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ESTS, « Maintenance & Its Knowledges » thematic collection
Posté le 3 mai 2024

Dirigé par Jérôme Denis, Daniel Florentin et David Pontille, le dossier thématique “Maintenance & Its Knowledges”, publié en avril 2024 dans ESTS – Engaging Science, Technology & Society, met en lumière les vertus épistémiques de la maintenance en examinant une dimension encore sous-estimée et inexplorée : les formes de connaissances et savoirs associés aux activités de maintenance. Les recherches présentées dans la série d’articles de ce dossier thématique examinent l’expertise que requiert la maintenance et la réparation dans une variété de configurations, en se penchant à la fois sur les « connaissances mobilisées en matière de maintenance » et les « connaissances de la maintenance ».

Guest edited by Jérôme Denis, Daniel Florentin and David Pontille, the thematic collection “Maintenance & Its Knowledges”, published in April 2024 in ESTS – Engaging Science, Technology & Society, highlights the epistemic virtues of maintenance by examining a still underestimated and unexplored dimension: the forms of knowledge associated with maintenance activities. The research presented in the series of articles in this thematic collection examines the expertise required for maintenance and repair in a variety of configurations addressing both ‘knowledge in maintenance’ and ‘knowledge of maintenance’.



Maintenance and Its Knowledges: Functional Exploration, Biographical Supervision, and Behavioural Examination

Jérôme Denis, Daniel Florentin, David Pontille  (CSI – I3  CNRS UMR 9217 –  Mines Paris – PSL)

“My Store is a Laboratory”: Knowledge Produced by Smartphone Repairers
Nicolas Nova, Anaïs Bloch (HEAD — Haute école d’art et de design, Genève)

When to Care: Temporal Displacements and the Expertise of Maintenance Workers in Public Transport
Tobias Röhl (University of Education Zurich)

Stewards of the Organization: The Management of Repair and Maintenance Work in Large Organizations
Alex Reiss Sorokin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

What Fragility? Multiple Professional Visions in the Maintenance of French Public Roads
Roman Solé-Pomies (CSI – I3  CNRS UMR 9217 –  Mines Paris – PSL)

Non-Manipulable Things? Maintaining a Techno-Judicial Imaginary on Sealed Biological Samples in the French Criminal Justice
Vololona Rabeharisoa, Florence Paterson (CSI – I3  CNRS UMR 9217 –  Mines Paris – PSL)

Software Maintenance as Materialization of Common Knowledge
Mace Ojala (Ruhr University Bochum), Marisa Leavitt Cohn (IT University of Copenhagen)

Knowing with Microalgae: On the Maintenance of a Wastewater Treatment Prototype in an Ecovillage
Mandy de Wilde (Leiden University), Fenna Smits (University of Amsterdam)




ESTS – Engaging Science, Technology & Society, Vol.9 N°3 (2023), Thematic collection « Maintenance & its Knowledges », published April 2024 (open access).