injustice. At the turn of the twenty-first century, Paraguay was undergoing dramatic economic, political, and environmental change due to a boom in the global demand for soybeans. Although the country’s massive new soy monocrop brought wealth, it also brought deforestation, biodiversity loss, rising inequality, and violence. Kregg Hetherington traces well-meaning attempts by bureaucrats and activists to regulate the destructive force of monocrops that resulted in the discovery that the tools of modern government are at best inadequate to deal with the complex harms of modern agriculture and at worst exacerbate them. The book simultaneously tells a local story of people, plants, and government; a regional story of the rise and fall of Latin America’s new left; and a story of the Anthropocene writ large, about the long-term, paradoxical consequences of destroying ecosystems in the name of human welfare.

Kregg Hetherington, The Government of Beans. Regulating Life in the age of monocrops, Duke University Press, 2020.


Le séminaire est organisé collectivement par les doctorants du CSI. Il est ouvert au public sur inscription. Le séminaire est ouvert au public sur inscription.

Programme du séminaire 2023-2024


Date : Mardi 21 Novembre 2023, de 15h à 17h

La séance se déroulera en visoconférence.

Inscription : merci de remplir ce formulaire

Contact : Léone-Alix Mazaud ou Allyson Pallisser


Date :
21 novembre 2023
Heure :
15 h 00 min - 17 h 00 min
Catégories d’Évènement:


en visioconférence
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